________▰ Character:
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▰ Weapon Name:
▰ Weapon Type:
▰ Weapon Size: er
▰ Inventory Information: S
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▰ Stat Increase: +2 Strength
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▰ Ability Summary:
X| Rank: | Bukijutsu | 20 Chakra & Stamina [ Complex ]________

▰ Character: Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
▰ Link to profile:[x]
▰ Weapon Name: King Phisher [ Ōja Fisshā]
▰ Weapon Type: Pool Cue/ Fishing Rod (Qualifies:Staff/Whip)
▰ Weapon Size: 59 Inches
▰ Inventory Information: Large(Long)
▰ Weapon Weight: 1.5lbs
▰ Stat Increase: Agility +2
▰ Elemental Affinity:[Maruton: Fuuin]
▰ Description: The King Phisher or 'Fisher' pun intended has nothing to do with the bird of the same name aside from the end of the cue. This was a weapon Toso fashioned to be used ultimately either when he is being coy or deathly serious but primarily coy. The weapon is a billiards cue while simultaneously a fishing rod. There is no physical reel as the hook, line, and reel manifest as chakra images. Fishing rods are a bane to sea life and billiards cues a symbol of vice. The combination resulting in a weapon that is a culmination of the creators persona and utilizing their fear for their favor as if to say "I am in control of my fear and that which I fear bends to my will." Perhaps it was the mark that Yatagarasu left on Toso with his Genjutsu and the feelings not fully disclosed for his son that inspired the avian design...but in that does it disguise its true purpose. A weapon that could strip beings of their divinity with its primary sights set on potentially the black bird itself. For to 'Phish' something or someone is to rob it of its identity.
▰ Ability Summary:
Kings Line [Oja-Sen] | Rank [X] | Spiritual/Simple
From the end of the base of the pool cue a fishing line and hook made of chakra can be made manifest. This line can either be projected forward launched like a beam or manipulated with the tautness and fluidity of a wire akin to fishing line giving it whip like properties. The Kings Line is given this name because once its attached to something it effectively becomes both 'hooked on' and the target weightless making its victim to the whims of the wielder like a powerless fish at the end of a line. What the Kings Reel does from there can vary from 'slinging' - 'slamming' - 'swirling' - 'twirling' and various other manipulations of the line tied to the hooked target. A hooked target 'whatever the end of the line connects with' is considered 'grappled' for the entire duration of [1] post to become subjected to the whims of the King Phisher's holder. Attempts to break free from the hooking grapple automatically deduct chakra from the user to maintain the unbreakable line. The line as unbreakable as it is, once hooked a clean hit on the weapons wielder will end the effect. The danger of the Kings Line is it may also hook onto applicable types of ninjutsu and various objects. Sustaining the Ninjutsu and then freely manipulating and redirecting it. Applicable ninjutsu being single projectile based ninjutsu. If utilizing something hooked as a weapon the attack is treated as [Simple] uses [Stamina] and uses the users [Stats].
God Killing Line [ Kami Satsugai-Sen ] | Rank [X] | Spiritual [ Fuuinjutsu ]
The God Killing Line lays bare what is unfortunate enough to meet the end of its hook. The Phishing line as its name implies robs the thing it has made contact with of its identity. In short. It makes whatever it meets in collisions [Maruton] for purpose of collision stripping its elemental properties. It otherwise has not effect on individuals of the normal persuasion but will prematurely end the demon,curse mark, and sage states of a target. It does not seal these states, however it does prevent generation of their chakras for [3] posts and strips the target of said mode specific chakra equal to the rank of the [God Killing Line]. This is signified by an immediate and sudden yank and an overwhelming feeling of wrongness in the target. For narrative purposes it strips deification, deitic prowess, powers, blessings, and protections. While simultaneously temporarily granting them to wielder of King Phisher. These powers return come combats end assuming they have a place to go, otherwise they will return to whence they came. Properly back in the dietetic realm or a previous owner. Kan be Korabo'd with other Fuuinjutsu.
