If you know what a kender is, you will understand. If not, this is going to be a collection of random stuff depending on how I feel, the events of the day, web sites, personal interests, trinkets, collectables and stuff from my pockets :)
Survivors Unite
I'm sure that those reading my posts will have figured out that I am a survivor of childhood sexual abuse. There I admitted it. But it is no secret. I mean keeping it secret is where most of my problems stemmed from. So I've learned not to keep it hidden. Not only does it help me out, but maybe my experiences and those of the other survivors in my family might assist others in leading a normal life.
I was 5 when my dad's brother got me (he was 14). 7 when mom's uncle abused my sisters and I, and about 12 when he gave me a scare by attempting to repeat the past, and 10 when my grandpa went after my sisters and I (btw my sisters are almost 3 years younger than me). My parents knew about all this. But they didn't do anything. They may have temporarily stopped mom's uncle, but as he still was permitted to live in the basement of the house, it gave him the chance to try again, but why he held off until I was 12 I am not sure.
At 10 I started having problems with what happened. Grandpa has triggered my first flashback, but Sex Ed kept them coming. And really for the first time I started to understand what these men had been trying to accomplish and it was scary. But at 14 when I started showing interest in the opposite sex did my life get complicated and the flashbacks started bringing on panic attacks. That was when I knew something was horribly wrong, and because my parents were of no help I went to a school nurse at the advice of a friend.
Naturally, that triggered contact and interviews with the police and Children's Aid Society. Mom's uncle was finally forced out of the house because he was considered a threat, and protocols were set when we visited grandpa. But no charges were laid because of how long it had been since the abuse. But that was when I found out that grandpa use to abuse my aunts (maybe even my dad and uncles which explains alot). But it also showed me how much denial was in my family. The secrets and the ignorance they all kept. I still have some issues around that. And is the big reason why I don't hide my story anymore.
I consider myself lucky though. I don't have alot of the serious problems other survivors have. Yeah I've experienced the flashbacks and panic attacks, sexual hinderances, the counsellors and such, but I don't have PTSD, MPD, self injury behaviour (cutting, burning), or deal with alcohol, drugs, extreme depression or meds. So for that I'm grateful. My one sister use to be an alcoholic, and cut. My aunts and other sister attempted to leave the house with the first person they could, and that has left them with problem relationships and multiple break ups/divorces. So I've seen a lot of the complications that sexual abuse/rape can cause. Hopefully, I can use that experience to help others, and offer what support I can.