'Remember, remember, the fifth of November...'
Yes, yes, I saw V for Vendetta yesterday. I LUFFED it. That was the most freakin' awesome movie I've seen in a while. My mom looked at me like I was crazy.
Mom: "It's so violent!"
Me: "It's so awesome!" (not the violence part.)
The only part I didn't like was when Big Ben blew up. *cries* I actually saw that giant clock, too, when I went to London. That was something else funny. The underground they used for the scene where V filled the car with bombs was probably a set, but I bet you anything I stood in that station it was modled after. I remeber emerging from the deep right by where Parliament was. Westminster Abbey is right across the street from it, too. There's a thought. I'll summerize last Christmas' London trip some day when I'm bored.
Damn. That was a good movie. *dies*
I kept watching V's charrie, expecting him to say 'Mr. Anderson,' or something in elvish...
Was that his real hair? 0_o
ADD again...
Kurane Kumiko Community Member |
Community Member
Now I'll be scared to see it. xD