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Wallowing in Thought
Party Boys...
[Friday 11.54 AM]
"Guess what we're doing tonight!"

Jason raised his eyes from his book to look at London, his best friend, with raised eyebrows as she slid into the seat next to him. Sitting in the cafeteria, it wasn't always easy to figure out what one was saying to you, but on a Friday afternoon, there was no question with London.

"You're such a party animal. Who's hosting?"

"Nate Patterson. He has a huge a** pool and a wooden patio bigger than my entire house!" London squealed, pulling a crumpled, hot pink flyer from her pocket.

"Yeah, but aren't his parents, like, really nit-picky? I knew him in middle school. He was popular, but he never had a party," Jason said, glancing through a curtain of dark, curly hair. Nate was laughing at something one of his friends had said.

"They loosened up his sophomore year, he just isn't the party type. His friends talked him into it for his birthday."

"How do you learn these things?"

"I sit next to Kelly in Algebra and Melody in Bio. We get on pretty well. They both invited me so I'm trading one for your invite."

London beaned, not quite realizing that Jason was going to turn it down. He had decide that when she said 'Nate Patterson'.

"Uh... I think I'm busy tonight."

"Good, the party's Saturday."

Jason cursed quietly while London smirked triumphantly.

"I'll pick you up at six, Saturday. Oh, and if you make plans, I'll kill you," London said, flipping her cherry blond hair over her shoulder and smiling sweetly as she stood and left.

"Why did it have to be her on the swing next to me?" Jason muttered as he laid his head on the table. (1.)

"So I take it she told you?"

"Yes, Kevin, she told me. To what do I owe the pleasure?" Jason said, glaring up at his own, personal torturer, Kevin Dais.

"I'm just here to tell you to come to the party or move. London won't come without you."

"And you care if London goes... Because?"

Kevin blushed, but that did nothing to take the sting out of his glare. "What's it to you?"

"Well, considering that we're talking about my best friend, I think I deserve to know what you're planning."

"I'm not planning anything. I just want... to dance," Kevin said, glaring at the table.

"And... that's it?"

"Yes, that's it," Kevin snapped.

"... Okay, I'll be there," Jason said in defeat, dropping his head back onto the table.

High school. What are you gunna do?

Thanks ever so much for that piece of advice, Jason thought to his conscious, glaring at the dark, plastic table top. (2.)

Jason sighed and sat back up, lifting his book from the table to begin again. But the bell rang and he had to stuff it into his backpack and race for the door before the crowds started to pile up.

And the entire time, he was acutely aware of someone watching him the whole way out.

It was probably just Kevin.
[Saturday 6.15 PM]
"Jason, hurry up! We'll be late!" London shouted, bouncing up and down at the bottom of the stairs to the attic.

"I'm coming, I'm coming," Jason grumbled, tugging on a white T-shirt. "Just let me finish getting dressed."

After the white T-shirt, Jason slid into a silky, navy blue, long-sleeved, button-up top with silver Japanese style dragons flitting across it. After looking in the mirror and deciding that, yes, his black pants really did match, Jason combed a hand through his hair one last time before emerging from his dark room.

"Damn, Jason! You clean up pretty friggin' well," London exclaimed as she eyed the change from his usual, over-sized garb to this tailored and refined guy in front of her.

Jason blushed and mumbled a 'thank you', sitting on the bottom step to pull on his converse All-Stars (blue to match the outfit).

"You're bringing your swim trunks, right? I've got my swim suit out in the tuck, but I'm not sure if it's a 'swim' party. So bring your's and that way, if we both go in the pool, we don't have to worry about being the only one," London gabbled, flipping her hair over her shoulder and smiling wide enough to reveal a clump of wax on the bracette of her braces.

"What happened?" Jason inquired, nodding his head toward her mouth as he continued to tie his shoes.

"Just a sore. It'll be gone by Monday. I can't wait to get these off! Only one week and counting!" London giggled, rubbing a finger over the bracettes on her front teeth.

"Okay, my trunks are downstairs. Come on," Jason said, standing up.

"Right-io," London said, bouncing down the hall, down the stairs, and right out the front door.

She's a little to hyper today.

Yes, perhaps I should be worried? Jason questioned his voice.

Hmm... Nah!

Jason chuckled and walked down the stairs and through the laundry room for his swim trunks before following London to her truck and climbing into the passenger seat.
[Saturday 6.54 PM]
"I was beginning to think you weren't coming," Kevin said, striding up to them as they got out of London's truck. "Come on, the party's out back," he added, leading the to an open gate.

"And miss this? Never!" London said, referring to his first statement before jumping into the midst of the dance floor.

Kevin followed her through the crowd, leaving Jason to stand at the edge of the dance floor's crowd awkwardly.

I hate parties, he thought, moving back towards the gate.

"Don't tell me you're leaving already," a voice said from behind him, very quietly.

Jason jumped, whirling around and staring at a figure, face pointed at the ground, hair spiked lightly with blue gel that sparkled in amongst the blond hair there.

"Nate. Worried some one's not going to like your first party?" he asked, glaring at the top of his head.

