Mood: Neutral
Music: Run - Snow Patrol
Well, end of the summer holidays are coming closer, so here comes another pointless journa entry from the guy you love to love! xd
Nah, just joking, im not that big headed, although some people will disagree! xp
I havn't posted in here for a couple of days, so I might just bring you up to speed.
Well, I'll start with Friday:
Me and Nik took a bike ride into town. Great fun.
Nik fell off though! gonk But she was okay! biggrin
When we got in we went and drank hot chocolate and coke, (not together!) and then went to look for Jelly Bracelets.
We went back to hers for a while and spent ages watching dubbed "Aladin" movies! xd
Party time! blaugh
Nik had a fairwell party for Fox.
Who was there? Well: Fox, Nik, Me, Luke, Callum, Ami and Chris
We went to the beach, which was fun! xd
Me and Chris took our trousers off and went right into the sea, where as the other wuses just rolled up their trousers.
It was classic.
Oh yeah, I picked Nik up and NEARLY dropped her in the sea, but I decided to be nice! blaugh
Me and Chris were going to dry off, and we went up some stairs, and at the top of these stairs was a little boy.
When his mother saw us in our dripping boxers she turned the little boy away! Im hurt! xd
Yeah, so after that we all went to Jimmy Chungs to eat food! surprised
Fox just pilled his plate high.
Speaking of that, there was a kick a** waiter who could balance hundreds of plates in one go!
We thought about going and getting all the plates and putting the tinyest bit of sauce on them and seeing how many he could carry. xp
Yeah, so, after that, back to Nik's for the horney stuff! 3nodding blaugh
Chris had to go because he had to work or some other stupid thing like that! xd
So we got back, and watched lots of movies, licked cream and chocolate sauce off each other, and went out for walks which scared Nik and Fox shitless, more Fox though! xd
Callum left before all that though, he doesnt get much freedom obviously.
He said to me "My parents think I may have sex"
rofl rofl rofl
Guess what? They would have been right! surprised xd
Yeah, the movies were good condsidering they were pretty old.
Did an all nighter as usual, so that was great fun.
Today (Monday), well that was technicly yesterday now, was good fun.
Nik, Spaz, Chris and Me went into town to see a film.
Good fun. The film wasn't that good though.
It was interesting watching the action going on though! wink
I was the only one that didn't get any action! gonk
Im hurt guys! No chocolate chip cookies for you!
*Hides chocolate chip cookies* xd
So we got back, and went on MSN and chatted and stuff.
Nik came on and I asked her out..
She said no, but I totally understand why.
She's been through alot, so its cool, I still love her to bits though! biggrin heart heart
And now im having a really random conversation with lots of people in the one conversation. xd 3nodding biggrin
Cool music, i've just listened to the same track 30 times in one night! Its not the one at the begining of this journal entry though, so ha! xd
Went outside for 5 minutes earlier on.
The cold air helped me a bit.
Running out of things to say now! gonk
I could always have a rant, but there's not much to rant about at the moment.
Oh yeah, we discovered Luke doesn't have the dirtiest mind in the world! Ami does! xd
Okay well, Im all out of things to say,
So see ya'll later!
Peace out,
(Had to say that! xd )
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