Gather 'round, all ye ambassadors of defective head-meat, for it be time to ponder eternal mysteries. If a tree falls in the forest and no one's aruond to hear it, does it make a sound? Why does everybody love Raymond? What do you call a handyman with no hands? Who let the dogs out, who, who, who-who? Is Ryan Seacrest's forehead really d**k Cheney? If Kerry and Edwards had won the '06 elections, who would Edwards have shot in the face? Would Kerry have choked on a pretzel? THE PIDGEONS ARE LAUGHIN AT ME, MA!!!
I need to lie down now.......
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Rantings of a Diseased Mind
All those who read further beware, for your brain shall liquify, drip out your nostrils, and flush itself down the toilet.
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Smile and the world smiles with you, laugh and they'll all think you're on drugs.
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