Nate muttered under his breath, sighed, then pulled his head up, a big smile planted on his face in a fake way.

"Enjoy the pool, there's a tent set up over there for changing," he said brightly, pointing at a small red and white striped tent on the other side of the spacious backyard.

He walked away, smiling in that fake way.

Jason followed him through the crowd with his eyes, eyebrow raised, before shrugging it off and balancing on the edge of the pool to walk around to the changing tent.

He was the first one in the pool, doing lazy laps as everyone else danced to death.

"Why aren't you dancing, Jay?" London called from the edge of the dance floor, catching her breath.

"I don't dance," Jason said, back-stroking slowly.

And it was then that the tidal wave of people, tired and bored of dancing with the added bonus of being hot, bounced as one off of the dance floor and directly into the pool. Jason was caught by some blank-faced football player who couldn't be bothered to look at where he was jumping.

Jason and the football player went down instantly, a bad thing for Jason as he hadn't had time to take a breath. The football player swam away instantly but Jason was trapped, spinning in the water and trying to figure out what was up and what was down.

There was a gargled scream from above - maybe London - and more splashing than ever. The splashing was confusing, turning the surface as white as the bottom of the pool, and no one seemed to realize what was going on.

I need air! Jason thought, finally panicking as the pull for oxygen caused him to drawn in a large amount of chlorinated water. It was then that a large hands gripped him beneath the arm pits and yanked him - hard - upwards.

Jason and his savior broke the surface swearing and gasping, both of them.

"******** *gasp* hell! What *gasp* happened *gasp* out there?!"

"Good ******** *gasp* question. Nick! *gasp* What were *gasp* you thinking?!"

The football player, hanging onto the side of the pool, looked sheepish for a moment before a pretty girl caught his eye.

Jason swam to the edge, hauling himself out on shaking arms and onto shaking legs. As he sat for a moment, gasping and trying to stop the world from spinning, he caught sight of Nate, clothes dripping, climbing out of the pool on the other side. He stood up, much steadier than Jason, and turned around to give him a piercing look.

Damn, now I know what his hands feel like, Jason thought, massaging his shoulder slightly.

"Jason!" London shouted, racing towards him through the crowd that had developed rather quickly around the edge of the pool. "Oh my God, Jason! Are you alright?"

She sounded panic-y so Jason aloud her a moment of mother hen-mode. "I'm a... a little shaky. And I'll be gasping for air for a little longer," he said, swallowing down every ounce of air within the vicinity.

"Well, come on. I'm sure Nate's parent's won't mind lending you a bed for a little while. Sleep will help," London said, pulling Jason up and letting him lean on her in his wet swim suit.

"What about your outfit? You paid a lot for it," Jason stated, trying to pull away.

"I was just getting ready to change anyway. And the water won't matter. I'll just put it in the wash when I get home."

So Jason and London teetered their way towards the house, walking around the patio-turned-dance-floor until the screen door came into view. The lights inside were on and there seemed to be a T.V. on in the living room. Once inside, London followed the lights through the kitchen and found a relatively young couple lounging on a large couch.

"Sorry to bother you," Jason said, out of breath, "but there was a small accident out in the pool."

Nate's parents looked alarmed until London spoke up.

"Don't worry, Jason's fine. We were just wondering if he could barrow a bed for a little while, sleep off the lack of air."

"Of course. There's a room just down there that you can use," Mrs. Patterson said kindly, pointing down a hall that veered off to the left.

"Thanks," London replied, rushing Jason forward as he was beginning to totter a little more than he had been. They followed the veer and found a small hall with four doors.

"Okay, lets try-" London cut herself off as she opened one of the doors and found that it was a bathroom. "Okay, not there. Ah, here we go," she said, stepping into the room next to the opened bathroom.

The bedroom was a dull grey color with random splatters of various colors like orange, black, dark blue, and a darker grey. The bed was wide with a wonderfully bright orange comforter of what looked to be the fabric from basketball shorts. There were shelves built directly into the wall perpendicular to the window with the bed facing them from the opposite wall.

"Come on, I grabbed your clothes. Change then take a nap," London said commandingly, moving out of the room and closing the door behind her.

This is a nice room, Jason's voice commented as he took a subconscious inventory of the books stacked on the shelves.

Yeah, and look at some of these books! I wish I had some time to read them.

Jason changed quickly, collapsed onto the bed without moving the comforter from it's tidy spot, and fell quickly into sleep.
[Saturday 8.27 PM]
"Guys! Calm down. I know it's my party, but I need to rest a bit before the cake, pizza, and more swimming!" Nate called over his shoulder as he passed through the screen door into his kitchen. It shut behind him and the shouts from behind him dulled along with the music.

God, and people wonder why I hate parties. No one leaves you along and you can't find anybody, he thought, an image of Jason jumping to the forefront of his mind. I wonder what happened to him after the pool incident. I hope he didn't leave.

Nate stumbled down the hall on legs like jelly from dancing so much. He was going to have a hell of a time getting up in the morning. At least he knew his parents were gone and wouldn't reprimand him about ditching his own party. He opened the door to his room, walked directly to his bed and collapsed without so much as taking his shoes off.

