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RP Character Bios
All of my Characters Bios will be here. Basically Lord Rasarai's and the Knights of the Flaming Fist will be here.
Lord Rasarai

Name:Lord Rasarai
Other name: Rasarai
Appearence: Lord Rasarai stands at about five foot seven to five foot eight. The knight of flame has fiery red hair due to his powers and his eyes blaze fiery red for the same reason. On the outside the knight is encased within a legendary armor that has won him honor and fame throughout his years. Blessed and Enchanted by his "Goddess" Lord Rasarai's armor of 2 dual layers which will be better explained in the weapons part of this post. The top half of his armor is blazing red with golden armored shoulder pads and black mailed gloves, the white cross on his chest signifies a cross road which means to those who know him as:
Not bound by fate, not foretold by destiny
His bottom half is encased in black armor pants that have golden armored knee pads. Upon his back Lord Rasarai dons on a black cape that gives him look like a ruler, which suits his needs since he commands the forces of the Fortress of the Abandoned. This cape is a light absorbing cape meaning should Lord Rasarai move at super-human speed he appears near-invisible for a short time.
Weapon of choice: Lord Rasarai's true weapons are his legendary Nova Chi and his highly advanced martial art abilities. His armor and cloak also qualify as weapons. His armor is composed of 2 layers, the first layer is titanium and zero-gravity allow all laced together, zero-gravity alloy was created by a mad scientist who worked for the Puppet Masters. It is the strongest known alloy on Earth. The bottom layers is enchanted Dragon Skin. This bottom layer is stronger than the top layer due to its resistance to not conduct electricity. The armor has been blessed by his goddess with Super-Endurance, Light Healing factor and Fire and Electricity Absorbtion. Super Endurance just increases the overall strength of the armor by 5 and the Light healing factor means the armor can repair itself and Lord Rasarai, but only in small fragments. Fire and Electricity Absorbtion also falls under his powers for Lord Rasarai can accept all flame and fire attacks. His Nova Chi absorbs the flame whilst the armor absorbs the electricity. Since electricity conducts heat the electric shock will flow around the armor generating heat causing Lord Rasarai to absorb it. The enchanted dragon skin is resistant to Electric attacks, that is why it travels around the first layer. Lord Rasarai's cloak is made from black Zero-Gravity allow that uses small fragments of glass to absorb and refract light waves around Lord Rasarai to make him near invisible whilst moving at high speed.
Short bio: Grew up fighting for survival in the depths of an Fortress of the Abandoned, became the leader of a gang that overthrew the rulers(Puppet Masters) of the Fortress. Meeting my goddess she changed his life and made him the knight today. Rasarai has sworn his life to her. Though in recent events it is clear that the love of his life had betrayed him. Now due to this betrayal the Fortress lies in ruins and everything the Knight had ever worked for has vanished.
Any Special abilities?: Lord Rasarai's true power is his Nova Chi. This chi is a part of him as talons are a part of an eagle. Lord Rasarai can unleash all attacks relating to flame and super-novas. Hence Nova Chi. There are 3 known levels of his chi. Please note that jumping to each level (Flame to Nova) there is a side affect to all opponents for each transformation. Its usually a blinding light and solar level temperatures for a few seconds. Meaning should Lord Rasarai transform when you are unprotected you will suffer heavy damages or death.

Flame level: This level just means Rasarai can unleash his chi at Napalm heat levels. This form is really where Lord Rasarai fights in the most for it is the safest and the easiest to control. The flame level here could kill most normal fighters. This level also enduces what is known as Hyper Reflex. This means that all of the movements, reflexes and instincts move at a hyper speed level, meaning this is beyond that of a super human.

Nova Level: Due to his rage and unforeseen circumstances Lord Rasarai can take it up a notch by becoming a Nova Knight. This level means all the powers of a Nova star are at his command including Nova Level heat and attacks and a heavy gravity attacks. But this level is dangerous for Lord Rasarai for it burns up too much power and chi for him to completely control. Staying in this form for too long will have detrimental affects on his life. This form allows Rasarai to manipulate the space-time continium with what you call hyper gravity attacks. Like a star Rasarai can manipulate the kind of gravity he can unleash, the gravity attacks he unleashes here can literally rip apart anyone within moments. His hyper reflexes and fiery might have been enhanced by 100 times its normal state in this form.

Super-Nova Level: This level was only reached once in his life and it almost killed him. This power-level entails that Lord Rasarai can unleash and harness the power of a true Super Nova. Just by looking at Lord Rasarai in this form can cause blindness and standing near him is enough to kill almost anyone due to the level of heat unleashed by this form. Due to the immense amount of power generated here Lord Rasarai cannot control this form for very long, it WILL kill him if he stays in it for too long. Too much rage, testosterone and adrenalin followed by his chi will be used creating a huge imbalance in his system meaning Lord Rasarai will die should he remain in this form for a long time period. At this level Lord Rasarai no longer cares about defeating the opponent, in this form Lord Rasarai becomes the destroyer incarnate, meaning the Nova Knight will destroy everything around him that is he considers a threat. In this form Rasarai can alter space time with his hyper gravity x 2 attacks. By manipulating the fabric of reality itself with Gravity Rasarai can unleash light speed travel by freezing time itself, in this form Rasarai literally becomes close to Godliness. His hyper reflexes and fiery might have been enhanced by 1000 times its normal state in this form

Hyper-Nova Level: This form has not been reached but Rasarai knows it exists, maybe at a later date this power will be unleashed. All special abilities to this form are unknown at this stage.

