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The Fairy Tale
Blending Together
Okay, so I decided to morph all of my stories together. The characters, at least. I find this kind of... unusual. I haven't found anything like it before, so I thought to myself, "Self, since you are in the middle of writers block for the Malignant novel, why don't you just splice everything together... make something unique." and I thought back to myself, "Self. You are a genius." and I agreed.

Well, here is some information on the characters in this story.

Yohiru - my oldest character created. Probably my early 8th grade year in school, as part of an RP created by a friend's friend. The reason she is solid, unlike some other characters, is because even though the RP was someone else's creation, I still got to imagine her town, her actions.... either way, she only got to go through one RP day, seeing as I didn't get to long on that much back then. [coughforgotcough]

Venus, Hogan, Ontario - Next oldest. Created about the time of Yohiru. They were in my first started 'novel' about a princess, a street rat, and a stable boy with mind powers, which in their universe, is considered witchcraft. Which is illegal. So, they run to seek a quiet, untainted place for Venus to practice her mental control and strength. Though, once I got to chapter 20 odd something... I lost the file due to a computer hiccup. Looooong time ago. Venus is the princess, Hogan's the street rat, and Ontario is the stable boy. Both Hogan and Ontario have the powers, but they are helping Venus practice, as mentioned before. I named it Tele-Tri to begin with... now I realize that name was kind of... cheesy. I"m going to have to rename it.

Elemental Carriers - These were really just character concepts in my mind, but I've tried to make it into an RP many times. Always failed, so therefore I have the ideas to make a story... if I ever want or get the chance to. I thought about making them 'rulers' or powers or whatnot in the Tele-Tri novel universe... but the I decided that was too much to have to keep up with in that novel. So I chucked it aside.

Ashleigh, Donvan/Keiran, Pippa - This is a more recent RP. From Malignant, which is the novel I'm working on, now. Ashleigh and Keiran were characters created by me, which explains why they are solid. Donovan and Pippa were very exceptional characters that other members of the RP created, so therfore I kept them. Because I'm kept some parts of them (solid parts) and changed some (transparent parts), I thought making it a more visual stimulant could help people relate to this.

Nathaniel/Lilika, Keri - Also characters I have adopted, although Nathaniel was my creation. This was also for my most recent RP, which died out with the rest of them. I kept Lilika and Keri, because I think this is a good advanced idea of the generic 'School for the Gifted' role-play. Meh, I just felt like being a bit plain that time... but complex me made it... well, complex. Anywho, Lilika and Keri are also transparent for the same reasons Donovan and Pippa are... they aren't really mine, but I have altered them some to fit into the story I have imagined.

Well, now that you know what's going on, here's the plot: All my characters morphed together.

Yea.... not much emotional stimulation, here... BUT, ya gotta start somewhere. I'm going to make a sequel when I feel like it. So, technically, this is just Chapter One. Yeah... this is a lot of reading... I don't expect you to read it, I just kind of laid my creativity out for you guys to see, if you care. xp


The walls were colorful, and yet they were dark. Like what an art palette looks like after the artist was finished painting, all of the colors molding together, forms there and yet there wasn't anything but blobs and smears. Everything was moving and everything was deadly still... like bright light on a metal plate.

Her heart dropping at this sight, Yohiru brushed the dirt off her white robes, looking up at the ones beside her. "So, what has come of us?" she asked, bewildered by the news she heard. "We can't... not be real. Can we?" her red eyes widened a little, and she looked down to the ground. Her usually firey and strong personality had been beat down with this very... unusual and disheartening news. It couldn't possibly be true.

Venus looked at her. She had known for a while of this, and she had been in existance nearly as long as Yohiru. Or had she? Time was irrelevant to the group, really. She just fiddled with her long blonde hair, looking off, trying to keep from looking at the girl's peircing and ignorant gaze. Parting her lips, Yohiru, let her face take on one of hurt confusion, touching her pale cheek in disbeleif. Hogan and Ontario, who were parnered with Venus, looked at each other, standing, unlike the other comrades. With Hogan's powers, and Ontario's, they were the first to know, amongst each other. After they contacted the other realms of life inside the Being in which they were created, they found that the others were all ignorant, as well. Venus, in all her princess glory, had been at folly, then was taken abrupt by the news.

