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So Far Away


A girl is walking down the street as school is almost going to end. She feels happy as she is going to turn 16. She have her own way of telling people how she feels. Today, she knows she going to have a good day.

"Hey Ayame what up."

She turn and wave with a smile. "Hello, Kiba what are you up to."

"Nothing just chilling....huh?"


"I know something I have to do but I forgot what was it."

Ayame sweatdroped and look down as she sign. "That sucks, so Kiba are you going to do it?" Kiba just stare at Ayame as she seen happy. "No, what was it sis?" Ayame with white and feels cold. "Today is Apirl the 2nd....you know what that means...right." Kiba thinks about it and nodded. "Yes, we have school today." Ayame fell down and twich her foot.

Ayame look down as it is her birthday. Her heart is cold but she doesn't really care about it. The bus show up and Ayame just stare at it passed by her. "So Ayame what are you going to do later on the day."

"I don't know. I was thinking of crying for some reason."

"Oh, is that kinda of day."

They both abored the bus and Ayame sat down as she flash her ID to the bus driver. "I can't believe my own brother doesn't remeber my birthday." She thinks to herself. Ayame just stare outside as she started to sing a song. She looks at Kiba as she waiting for his friends.

Ayame is an outcast, some people see her like an emo but really she not. No one in school really care about her but some does. Ayame is just one of the girls are not all girly but all punk. Yes, punk but not becaues how she dress but how she is.

"So Ayame are you going to stare at the window all day?"

Ayame look at Hinata and smile. "Oh, hello Hinata I didn't know your here already." She at school already but she standing outside looking at the tree at have white flowers.

Hinata is her best friend, she emo and a really good friend. Hinata does care about Ayame but even if she feels hurt she be by her side.

"Happy brithday Ayame-chan."

Hinata give Ayame a box that she have in her bag that says 'real guys wear eyeliner'. Ayame smile and bow to Hinata with thanks as she remeber. "So you turn 16, you what to go out later on of the day?"

"Yeah, that well be really nice."

Ayame smile as her eyes are golden and her hair is kinda long but purple. Hinata nodded and give her ticket to see saw 3. Ayame laugh and look at Hinata white eyes and short navy blue hair. She knows that this is going to be fun. They both walk down the hallway as there holding hands. Kiba just stare at them as he with his friends. They don't care about that. "So Kiba how old is you little sister?"

"Why you ask?"

"I what to know that all."

"Is Hinata 17?"

Kiba thinks about it and says "Ayame is 15 and she turn 16 in Apirl the 2nd." They all look at Kiba and they all says "Today is the Apirl the 2nd." Kiba got shock and stare at his watch. "No today is May not Apirl."

"Yo, Kiba do you remeber that bad as prake we did to the school."

"Oh, hell ya! That was bad a**."

"Dude, that was Apirl fools."

Kiba eyes twich and looks at Ayame before she turn to the band hall that she had a black box. Kiba blow it up again. "That sucks...." There friends started to laugh at him and looks at the cop that was coming there way. "Hey there you are!" The gang look at the cop as he radio someone and they all slip.


Ayame sat down stareing at Hinata blushing like always. Hinata is only smileing as it going to be a good day. "You can open it if you what Ayame-chan."

"Okay Hinata-chan."

Ayame open it and wouder what it is. "So you like it." Hinata said with a smile. Ayame put it one and smile. "I like this coller. Where did you buy it."

"At hot topic."

The coller is black and with a little silver heart. Hinata smile and look at Ayame alittle closer. Ayame only blush as Hinata have that eyes on her again. Her leps is getting close to Ayame's so close that they are going to kiss. The bell rang and everyone started to show up form everywhere. "Oh, Hinata I have to go to class now, sorry." Ayame stand up and left with her bag. Hinata looks at Ayame walking away and smile. "Okay, bye my love.

Ayame heart is betting as Hinata almost kiss her again. She knows that she does have the same feelings for her but she have a crash with the outcast in school, the red hair kid that always get into fights in school and always be alone and talk to afew people. She knows that she can't get to close to him as she abit shy to cute guys.

