Von glanced across the room at his boyfriend. Nicolas was the desk, several books and sheets of paper spread out around him. He was bent over his work, scratching furiously at it with a pen. He hadn't looked up all evening. The space of their apartment was dark save Nicki's lamp. The room was at the top of the old theatre house where they worked, and help only a small bed, the desk, a couch, and a window overlooking the usually loud streets. Von currently occupied the couch.
Nicki's pen fell silent. He turned through one book, than another. Von shuddered. He's been reading those creepy short stories for days now; The Yellow Wallpaper, The Green Ribbon, Pophyria's Lover. Those stories seriously disturbed him. He kept watching as Nicki went back to work. Von compressed his lips, then hopped up and made his way behind the desk. Crumpled balls of rejected paper crunched beneath his feet. Nicki never looked up. Von grimaced again at the books.
He slipped an arm across Nicki's shoulders, kissing him on the cheek. Nicki smiled slightly, glancing up at him. "What are you working on Darling?"
"Just a short story," he replied. Nicolas set the pen down, reaching with his other hand to take Von's. Von leaned over him to read the paper, only to be pushed back. "Not yet, dear. It isn't finished. I could tell you about it though, if you'd like." Nicki gave him a sly smile; Von kissed it away.
"Is it one of those creepy twisted stories?"
"I can't tell you that. Be patient. You should always read the beginning first."
"But you won't let me read it," Von pouted, nuzzling his shoulder.
"Come and sit. I'll tell you the story.
Von sat down by the chair, and Nicolas moved to sit in his lap. "Well, the handsome prince sets out to rescue the damsel in distress."
"Tell me true, what is it really?"
"Just as I say. The handsome prince tried to rescue the princess, but he can't."
Von ran his hands through Nicki's hair. "And why can't he get to her love?"
"The princess isn't in the tower."
"Well, where is she?"
"Hush now, or I won't tell you and return to my writing."
Von put a finger to his lips. Maybe he would be able to eradicate the awful chill in the room and free his lover from the ice.
Nicki just smiled. "No, she isn't in the tower, but the prince must go in to get out. He has to find her you see." Von tilted his head in confusion."Go in to get out? So the princess is on the roof.."
"Yes! Very good. Why is she there?"
"Well how long has she been in the castle?"
"A very long time."
"...Then she must be mad."
"You're very good at this love. Yes, the princess is insane. But the prince doesn't know it. She's in the upper rooms, which are very small and ill-furnished. There's a small bed, a desk, a couch, and a window over looking the streets."
"Now," Nicki continued, "there are several traps and warnings along the way, but the prince avoids them without knowing there were there. Soon, he reaches the door."
Von smiled. "What happens next?" He nudged Nicki when he didn't answer. Nicolas just smiled and kissed him again.
"Didn't I say to be patient?"
"Yes, sweetheart, you did. It's a very interesting story. Continue on."
Nicki smiled again. "He opens the door. The princess is inside, writing at the desk. Books and papers are everywhere around her. He come up behind her, comforting, puts his arm around her. She smiles, and they talk for a little while."
"She doesn't seem mad at all!"
"Hush, love, and let me finish." Nicki got up and sat back in his chair; Von remained on the floor. He picked up the pen. "The princess goes back to her desk after a cuddle and kiss."
"Wait, what did they talk about?"
"She told him a story."
"Oh. So what happens? A happily ever after?"
The smile returned. "No darling. No, not for the mad."
"How does it end then?"
The street noises entered the room for just a moment; car horns, people shouting. A gleam of silver caught in the lamplight. The room fell silent again. Nicki watched Von lay on the floor.
"With an unexpected murder."
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