Jeffrey Palota
Hair:His hair is flat and short and it is brown
Status:Stars member
Info:Jeffrey is a real jerk to his younger teamates but he would protect them with his life. he is skilled with the gernades and hand guns which make him very usefulfor operations like this.he like tomake funof other stars members and heis a stronged willed person.
Fav weap
Hand guns
Current weaps
35 gernades
6 handguns
2 sub machine guns
Jeffrey:* in the helicopter* ....we are near the location*looks at carom* hey....Carom...don't fool around this time!
Carom:*looks at Jeffrey*Who says i will?....finally we're at the location....Yo Pilot land here!
Pilot:Roger!*pulls a lever which makes the helicopter decends*
Jeffrey:*everyone gets out ofthe helicopterand jeffrey looks at the huge mansion*thats to wide to be a mansion......*hears groaning noise*every one split up now!
Every one of the stars membersplit into groups and started running torwards or away from the mansion*
Axel:*waves a hand* hey jeffrey,Jordan! follow me!
they run towards the mansions front entrance
Resindent evil:Lost Memories
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Resindent Evil:Lost Memories
a story ......a future...a dream....a horror
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Draws-1(Screw you perish song!)