Hi there how are you all? this is my first post in my journal yay so exiting!
so i better tell you all about myself
well my name is actually Phillipa (my nickname is phillie)
I live in sunny newzealand and i am 17 years old
i have two pets tammy and belle my black lab dogs 3nodding
and my car a diahatsu charade ( heart its my baby! heart )
and my darling boyfriend is daniel (love you soo much bub!!! whee heart ) I have really good mates and two of them are part of gaia look out for jinty! and yeh thats about it
oh i love rock and cars and penguins and helicopters and fantisy role plays with dragons in em (i spelt that wrong didnt I ! opps stressed sweatdrop )
ne ways if ya see me around come chat to me always welcome too wink
just_me_phillie Community Member |