Well staying with tradition I decided not to start my Christmas shopping until we were in the single digit countdown. But yes I finally got it done with on today Christmas eve... With the purchase of a very sexy set of Jack Skellington Pajamas for mi Amiga. I'm deffinetly hoping I can hang with her over V-A-C-A-T-I-O-N. But yeah so I'm excited because right now it's about 11:57 and I'm gonna go to bed soon. Best boondocks quote ever:
"And Christ said unto his desciples. In this way shalt thou celebrate the day of my birth. Descend unto the merchants and the markets and goeth into debt buying players of DVD's and sweaters and old spice and big foam hulk had so that your descendents may beateth upon each other in my hooly name..." "God. You're an idiot."
Aureus_AI · Sat Dec 25, 2004 @ 04:58am · 0 Comments |