Lord Rasarai also has Super Human Strength, Speed and Agility. These powers are pretty much there when Rasarai is in normal form. Hyper Reflex just moves it to a higher tier.


Knights of the Flaming Fist

Name: Kagami the Knight of Mirrors
Appearance: Kagami is a white haired warrior from the Fortress Depths. Wearing a simply white business suit the white haired man is said to be as pale as a traditional japanese person. Standing at 6 feet the Knight is quite slim and is said to move gracefully with every step, many women in the Fortress have commented on his pale blue eyes which seem to hypnotise most women. Though this fact remains to be proven.
Age: 19
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Weapon of choice: Kagami's weapon of choice is his special ability to convert his body and aura into a myriad of tiny glass particles. How these actually work will be explained below
Class sad Warrior, ninja...etc.) Knight/Ninja
Short bio: Kagami during the hell wars of the Fortress independence was actually on the side of the Puppetmasters. Kagami fought Rasarai and simply was crushed by his power. Realizing that Rasarai fought for the people of the Slums he decided to join forces with him. He was the last member of the Knights of the Flaming fist to join up with him due to his connections to the previous PuppetMasters.
Any Special Power?: Kagami has superhuman speed, agility and strength. Though these are not his true powers. Kagami has the ability to convert his body and aura into a myriad of tiny super sharp glass particles he calls Diamond Dust. This enables him to slice and dice his opponents at a cellular level by unleashing mist like attacks. He can fashion weapons and shields with this power though in recent events he has chosen not to. The attack can also create illusions and invisibilty by manipulating the light that passes through the millions of particles of glass. He is by far the most dangerous of all the Knights of the Flaming Fist.



Name: Kain the Knight of the Void
Appearance: Kain is a 40 year old greying man who wears an all black armor piece. The armor is actually Titanium Steel but due to his powers of the void the armor literally weighs no more than an actual shirt. Kain is the oldest of the Knights and looks as if he is quite wise...when he is sober. Most of the time many people have seen him with a bottle of whisky in his hand.
Age: 40
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Weapon of choice: Kains true power is the manipulation of the Void Magic. This will be explained in better detail below.
Class sad Warrior, ninja...etc.) Knight
Short bio: Kain was the second warrior to join Rasarai in the hell wars of the Fortress Independence. Growing up in the fortress under his Sensei Kain worked hard as one of the militia guard using his Void Magicks. But the sudden death of his Sensei forced him to realize that his powers could be used for better purposes. Kain is the only person who joined Rasarai without actually fighting him...though many have said Kain is more of a perverted coward than a fighter.
Any Special Power?: Kain is endowed with superhuman strength, speed and agility and he uses the ancient art of Void Magic. By summoning the power of the Void Kain can manipulate gravity and cause most elemental attacks useless. His armor in itself is also a Void Entity as most elemental and physical force is simply absorbed. Kain can uses Void attacks to create shifts in gravity while absorbing the energies and aura of his enemies. But most of the time Kain fashions small darts of Void energy with his power and shoots them at the enemy, the purpose of this is to totally absorb the enemies power...but if the enemy is too powerful the attack simply saps the strength and causes heavy fatigue.



Name: Melfice the Knight of Sword and Shield
Appearance: Melfice wears silver armor and is brunette. Standing at 5'8 the Knight looks more like royalty than a Knight. His brilliant blue eyes are always filled with worry or anger. He usually is worried about Rasarai and is usually angry at the other Knights...especially Kain.
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Weapon of choice: Melfice uses the unusual technique of summoning a blade and shield out of pure chi. Materializing his power in this fashion gives the illusion that Melfice uses blazing weapons. More on the use of them later.
Class sad Warrior, ninja...etc.) Knight
Short bio: Melfice was the leader of the Militia forces of the West when he first encountered Rasarai. After a long battle Melfice realized Rasarai wasn't taking him seriously as they fought, forcing his hand Melfice was the second person to fall to the unholy might of Rasarai's Nova Form. Due to that defeat Melfice soon joined Rasarai and was the first of the Knights to join. He also was the one who founded the Knights of the Flaming Fist after all the members joined.
Any Special Power?: Melfice is endowed with super human speed, strength and agility. But his true power lies in the manipulation of his chi, by creating a sword and shield out of the weapons Melfice is no longer able to drop his weapons. After years of training Melfice has honed the sword to be able to cut even through the legendary Zero Gravity Alloy. Able to manipulate his weapons Melfice can throw his swords and shields at his opponents giving them the explosive force of a small stinger missile. Classed as the leader of the Knights Melfice is always one of the first to charge at the enemy...because of this he has almost lost his life on numerous occasions.



