I was just wandering around the Gaia forums when I found this thread called "Newbie Adoption Agency", so I clicked on it to see what it was. It's this really cool tread where Veterans of Gaia can adopt a Newbie, show them the ropes, and help them out. I applied for a Veteran, waited a few days (not quietly, of course, I'm rather impatient), a person named Becca3567 popped in, and said she was a Veteran. I took one look at her signature, and her profile and immediatly decided that I wanted her to be my Veteran. So I PMed her. She accepted. Now I have another friend (which involves updating my profile) and I'm not in any danger of becoming a noob. I think. stare Erm....Okies! Yeah. Okay. I think that's all I wanted to say. Um.....uh.....YEP!!!!!! Tanku Becca! Time to go see if I got them stinkin' kitty ears. Kat ears are soooooooooo Kawai!!!! heart heart heart heart heart Talk 2 u peoples tomarrow! bubye! whee
Tsuki_no_Otome · Mon Sep 11, 2006 @ 03:55pm · 0 Comments |