What do you think the emticons mean? Well this is what i think they mean!
biggrin =Happy
smile =ok
redface =Blush
=Like my hamster just died face
stare =bored
xd =Excited
3nodding =agrees
blaugh =Like I found out am going to Disney World Face
gonk =Why me?
scream =Yell
stressed =Headache or not feeling so well
sweatdrop =Nervous
heart =Love
domokun =Like I feel like eating you face
xp = Like i spit at you face
whee = Like yeah me face
wink = Your cute
sad = Are you mad at me?
surprised = no ******** way!
eek = Like i just saw pigs fly face
confused =Huh?
cool =I am so conceided or I am obssesed with myself
lol = Like i am laughing at a joke that isn't funny but trying to make the person think their funny
mad =What are you looking at face
razz = That was funny or that is cool
cry = I am sad
evil =You are an idiot!
twisted = Muwhahahahaha face
rolleyes =Whatever
exclaim =Exclamation Point Duh!
question =Question Mark Duh!
idea = I have an idea
arrow = I am with stupid
neutral = stoned
mrgreen = someone who is high!
ninja = like you don't want to meet me in a dark allie face!
4laugh = awwww soooo cute
rofl = LMAO
pirate = Pirate i Guess
talk2hand = You just got Burned
burning_eyes = I am burning,burning,buuuurn!
cheese_whine = I like cheese and Wine
dramallama = Choking llama
wahmbulance = Help or oh noooooo!
emo = Deep Depression Kid
biggrin =Happy
smile =ok
redface =Blush
=Like my hamster just died face
stare =bored
xd =Excited
3nodding =agrees
blaugh =Like I found out am going to Disney World Face
gonk =Why me?
scream =Yell
stressed =Headache or not feeling so well
sweatdrop =Nervous
heart =Love
domokun =Like I feel like eating you face
xp = Like i spit at you face
whee = Like yeah me face
wink = Your cute
sad = Are you mad at me?
surprised = no ******** way!
eek = Like i just saw pigs fly face
confused =Huh?
cool =I am so conceided or I am obssesed with myself
lol = Like i am laughing at a joke that isn't funny but trying to make the person think their funny
mad =What are you looking at face
razz = That was funny or that is cool
cry = I am sad
evil =You are an idiot!
twisted = Muwhahahahaha face
rolleyes =Whatever
exclaim =Exclamation Point Duh!
question =Question Mark Duh!
idea = I have an idea
arrow = I am with stupid
neutral = stoned
mrgreen = someone who is high!
ninja = like you don't want to meet me in a dark allie face!
4laugh = awwww soooo cute
rofl = LMAO
pirate = Pirate i Guess
talk2hand = You just got Burned
burning_eyes = I am burning,burning,buuuurn!
cheese_whine = I like cheese and Wine
dramallama = Choking llama
wahmbulance = Help or oh noooooo!
emo = Deep Depression Kid
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