Hogan and Ontario had contacted the more recent creations. They contacted the Element Carriers, the Underlings and Humans of the future, and the other Specials... the ones with the same powers as Hogan, Ontario, and Venus. Of course, with them being the most recent creations, they had not yet discovered the actions done by the Being. So, while they had been capable of contact inside the Being, their discovery rate was still in the beginning stages, though it might not have been much longer before they did try to reach out, beyond the walls created for them to reside in.

Though, unknown by the Being, these walls could be penetrated and morphed together; the universes inside her colliding together, even different time periods residing at the same time. The Being could never sense this, only accessing what she wished to see, what she wished to create, what she wished to destroy.

The Element Carriers stood, kneeled, and sat altogether, like a being all its own. Among them was one very average, very normal, very ordinary boy stood. His hair was a faded black, his eyes were a blurry blue, and his build was slender, and yet broad. The boy's clothes were jeans, and a white t-shirt. It was nothing new, and everything plain. He was nothing notable, and nothing not worth noticing. He was... everything, and yet he seemed nothing. What was this power held within him? Hogan walked toward him, and admired the similarities, and noted the differences. They looked so much alike, yet very much had different appearances. The boy looked at him. "I was created in likeness to you, yet was made to be my own," his words were soft and yet powerful, dark and yet light.

Hogan leaned back. "And yet, we could be twins," The boy nodded. "Who are you? All of you." Hogan asked, waiting for an answer. The boy looked at him. "I am Deacon. I am the messenger. These are the Element Carriers, whom I instruct." The two girls standing faced Hogan. They looked similar, yet were everything opposite of each other. Their bodies, their faces, their stature and weight were all the same, and yet, their colors were everything different. One girl had very, very light blonde hair, almost white, like Yohiru's, and had soft grey white eyes, with only a dark pupil to let everyone know that she had an iris. It was just very too soft to tell that she had an eye, or where she was looking. Her hair was short, and feathery, and had the appearance of rabbit fur softness, and her skin was paler than an ivory tusk, polished 100 times. Her clothes were soft, and droopy, and she was laced all over. Where she had no robes, she had ribbons and lace, and white flowers dotted in her hair. She had no color, and yet she was the most beautiful thing he had ever witnessed.

The other girl, however, had very dark hair, and it was just as long as the other's, but was blunt and straight, looking like a burnt black piece of plywood. Her eyes were dark, and cold, and there was no way to tell the color of her eye from the black of it, her whole eye seemed engulfed in a black, barely telling the iris from the whites, it being a very dark grey. Her skin was very dark, and very exotic. It was browner than a tanned horse skin gone through the kiln 100 times. Her clothes were leathery, and rigid. She had belts and equipped with small fishnet articles, and where she was not clothed, she had ties and small chains about her, thorns scattered in her hair. She was pretty, and yet she was horrifyingly scary.

These girls were the same, and opposite, but they spoke at the same time, their voices the same, just the lighter one with a softer, gentle voice, and the darker with a harsher, stricter voice. "We are the most powerful. We have the same powers of our status. We hate each other, and yet we love each other." Then, only the lighter spoke. "I hold the light within me. I can do no evil in this form, and I can only power the light. I am called Rey." Then the darker spoke. "I am the darkness, I can do no good to the wrong, and I can do no help to the suffering, in this form. I can only power the dark side. And I am called S'hado." And they spoke together, again. "We can do nothing to each other, but we can do everything for each other. Through the other's works, we can either destroy or create over the other's actions and creations."