"Ayame can you stop daydreaming and let go."

Ayame snap out of it and saw her old friend, Bruno the dark forsaken angel. He an angel but he dark in his soul and he been forsaken to everyone that doesn't believe in his words. The words that he keeps on saying 'My path is the way of my eyes' no one believe in that.

Ayame smile at Bruno as he looks at her. "So, happy 16th brithday Ayame-chan."

"Wow, you remeber like always. You didn't have to buy me something."

Bruno stare at her and pulled a small box that says 'My blood' Ayame knows what is that. She get it and look at Bruno in shock, the bell rings and Bruno with to class. She still outside and Bruno is looking at her out the door and thinking to himself. "I think it was better if I give her the gift later on the day."

"Miss. Taiushi, later of today."

She looks at the teacher and freck as she late in the 3rd time in the week. Ayame walk in and put the small box in her bag and stare at the boand waiting for the teacher to do something.

"Okay class today is going to be a top quiz as it friday. We don't have that much time for class so it better."

She walk by and pass out handouts. She looks at Ayame and laugh abit. "Miss. Taiushi I hope you welln't cheat on this quiz like last time."

Ayame smiles as she did cheat the last time. Ayame looks at the quiz and does it fast as it talking about world history. The taecher looks at Ayame and smiles as she really try this time. The bell rang and time was up for everyone. They put the test on top of the techer desk and everyone left. Ayame just sat there looking at the teacher. "Looks like I have to go."

"Miss. Taiushi, I'm glad that your doing your best."


Ayame left and looks around as everything is going good at last.


Ayame is walking home as the day have passed fast. She looks down and feel hear new coller as she loves it. "So, sis how was your day."

"Good, Kiba I can't..."

"Sorry that I forgot about your brithday to."

Ayame just stare at Kiba as his uniform is always a miss. It looks like he have been running for a long time. His uniform is kinda rip but that how he likes it. Ayame looks down as everything is going great for awhile. Kiba laugh as he remeber a joke she telled Ayame and she didn't get until she with to bed.

"Kiba, I'm going somewhere later on the day."

Kiba looks at Ayame as her cheeks are turning red. He smikes and looks at her abit. "I what to know where is my little sister is going for the night."

"I'm going with Hinata to see saw 3"

Kiba freck and looks at her as she still blushing. "I know she a lesbin but I didn't mean it like this." Kiba said in mind. Ayame look up at the riseing sun as it going to go down. "Let go home before 6."

They ran home before the time runs out.


Ayame is waiting at the movies as she is wearing a blue baggy pants and a black shirt with the coller. She have her bag waiting for Hinata to come.

"Oh, hello Ayame so your my blind date."

Ayame look and saw Brandon, Ayame blushes really bad as she saw Hinata behide him throw tumbs up.

Ayame just blushes and looks at his red eyes as there eye contact. She only blush as he stare at her. "So are we going in, brithday girl." Ayame just smilpey nodded. They with in and Hinata pulled out a cig. "Okay, where my date." She stare at the fight that was going on. "s**t, who can this be." It wasn't a fight but a brake for it. She saw long purple hair flying passed her with but someone following him. "Get your a** over here! Were going to kill you for cheating!"

"This one didn't do anything like that."

Hinata just stare at him as he make a turn to the dark ally. "It like a bad anime."

"Tell me about it."

Hinata freck as she saw Gaare behide her. "I though you quit smoking?"

"Yes, but you didn't have to come form behide."


The movie was over and Ayame is holding Brandon hands. She looks at Brandon as he looks hot.

((Kiba: I think I should type now.
Ayame: Fine, I'll help your brother.))

"So where you live that I can drop you off."

Ayame just stare but red. "I..I...live in 506 Mito streets." Brandon only nodded and get into his car and drive her home.


Hinata woke up in a bed in the moring. Her head is banging and she looks around. "What a night." She saw Gaara next to her. She smile and kiss his fort head and with to make brakefest. She put on her white shirt that says 'STAIND chapter V' She play some muisc as she feels happy.