Name: Perci the Knight of Nature
Appearance: Perci is a green armored warrior who only stands at 5'6. He is looks very gentle and has sparkling green eyes that is complimented with his green hair. He is always seen playing with children and small animals and helping plants grow throughout the Fortress grounds.
Age: 17
Sex: Male
Race: Human
Weapon of choice: His Nature Chi abilities, more will be explained later.
Class sad Warrior, ninja...etc.) Knight/Mage
Short bio: Perci was one of the lead healers of the Southern Slums when the PuppetMasters launched a major offensive. Most of the Southern Slums were totally destroyed when Rasarai finally arrived to save the day, because of this Perci unleashed the darker side of his power and slaughtered hundreds of men that day. Seeing that Rasarai fought for the side of the people he soon joined him in his quest to save the slums from slavery. He was the second person to join the Knights of the Flaming Fist.
Any Special Power?: Perci is endowed with super human strength, speed and agility. His true power is the manipulation of Nature with his chi and mind. By tapping into the power of the Earth Perci can unleash massive rock spikes, can call in winds and even call animals to aid them in battle. Perci cannot control the weather since he calls upon the power of Mother Earth, not Father Sky. Perci in truth doesn't fight much and only acts as a support warrior for the Knights, using his powers of the Earth Perci is a healer of unimaginable proportions.
Other RP characters.

Character Name: "Jack"

Race: Human

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Appearance: A Knight with jet nlack hair with golden streaks. His brown eyes a fierce rage unlike most have seen even in their worst nightmares. Donned with shining silver armor the Knight looks like a hero from a story. Across his chest and across his shield marks a red blazing cross to signify that he is a Knight of the Holy Order. Upon his back he carries a rather massive sword, slightly wider than a huge broadsword and slightly longer the blade was originally meant for men on horseback. But the Knight can wield it easily and it will be explained below.

Bio: Jack was in fact only a child when his home was totally destroyed by a frontal assault by the Demons. As he lay there near the broken bodies of his family a single warrior blazed forth and rescued him from the fiery hell, though in truth he does not know who he truly is, and probably never will. Raised by the High Priests of Zakurum the Knight was trained in the high arts of being a true Paladin. Blessed with the unique ability to open his mind completely and ascend to a higher form...even higher than that of both Demons and Elves the Knight had attained a secret hidden in the archives of Zakurum for centuries. Now released from his training the Knight has been sent forth to bring about the total end of this war, though by peaceful means or by righteous anger is entirely up to him.

Weapons: The legendary blade of Luciendar, a blade blessed by the high priests of Zakurum with the power of the Creator himself, it is a large black blade with golden runes inscribed upon the blade, but in combat the blade blazes brilliantly. His shield is also the legendary shield of Greed. Given the extra-ordinary properties of God Steel the shield can withstand nearly all physical and magic attacks and is almost as light as a feather to wield, bear in mind this also applies to his armor and his sword as well. The Knight does not wear any helmets believing that the power of his mind and faith in God will save him.

Abilities: Jack is able to summon the etherial power of GOD, use the power of pure LAW, and use auras. By summoning the etherial power of GOD the Knight can summon hyper human strength, speed and reflexes. Meaning to the naked eye the Knight would literally move through near impossibility, meaning he would be moving so fast that he would be a blurr or invisible. Utilizing the power of LAW Jack can unleash holy attacks of pure LAW strong enough to destroy cities and mountains. Though this depends on his form which I will explain below. He can also utilize Auras such as Ice Sting, Life Drain, Lightning Cloud, Blazing Fury and Nullability. Each of these Auras can be used 2 at a time, using the aura's allows him also to have immunity to those certain elements and what not, the nullability aura can in a sense nullify most elemental and status changing magics, since it has the protection of a strong will and faith. A strong mind can conquer everything in this finite universe.. Though more Auras can be used when he ascends to higher forms.

Knight Form: The Knight can unleash normal attacks and can only use the power of Etheria to move his hyper reflexes to only by two times. He can also unleash one Aura and unleash power of Law that can destroy a small house. He usually fights in this form most times since it can be actually controlled much easier. In recent history Knight form is probably the only form he will need to deal with low level opponents, which is nearly everybody ironically.

Paladin Form: Blessed by God opening his Mind to beyond the meagre 5% humans utilize. The Knight can move his powers to a much higher level. All of his powers have been enhanced by 10 to give him extra force behind his attacks. Now endowed with super human strength, speed and reflexes the Knight has reached a form that is almost unbeatable. His Law attacks can now level mountains and he can use almost all of the Auras at once.

Ultima Form: Unknown due to Jack not being able to achieve it yet...but that will have to be revealed at a later date.

Possessed? You wish! As if anything could possess a Knight of GOD!

Raitei Rasarai
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Raitei Rasarai
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