Hogan raised a brow. How weird they were. He just shrugged, when the girls kneeling stood up, and the light and dark sat down. One was red, with short and spiky hair, it being a dark maroon red at the roots, moving out to a very light orange, almost yellow to its ends. Her skin was olive-like, and her eyes were red as a steel iron in the fire. Her cheeks were a deep red-like, and her long dress was jagged, and torn at places, almost as if the tears and rips had been burned into the fabric. Beside her stood one with long brown hair, brown eyes, and tan skin. Her clothes were brown, with green laces and leaves and colorful flowers decorating the crown of her head. These girls, however, spoke at different times. The red spoke first, her voice quick and fierce. "I am fire. I am very powerful, with a firey spirit and a thirst for heat. I keep the other from over populating the earth and making it over bountiful. I am called Flaime." The other spoke, with a healing and soothing voice. "I am nature. I heal all that she destroys, keeping life in nature beautiful, and thriving. I am called Urthe."

As they sat back down, the last two stood. One was a dark blue, with black hair that reflected blue in the light. Her skin was very dark, darker than Flaime, but lighter than S'hado. Her skin seemed cold, scaly blue, almost, yet she seemed more alive than any of the other Element carriers. Her eyes were a deep blue, and her clothes silky, and lacy, with fish scales decorated in her hair and fish teeth about her neck.

The other had light blue clothing, it being very thin, wrapped about her thrice to cover herself completely, with ribbons dotting down her arms and legs elegantly. Her hair was blonde, and her eyes were light green, and her skin was light, lighter than Urthe, but darker than Rey. Her hair fell down to her hips, with braids around ribbons going all the way down. They spoke in unison, as the first had before them. "We are life-giving. We can neither hurt nor help each other, only the others can we affect." The dark blue spoke alone, her voice watery and rhythmic. "I am controller of water, of liquid. I am called Raine." The light blue one spoke alone, her voice distant, and weak. "I am controller of wind, of air. I am called Breze."

Hogan admired them all as they sat, looking up at him, waiting for what he would do next. "You are all very beautiful, and I trust the Messenger will treat you all well,” When he spoke that, many of them took on hurt expressions, as if there was something they were hiding. He looked up at the Messenger suspiciously, who was just looking off, looking to be annoyed by the whole thing. He just walked away, slowly. That had been a rather detailed... encounter. A lot had been focused on their dress, though.

He stood above Venus, who looked solemnly up to him. She had been the one to contact Yohiru, the eldest created of them. Apparently, she was just a creation branch off of a realm created by another, paused in time as nothing moved on, or moved back. Just everything repeating itself, everything the same as it was before, and the same 1,000 times from then. Though, she never knew, she never grew, or fell back from progress. She always just was, and always would be. Her existence had been short-lived, believed to only be created of her own, just a person. The place she existed was created by another... but the place she resided had died long, long ago. Only the memory of her lived on, and she lived in her memory. And then Venus found her, bringing her to this purgatory state of the Being's creations.

Venus sat by Yohiru, looking at her. "We all have to deal with this. At least you aren't... alone, right?" she said, trying to console her. Yohiru just pulled her robes tight, holing up inside herself. She had always felt a sense of assurance as she made her motions, and she had no memory before just waking up one day, on the streets, in an alleyway. Flickering memories would always come at an expected time, yet she never expected it to happen again. And then it did. And she never realized in all her living. She was just surviving, every day of her life, and trying to find the Fairy City, to escape her torment of being a street rat. When she fell asleep in the comfortable bed she had been given by the city healer, she would always open her eyes minutes later, and live through it again.

Ontario faced the ones of the future, the ones living in a past in the future, and the ones at the current time. The ones living in the past in the future were very ill-looking, but were healthier than the ones living in the current future time. The past-livers had very light, delicate skin, and sensitive eyes, yet they could withstand the highest poisons, the rawest meat, and the dirtiest water. They were almost like the mystical vampires they had heard about. There were two vampirish people, one was a girl, and she was solid-looking, like a real human should be. Another was a man, and parts of him were solid, and others were not. His arm seemed transparent, along with his neck, and both of his legs.