Hinata walk into the kitchen making some eyes and waffies for Gaara. She can hear the water running form her bath room and yelled "You better not make a miss in there! I just clean it!" When she finsh she put the food on the table.

Gaara walks in the living room with his clothes on. "You look good today Hinata."

"I know what about you?"

"I'm going to work later on the day."

"Oh, I see."

He sat down looking at Hinata as he kinda tired. "You look nice Hinata-chan."

"Thank you, I mean you did telled me you what to met me."

He only smiles while Hinata stares at him eating his waffies and eggs.

How About You

Ayame woke up afew weeks have passed that she had a date with Brandon. She didn't see Brandon for awhile.

She wait the the mall as summer is here. She saw Brandon at Hot Topic buying a Naruto headband withe the sand village. She looks at him and says "Where have you been?" He just looks at her and says "I was busy."

"Your not a shame form not calling?"

"Not really, I mean I know I'll see you later."

Ayame feels hurt as he not ashame. She just sign but looks at Brandon with a smile. "Do you think I should by a headband?"

"If you what, I'll buy you one too."

Ayame just stare at him and smile, Ayame just buy a headband and put it around her neck. She not waering the coller what Hinata got her. She stares at Gaara as he put his alway. "You what to walk."

She smiles and hold his hand. "Let go."

They are walking until they stop a book shop. Ayame looks around hoping that she can find a mange or a resident evil book. A girl that seen that she a bunny walks up to Brandon. "Hello. what up."

Ayame looks at him kinda pissed and look at her. "Hello, how are you?"

"Oh, I'm good just what to met friends."

Ayame just stare and look at her as she seen nice. Brandon looks at Ayame and Bunny and kinda scrach his head thinking if there some kinda fire going on.


Kiba woke up really late and started to wouder off in his room. He looks outside as it aready going to pass the day again. "What the hell am I going to do?"

He looks down as he saw his father car gone. He knows his mother is not here.....not anymore. He walk down stairs and eat something. His stumch started to crave for something to eat. "I'm so hungry!!" He looks at the table and get into shock. "Who the ******** eat my waffies!" He started to smell the senct of it and grim. "Dam you little sister." He looks for anything to eat and got white. "There nothing here! I can't cook for s**t!"

He walk to the living room and feels something unholy in the place. He looks at the tv and his eye was twiching. "Where the photo of mother?" He feels something is more worng and he looks at the chips that on the glass table. "Food, but who open it. I know that Ayame chips but there something wrong here." He walk up to her room and freck.

"What the hell happen here!"

The bed was a miss and the window is open. The computer is on and it looks like someone was useing it and didn't close the window on myspace. Kiba eye is just twiching as it myspace. He knows his little sister hate myspace and no one even give her space. He hit to the hallway and yelled, "What the hell is going here!!!"

He hears a sound in his room and take a few steps. "Meow." he open his down and a black cat jump on his face. "......." He grab it by the far and looks at the cat as it Ayame kitty, Sumiko. "I though Ayame took you with her."


Kiba just grim as the cat is hungry. He walks down stairs and open a can of meow mix. He put it on Sumiko bowl and looks at her eat. "I wouder where Ayame with to." He hears a knock on the door. Kiba open it as it his friend Angel. "Hey what up."

"Nothing just feel alone....again."

"To bad, hey what to play halo."

"Okay sasey pants your on."

They started to play in the living room picking names like Kiba_sesshomaru0 and Nekoyasha`. They played online to pissed off other player on there wacky game to see who the best killer.


It already getting dark and Ayame just with to the park alone. She knows that Brandon have to do something alone as well. She looks at the place as it seen cold and good. "I wouder what might happen now."

"Hey, your Angel friend right."

She looks behide her and saw Bunny. She looks good in her japanese outfit. Ayame only smiles at her and there alone in the park. "Yeah, how do you knwo about that." She just stare at her and says "She have a huge crash on you." Ayame eyes are twiching and look at Bunny as she smileing. "You got to be kidding."

"No it ture, she telled me."

"This is like a bad anime."

"I know."