And it took a moment for his brain to rebout when, instead of the cool, basketball-shorts material of his comforter, his upper body meet cotton over something solid that was definately not his matress.

"What the hell!" he shouted, jumping out of his bed.

Jason was roused from a rather deep sleep to find that perhaps he was still dreaming. Nate Patterson was collapsed on top of him and sighing contentedly. But then it was all thrown out the window as he jumped up shouting something that was a loud sort of gurgle to Jason's fuzzy ears.

"Sorry," he said, eyes wide as he slide off the side of the bed. "Your mom said I could lay down in here after the pool thing. London said she'd come in and wake me up in a little while. How long have I been out?"

He sounded casual and his body language almost proved it, but inside he was stretched really thin. He now had a hard-on like steel that the bed was managing to hide, though he wouldn't have had to worry if only he had worn his way-to-large pants like always!

"It's been about two hours since the pool," Nate said automatically, tense and tight from having the s**t scared out of him.

"Damn! Is London even still here?" Jason asked, stunned by how long he had been out.

"Yeah. Last I saw, Kevin was still trying to work up the courage to ask her to dance. He's informed the D.J. that if he plays a slow song before Kevin and London have stepped onto the dance floor together - he stressed that point very well - the D.J. would be missing a knee cap," Nate laughed, remembering Kevin hovering around London every time she turned around.

"I still can't understand it. I thought he hated her just because she was friends with me," Jason said, closing his eyes and shaking his head.

"No, he hates you because for a while he liked you and then he thought you were dating her," Nate said casually.

"Kevin liked me? Wierd, I always thought he was straight as a stick. Guess the old 'takes one to know one' isn't true after all."

"Well, it would't work because Kevin isn't gay. He's bi."

"Well that would explain it. How'd he think London and I were dating?"

"She never seemed to be anywhere without you. He realized that when he was trying to ask her out a few months ago."

"He's been planning something like this for that long?" Jason asked, amazed at the casual conversation going on between two people who hadn't said so much as 'hi' to each other in three or four years.

"Well, no. He's had a couple elaborate schemes but this is the only semi-exceptable one with even a chance of working. He's head over heels for her, I can tell you that."

Sounds like me, Jason thought.

"What?" Nate questioned.

"s**t, I was thinking outloud. Ignore that last bit."

"No, you said something about 'sounds like me'. You with who?" Nate asked, curious and a little jealous.

"No one. He probably doesn't even know I exist in that way. He's never showed interest in anyone of the same gender before."

"Well, niether have I and I have a few... plans for my first guy," Nate said, a coy smile gracing his features.

Jason blinked, momentarily floored by this new revelation. Nate was into guys? But his shock was quickly replaced by cunning, a smirk alighting on his face as he slowly stalked across the room and pressed Nate up against the door.

"Uh... Jason?" Nate sounded anxious, nervous and with just a touch of anticipation, almost like he didn't want to have to many expectations.

"I never thought you'd like guys, what with all those girls hanging off your every word," Jason said quietly, boxing Nate in when he pressed his hands against the wall on either side of his head. "But this changes things," he added, nuzzling Nate's cheek softly.

"Jason-" He silenced Nate quickly, not wanting to hear the rejection he was sure must be coming, sealing his words in his throat with a solid kiss. After a moment, Nate became putty beneath him and as Jason pulled away, he sighed contentedly.

"Can we do that again?" Nate asked wistfully, flushed and smirking when he finally opened his eyes again.

Jason tried not to laugh, pushing against the erection pressed to his thigh. "Isn't there something else you'd like to do?"

"Yes!" Nate groaned, sliding his arms around Jason and pulling him closer, leaning up for another kiss, deeper and more intense than the last. As their tongues danced, Jason deftly hound the hem of Nate's shirt and slide a hand beneath it. Nate moaned into his mouth as Jason brushed a n****e, pushing him away and striping off his shirt quickly, watching Jason pull off his.

"You have no idea how much it sucked having gym with you last year," Nate muttered, tracing Jason's pecs reverently. "All those glimpses and no touching allowed."

Jason smirked, grabbing Nate's wrists and moving them lower. "Well now I'm all your's," he whispered, cupping Nate's hand around the bulge in his pants.

Nate shivered, rubbing the cloth-covered c**k in his hand. "God, you're huge," he muttered, eyes wide and grinning mishcieviously. "Bed, now," he ordered, pushing Jason back towards the bed. Jason sat down, smiling genially up at Nate as he stalked forward, staddling his lap and pushing him backwards.

Jason wormed a hand into Nate's hair, pressing his face to his chest, an unspoken question. A question Nate answered quickly, lapping happily at a n****e as he gripped Jason's hips tightly. He hummed against his chest, rubbing his thigh against Jason's crotch and humping against his leg in turn. Jason gripped Nate's hair tighter, pushing against the top of his head, trying to guide him down.

But Nate sat back, smiling more. "Nah-ah-ah, this is my first time. Are you really going to take advantage of a virgin?"

"No, but I'm going to ******** a willing one," Jason shot back, heaving up and flipping them so he was on top. He slid down Nate's body, wriggling sensually as he pressed his stomach into Nate's erection.

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