A firm date
Well, my flue threw things back. I've got a firm date for surgery on August 18th and I am asking for a sooner date. The one surgeon's Surgery Scheduler (yes, that's her title) was pretty adament about 2-3 weeks after visit on July 13th, but the other surgeon's office scheduler was open to trying to find an early date. I'll prod more on Monday. ChiA finishes 10th grade on Tuesday next. She's getting a bit difficult. She skipped school yesterday. And her best friend is planning on skipping the entire next part of her school year called "Bridge". And she's being belligerent around the house. I had a shouting match with her Education teacher last Friday. The woman has been dragging her feet on getting Sarah transitioned back in to her regular high school and, if we don't kick butt, it isn't going to happen the way that it should. Everyone else on her IEP committee wants her moved on and agrees that she doesn't need the support of the special school she's been in for two years now. Oh, and if surgery does wait until Aug 18th, I'm starting school on Sept 7th on very wobbly legs. And I'm worried about Loreta in Bogota with her dad on is last days, her oldest just finished pulling a cutting herself, and there's not enough money to cover the household and new doctor's bills. Not to mention that the UN Peace Keeping units near Bogota have come under attack there.