Ayame just sat down looking up as the sun is setting. Bunny just stares at Ayame and says "Do you what to fight?"

Ayame just stares at her and nodded. She stand up and throw a fist at her. Bunny grabs it and throw her to the ground, Ayame landed on her feets and sweep kick her. Bunny jump over her and kick her back. Ayame flow but roll and pulled a kunai knife. "I got you this time."

Bunny eyes turn evil and punch her really fast that she didn't see her move.

She land and trie to doge her moves. "I can't keep up." Bunny got behide her and kick her back that she falls to the floor. Ayame doesn't stand a change around her. "Stupid girl, thinks she can be the best shinobi."

Ayame just stare and says "Your not Bunny, who are you?" She garb Ayame by the hair and yelled "Bunny is daed, I'm her demon." Ayame just stare at her and kick her in the legs. She didn't let go and pull her hair. Ayame is crying and looks at her. "You're going to died."

Ayame can't see well and passed out as she feels weak."

When she out she have a dream that someone in a drak shadow saying that she is weak.

Ayame wake up in a unknow room. "where am I?" Someone opens a door and a boy looks at her. "Oh, your awake."

"Who are you?"

"I'm Kiro sorry it I bring you here but I saw you been attack by a heartless."

((Ayame: Hey this story is not going no where!
Bruno: s**t, it my turn and everything is going to turn 18 and older.
Ayame: *sweatdrop* Not on this charcter.....looks like not all of it.))

"What a heartless?"

"A demon that attacks cute and pretty girls at nigtht and take there hearts alway."

"Oh, sorry that I ask."

Kiro just stare at Ayame as she is looking around. She trie to stand up and Kiro pulled her down as she still waek. "Leg off, I need to kill that b*****d that did this to me." Kiro just stare at her as she strong but not that strong. He can see that her chest is bleeding. The attack was hard on her.

"Look rest here. I'll look outside to see if it safe."

Ayame just stare at him as he leave. "What the ******** am I?"

Kiro looks outside as he can see the heartless that are dress up of people memories, memories that they can easy to kill someone with useing there full power. Kiro pulled his blade behide him and look at them. He hears a voies say to kill but Kiro doesn't what to be rushly. One of them came inside looks like Gaara and attacks Kiro.

Kiro with outside as a group of sand attack him. "You b*****d...." The heartless looks at Kiro and turn into him. "So, you what to kill me by looking like me....well it comfused you." They all attack Kiro and he jump out of the way. "maybe not!"

Kiro is dogeing there fire attacks as that Kiro powerful attack but he can't use his attacks as his sword is out of power. So he have to attack them head on. Kiro didn't have a change to bet four heartless, out of no where one of them attack Kiro form behide and cut his back. Kiro knee down as there going to kill me. "Am I really going to died?"

"Dance of blades!"

Winds attack the Kiros look alike. Kiro got comfued as he didn't know who attack, he looks at the hut where Ayame is at and saw her standing. She had some kinda fan. "What the hell are you doing"

"Saveing your a**."

Kiro just blush, Ayame started to walk to Kiro and yelled "Where the hell is this place. I what to go home!"

"We crossed to another world. There no way coming back."

Ayame got mad and hit him really hard. "I mean we can go back but we need to crossed path to your world." Ayame just stare at him pissed and looks around as she never been around this place. kiro just stare at her as she seen to gain a power in this world. "So, Kiro is it. Can you tell me where am I?"

"Your in Japan as it seens. This place is where demons are and there a half demon not to long ago. He telled me to put you here."

Ayame open her fan and smike. "I think I like this weopen." She looks at her clothes as there kinda rip. Her shirt is cut where her breast is at and her pants looks like she been in a bar fight. Ayame looks at Kiro and says it in a nice way. "Can you bring me some clothes." Kiro just pulled something behide him and throw a purple kimono to her. Ayame eyes was twiching and just put it on in the hut. She put her hair up and put on some green balls ear rings.

"let get the hell out of here before more comes."

