Wow. I have'nt updated in a hellva long time. Anyway, I'm supossed to be off to college sometime, but I havent bothered to finish my applications, so if I end up not going to anything 'cept NOVA i'm gonna be pissed. And of course, its completely my fault. But, as they say, One is One's own worst enemy. twisted They have no idea how correct that statement is. ... Who is this mysterious "They"? And how do we hear so much from them if we dont even know who "they" are? Man, reality is weird.
Anyway, just about all my friends have moved away or gone off to college, and there's no one left here that I can trust completely. It's causing me to implode. I'm gonna be walking along one day, and then completely vanish in a second, and anyone who'll read this will know what happened. I imploded.
AngelSilverband · Sun Sep 03, 2006 @ 06:29pm · 2 Comments |