He then observed the normal ones, the ones that just lived in the time period for them. One was a male, and he was the one that was completely solid. He sported glasses, and had brown hair with green eyes. The one beside him, however, was the one that had parts transparent. Her stomach and feet were faded, and her left hand was similar. Ontario knew the reason for this, but the small group hardly seemed to notice. "What are your names?" he finally blurted, waiting for something to happen amongst them.

The vampirish boy spoke first, "My name is Donovan, and this is Ashleigh. We are... together." He said, looking awkwardly at her, then away. Ashleigh blushed, then nodded. Whatever that meant, it was confusing to Ontario. Ontario looked at the normal ones, then back at the group as a whole. "My name is Ontario, I helped bring you here," he said, then waited for the other introductions. The normal boy pushed his glasses up, then said, "I'm Keiran, and this is Pippa. We're together, but not together-together, like, we're here, together but we aren't together," he said, his voice childish and awkward, as well. Pippa smiled, and then quickly concealed it. "What exactly are we supposed to be doing? What's the purpose of us being here?"

Ontario gave a wry smile. "The reason lies within the Being we are in. Her reason is our purpose... if we could only find that reason for our purpose," he said, standing up, and walking to meet Hogan. "Where is the one that is like us?" he asked, looking off. Hogan pointed to the lone boy to the side, quiet and emotionless, sitting beside two girls, they who were also transparent all over, just their pale colors and gentle outlines to see. He looked up, his face almost angry, but a restrained anger. Both Hogan and Ontario felt the power within him. They also felt the same potential inside the girls, but it was a very faraway feeling, almost like a faint heartbeat. The girls also didn't notice how faint and transparent they were, either. It was almost as if they only noticed the beings around them.

"What do you want, now?" The boy said, his voice restrained and struggling, his teeth almost cringing. Hogan raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean?" he asked.

"You tear us all out of our own realities, and make us face a type of fate.. the fate that we are all at the mercy of this Being. That we don't even make our own decisions, we're only puppets." he said. They hadn't even exchanged each other's names and yet Hogan knew exactly what this boy was feeling. He had felt exactly the same way. Once the boy knew he was getting angrier and angrier, he leaned back, inhaling and exhaling slowly to keep from becoming overwhelmed with his hatred.

"What are you doing that for?" Ontario asked. "I'm keeping all of from being killed, while we are still created, here." the boy said. Leaning up, he continued. "My name is Nathaniel, and these are Lilika, and Keri. They are my accomplices." he said. Hogan nodded. He and Ontario had acquainted themselves with the rest of the group, and decided to bring about a bit of order and have a meeting upon them all.

Hogan stood in the center, Ontario to his side. Raising their voices just above the whispers so the whole of the merge-verse that had been created by all of the character's existence together. It was small, yet vast and void of the things inside each universe. Just like light on a metal plate.

Hogan spoke first. "I know this may be a shock to many, if not all of you here. Just because we are creations of the Being, does not mean we are play things for her. We are here, now, of our own will. You have all agreed to come here, whether you say so, or not. There was a curiosity inside you that brought you here," As he said these things, many individuals looked down in shame, or fear, for he spoke the truth. Ontario stepped beside him. "If we have our own will... how come you could all come here? How come the Being does not realize what we have done? Or, better yet, how come she has let this happen? I believe it is because of her free willed spirit. She has created a universe, our initial personalities... yet, she lets us do as we like. Perhaps she does this as a role of some sort of Omega power, or perhaps just for entertainment. Or even expressionism of her. Anything. But we are not puppets."

This was when Nathaniel stood up, opposing Ontario. "How can you be sure she didn't make you do this? How can you be sure this wasn't all part of some plan of hers to do something with?"

Ontario and Hogan looked at each other, and then back at Nathaniel. "But... why would she?" Venus piped up, looking intently at Nathaniel.

Nathaniel crossed his arms. "What other reasons were we created, in the first place? For her to write."

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Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Aug 04, 2006 @ 07:36pm
Genius! The only reason I can really say I read it was because Donovan was in it. sweatdrop It was still a very well crafted and interesting story. *two thumbs up*

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