Hey I created this... thing just because something happened to my mate and it made me seriously angry and upset. Here it is:
We all live in the same world
We all eat the same food
Breathe the same air
Came from the same two people
Yet we still hurt one another
Why can’t people leave other people alone
We are basically just hurting our own family
Our brothers and sisters
Mothers and fathers
Aunts and uncles
We pick on each other
We torture, murder
And cause pain to others
And what for?
Because someone is a different colour?
Has a different accent to you?
Why not just kill em because they have different colour eyes to you?
So why must we hurt others
When all we done was live and be ourselves
We can’t help what colour our skin is
Or what country we live in
It isn’t our fault, we can’t change our birth
And you call people names
and people call you names because of these things
The saying isn’t true and I think we all know it
“Sticks and stones will break my bones but names will never hurt me”
That’s the most ******** up sentence there is
We all know it but we still say it…
Everyday people are killing themselves
Do you know why?
Because its people who are bastards
Who insult others
And bully them
And some people can’t deal with what’s happening
And they find one solution
People we need to learn
That hurting others is going to get us nowhere
For those who have been through this
It is complete hell
Over and over again
For the others out there you need to realise
That maybe just maybe
YOU will be the one who gets picked on
YOU can find out what its like
Lets see how YOU deal with it eh?
Think about what you are doing and saying before you actually do it or say it, because what you do or say to someone may cause them to end their own life and could you live knowing that you helped to kill someone?
poop5032 Community Member |
Community Member
i have been picked on and how i feel about them