It'd be nice if you could. ;P
For what it's worth, I don't think having nothing in common outside of your relationship is a problem, so long as you still have things you do together. But if you don't even have that anymore, I think you can safely say your relationship's either dead or in hibernation, depending on whether or not you can, or want to, put some life back into it. sweatdrop
My suggestion, for what it's worth, is get a hold of him for like a day when he has no other commitments except you, and sit down with him and talk it out, your worries, your hopes, your feelings, and hopefully he'll respond in like. It's amazing how obvious problems in a relationship might not be so obvious to the other person. 3nodding If he's not willing to even try such a thing then from what I can gather, you're probably better off without him. But it's easier said than done to get your head to over-rule your heart, especially since doing so isn't always the right thing to do. domokun
As for your 7-month "anniversary", as you no doubt put in inverted commas because you realise that's not really a word you should be using for a milestone under one year, even ;P I'm unclear as to whether or not you celebrated that from what you said. If not, and that's adding to your concern, I don't really think 7-months is a spectacular milestone, and probably if you weren't so unsure about your relationship, neither would you as you'd either be lovey-dovey enough to see each day as a milestone, or reasonable enough to stick to more meaningful time frames like 1/2 a year, 1year, etc. 3nodding Even 3/4 of a year I could see as reasonable. ninja
Anyway, good luck with whatever you try and decide. 3nodding
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