Black Tie
Clot Glamrock Headband
Dairy Worker Cap
Elbow Pads
HIPster Red Tint Shades
KoNfuZeD ReD SHoEz
Red Longjohns
White Glamrock Jeans
White Medical Gloves
White Vacation Shirt

Alien 4d Goggles
Ancient Katana
Ancient Katana
Acient Katana
Anti-Fashion Pink Anti-Accessory
Catfish Whiskers
Dead Sexy Dusk Trousers
Feet Wraps
flame Martial Arts Top
Hand Wraps
Stealth InfraRed Sleeves
Wooden Sandals - M


Item List:
Ancient Katana
Chyaku Norisu Scarf
Damascus Armor
Gift of the Goddess
Horns of the Demon
Kill VO Pants
Kitsune Mask
Missy Ruby Mini Jacket
Winter Rose
Estimated Total: 1,772,249 Gold
(Estimated with known item values on 17 January 2007) only 856k left to finish...