Call Shot [ Yobigoe-Ippatsu ] | Rank [X] | Bukijutsu | Spiritual/Simple
Utilizing the weapon in its more traditional form, the user angles the cue as they would in a game of billiards before thrusting it in the same fashion. Toso then combines his sensory power with the weapon on top of the power of his keystone Isekai-Junsei. While not required like in billiards when making a call shot Toso may state something along the lines of "Left Eye, Debilitate" Toso then 'banks' a shot of spherical ink(size varying but never bigger than a billiard ball) concentrated at the cues tip opening a small simultaneous tear into Isekai-Junsei where it then opens again producing a brief exit tear near that approximated area just a few inches away. Often limiting ones response time to the attacks unless they have a doujutsu active. [Agility] is treated as if it were halved in response. The force of the projectiles varying from simple blunt impacts to penetrative if necessary. Other subjects may be used of similar or smaller size but if its physical [i.e a rock] the attack is considered [Simple] with no [Stats] applied. If 'banking' something and not creating a tear for transposition the attack is treated as [Simple] uses [Stamina] and uses the users [Stats].
Break Shot [ Kireru-Ippatsu ] | Rank [S+] | Bukijutsu | Complex
Utilizing the weapon in its more traditional form, the user angle the cue as they would in a game of billiards before thrusting it in the same fashion. The end of the weapon lights as if having ignited with the users chakra color and the sound of a high-pitched almost shrieking bird cry echoes. While this motion is seemingly rather unimpressive the force is significant enough to produce a concussive shock-wave that overwhelms the entire forward area of the user in air pressure almost wiping a slate clean in the process for reference. The true power of the technique is reflected when the attack actually strikes a target. The attack ignores the [Endurance] stat entirely and bypasses any armor, chakra or otherwise that is not of custom make. Custom made items in question of [Special] or lower tier are also often broken by the technique if not using a proper counter offensive/defensive. While exceedingly powerful the [Break Shot] can only be used once every [3] posts. A direct hit unprotected would certainly lead to unbelievable levels of injury if not death.

▰ Character: Tosokurui Ashikoki Hojo
▰ Link to profile:[x]
▰ Weapon Name: Shoku Shokushu: Sumimasen Meiwaku [ Eclipse Tentacle: I'm sorry for the trouble ] , {Literal: Meal Tentacle: Trouble Anti-Brush}
Crafting Status:Made
▰ Weapon Type: Two: Sumi-ee Brushes one ornate and one plain in design they are both essentially held in a manner that could equate to holding two flails in one's hands. One is engraved with the kanji heaven the other plain looking one hell.
▰ Weapon Size: Large
▰ Inventory Information: Large(Long)
▰ Weapon Weight: 8lbs each concentrated at the head
▰ Stat Increase: Strength +2
▰ Elemental Affinity:[Maruton]
▰ Description: Two brushes ornately made roughly the size of two large maces held one in each hand.
▰ Ability Summary:
Shoku Shokushu :Tengoku {Eclipse Tentacles: Heaven} | Rank [Mimic + Concentration] | Spiritual/Simple
The ornate brush labeled Heaven carries a constant flow of white ink, this ink is exactly like that of the ink used when a brush is removed from Master Celestial Artists Armory. Heaven is not only in a constant celestial brush state said item provides but has the ability to 'mimic' ninjutsu. Per each rank of accumulated concentration dedicated to Heaven its given the ability to copy a previously used jutsu that occurred in the fight or if the concentration was gathered beforehand possibly on the fly assuming there is a level of concentration already gathered. All costs match the cost of the original, its strength also matches the original ultimately leading into a net zero outcome for both sides at all times in collisions however, it does not retain properties of said jutsu, example being flames created are not hot and do not burn, mimic'd ice does not inflict frostbite etc.This copying only lasts until the end of battle, in which case mimic'd abilities are no longer retained. If mimicking a technique with an insufficient amount of concentration the difference must be paid.Since really I think I'm one of the few who delves into what concentration is or even uses it. Concentration essentially requires and expenditure of equal rank resource to gain on the fly however there are techniques which reward concentration the mimic is essentially the cost of the copied technique + or minus concentration cost in difference.