Ayame pulled a fether form her hair and make a bigger one. "Get one, this is faster." Kiro sweatdroped and thinks how does she does that. He get abored and Ayame flowr it. Kiro screams as Ayame is going to top speed of 300 miles. "SLOW DOWN!!!!"



Ayame stop and get off but carrying Kiro form behide. He is sacred shitless. Ayame just stared and says "What wrong with you?"

"N-nothing...." He falls down sacred. Ayame looks at a village and see nothing wired about it. "Can you tell me where are we?"

"I don't know.....you where driveing."

"I was? I though it was taking us somewhere."

Kiro eyes was twiching as he hanging around with a evil girl, so evil that just make Kiro cry alittle. Ayame saw a village and started to walk there, Kiro follows but doesn't see why she is like this.

"Ramen, ra, ra, ramen....I'm so hungry."

"I see but why are we walking in a village and going to be moring?"

"I don't know, why does the sun rise?"

"That is not a run....looks like a demon coming this way."

Ayame looks at a ramen shop and walks there. "Hey I'm hungry." Kiro just looks at her walks off. "I don't what to know how she eats."


"Keep them comeing!!"

Kiro just stare as she at her 6th bowl. When she was going to eat someone yelled "Demon!!" Ayame stop and ran outside. "What going on?"

Then a blast of fire hit the villages as birds attack the village. "What the ********!?" Kiro walks out and looks who it is. "Dam it, not you again." A women in red looks and her eyes is twiching. "Why the hell everwhere I go your here?"

"I don't know maybe I'm looking for someone that might know something about my world that got ******** up by..."

Ayame looks at her and yelled "Hey witch what the hell are you doing."

"What do you think I'm getting humen blood."

Ayame just stare and draws her fan. "I think it ends here." She started to laugh and yelled "What are you going to do, blow me?" Ayame just smike and yelled "Dance of blades!" Attack her but she doge it. "That it b***h your mine!"

Then someone yelled "Wind Sacr!"

Ayame freck as that voies sound like.

Kiro looks and yelled "Inuyasha what the hell are you doing here?"

He stop and look at Kiro. "I'm looking for Kagome! She been kidnap by her, now I found you tell me where Kagome!" Ayame just stare and looks at the women. "Hey who the ******** are you?" She just stare at Ayame and smike. "Looks like you don't belong here. Maybe you were going to be kidnap but they got the wrong girl."

Ayame laugh and looks at her pissed. "I'll kill you for saying that." Kiro grab her hand and yelled "No, she to powerful for you. That Kiki the bird demons."Ayame looks at him and grim. "I don't care if she your sister. I'm kicking her a**."

A young man shows up and yelled "Inuyasha, she not the one that kidnap Kagome. She just one of the people that are in it." She looks and sweatdroped. "This doesn't seen well." She is in mind. A few more people shows up and Ayame smikes. "Stay out of this I got this." She pulled her hand and stare at Kiki. "Hey Kiki I got you for kicks, so take this, dance of the dragon!"

Huge guts of winds come out of no where attacking Kiki. Inuyasha looks at her and comfused at that attack sound like.


Ayame just smike and looks at she use a barrar to save her a**. "Hmm, tell me who are you."

"The name is Ayame Taiushi, the shinobi hidden in the leafs, the wind demon that well kill you."

She laugh and looks at Ayame. "I see now. You're one of the girl that was going to be kidnap but lucky for you...." She looks at Ayame and open her eyes more. "Your the girl that hold the blade that well kill the heartless like nothing."

Inuyasha looks at Ayame more comfused as she had a wired fan that looks like Kaguras. "Inuyasha do you thinks she one of the 3 girls that well wouder around the worlds."

"Miroku, cover my back....I what to take her down be for she does."

Miroku nodded but when Inuaysha draws his tetsaiga the heartless shows up. Ayame looks around and smike as she behide Kiro. "Is your power is back?"

"Yeah, but do you know what are you going to do?"

"No, I'm just going to kill them. Do you think if I go to another world my power change?"

"When I saw you....yes, you did."

"That all I have to hear."

Inuyasha and Miroku attacks Kiki as Ayame and Kiro fights the heartless.

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