Hello all.
I actually do have a personal blog however I've still decided to have a journal here anyway. heart sweatdrop
It has been rainy here this week and I've caught a flu sad I really hope I get better when I wake up tomorrow as I'll be attending a BBQ parteeeh!!~ heart I've been really obssessed over fruit salads with yogurt as a topping xd A very good snack instead on munching down those chips xp I have that like twice a day these days heart YUMMY! whee
If you ever love someone so much, do you think it's satisfying to just love that person whole-heartedly without him/her giving anything back to you? I know, for a fact that I won't really completely satisfied sad ... Is that a bad thing anyway?
I've progressed so much in character for the past few years. I have transformed from an immature, hot-tempered, impatient brat to someone who's so much better. Surely I can improve more as time goes by.
Here's a picture I took at the Zoo last december heart
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