Shoku Shokushu :Jigoku {Eclipse Tentacles: Hell} | Rank [X] | Spiritual [ Maruton ]
The plain looking brush labeled Jigoku carries a constant flow of extremely thick black ink. When the brush is swung and this technique is used independently an enhanced version of what seems to be Ink-blade edge lingers in the air for a single post equal to the rank of the technique that was used with the brush without the rank deficiency. However, unlike the normal Ink-blade edge the ink on the head of Jigoku is no simple ink. Where Tengoku creates Jigoku destroys. Anything this thick black ink comes into contact with, so long as it's the superior in collisions will quite literally be erased from existence. Example being should this thick black ink cover ones extremities, while the process is painless in that moment that extremity will no longer exist. Imagine if you covered you arm in paint and rather than the paint sticking to your arm it causes your arm to disappear as if melting in that instant. Needless to say you'd start bleeding out. Unlike simply cutting said arm off the ink equates to ridding of it entirely effectively as though it were a immediate acting corrosive. If a line were drawn on say someone's torso. The entire front of that individuals torso would disappear and reveal and expose that individuals organs similar to being flayed or being on an operating table and rather than close you up the doctor decided to cut away the excess muscle and skin. Needless to say the experience is not pleasant thus living up to the technique and the brushes name. In short it rids the world of physical things as if one were to erase something with a pencil. Clothing impedes this, process but doesn't stop it, custom items are not erased as doing so is an affront to the spirit of the brushes respect towards individuals own pursuits to create. It erases in layers, clothing, skin, muscle, and bone. Only when something is fully immersed or a full rotation is made can it bypass layers. Jigoku's effect cannot occur if countered with a similar defense or attack of equal rank. Mechanically the ink essentially simply ignores the Endurance stat and the simplest way to understand the ink is an almost immediate fast acting corrosive.
Shoku Shokushu : Tosoukurui {塗装狂い} {Eclipse Tentacles: Painting Crazy}| Rank [X] | Bukijutsu | Spiritua
When the heads of the two brushes combine or in the instance where the black and white inks combine the resulting ink becomes a swirling incomprehensible color that seems spacial and galactic in nature. Like several stars dancing in liquid cosmos. Entrancing but maddening all at the same time. This ink to any exposed to it including Toso to some degree begins to become subject to a sudden loss in conscious thought as though their thoughts, goals, and other inspirations start mixing and or become clouded with one another as though something else was telling them things in cryptic ways that don't make sense. Toso himself is used to this but most others are not used to having their head filled with things like 'three pickles drying the rain' The ink first and foremost when making contact produces amnestic effects. An individual will begin to forget what it is they are doing when it makes contact. Essentially it functions similarly to Hojo ink blends its effects increasing with each subsequent rank of potency. What makes this blend potentially devastating is that its effects can become permanent. (target decides for roleplay flavor)
E-C: Forgets the last technique they used and saw.
B-A: Forgets who their allies and enemies are.
S: Begins to forget what it is they're doing and some of their techniques.
S+: Begins to forget themselves and who they are.
Shoku Shokushu : Tentai Hamestu : {Eclipse Tentacles: Celestial Ruin} | Rank [S+] | Bukijutsu | Spiritual
Combines both brushes into one singular brush. The brush carries the properties of both the [Tengoku] and [Jigoku] variants while also having access to [Tosoukurui]. The brush head is massive in size and as such applicable is almost hammer-like in this sense. The head can grow to essentially the size of a small boulder while maintaining the lightness of the weapon. When swung it causes a significant splatter of the applied ink in the vicinity essentially effecting more than one person at a time and leaving behind a craterous puddle of its ink in its wake which could compare to a small lake.