Top Ten Signs That You Love Someone 10. You think about said person 24/7 9. You doodle pics of people kissing on your homework assignments 8. You find yourself saying things that you never would've in a life time of hells 7. You find yourself wearing sligtly more girly clothing (aka: you wear a skirt oneday, even after you declare that skirts are evil and sexist) unless you're a guy.... stare 6. You squeel with joy everytime said person is online 5. You stay up into the god awful hours of the morning IMing this person 4. You get butterflies each time he/she says something sweet 3. You write corny fanfics with happily-ever-after endings even after you declare that you hate them for being so unrealistic 2. Your heart is pounding just from saying something simple to this person 1. You write corny journal entries like this one mrgreen heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart heart
Tsuki_no_Otome · Tue Oct 17, 2006 @ 07:27am · 1 Comments |