people never die chapter 3:the three worlds
"w-w-what!?!?" andy yelled "well realy andy, otherwise do u realy think ur mom wouldnt here me?" "This is NOT helping!" "well im just stating the truth!" andy thought: whywhywhywhy??!! is there somthing ive done!? if ther is ill do anything but this to repay it! *back to normal/paranormal* "son u havent done anything its just that ur a ghost seeker" "okay for one thing, how did you know what i was thinking and two, SEEKER!?!!!!??" "well there are ghost seers and ghost seekers ghost seers can just see ghosts but ghost seekers are people who can only see ghosts when the spirit world is in trouble." SPIRIT WORLD!?!?!?!?! WHAT HAPPENED TO HEAVEN???!!!!!!! "well there is heaven too but the spirit world is a heaven for non-religous people." "any other worlds i should know about?" "thats the problem, theres a battle between the spirit world and the demon world"