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My Journal
This is my one little space in the world that I can stop worrying about the fact that no one wants to hear what I have to say, and just say it. Don't like it? Then go away!
Dragon in England v.2
Hello again!

I haven't updated, because every time I try I really can't be bothered typing anything, becuase there's just so much to type..

Ok.. so.. where was I, last edit?
Lalalalalaa... *goes off to look*

Yes.. Trocadero. I honestly don't remember when we went there, though &&;

Ah well.. basically we watched the football, and had lunch/dinner with people.
But on our last day in Ivinghoe, which wasn't really in Ivinghoe, we packed up our bags in the morning, and drove to.. some random 'Mother Shipton's cave. She was supposedly a prophet, and she prophesised the end of the world would be when this random bridge fell down for the 3rd time, and it's fallen down twice already, so people put steel reinforcements on it, and stuff xDD

And... yeah. That's mother Shipton
User Image

And she has this random wishing well thing in her cavey-place, and to wish you had to stick you hand in this little pool of water, but it had all these rules, like 'you can't wipe your hand to dry it' and 'you can't wish directly for money' xDD
I.. don't remember what I wished for &&;

This is the wishing well ^^
User Image

We met up with the Butterworths there - my godmother Rachel, and her husband, and Amy and Lucy. Amy's 15, and Lucy's.... 12, or 13... one of the two &&;
Anyway... we went to the cave together, and went to some random river. The adults had tea there, while James ((my brother)), Amy, Lucy and I went on a row-boat down the river. There were only two paddles, so we made James and Amy row xDD

But it was actually really freaky.. because at the end of the bit of river that we were allowed to row along, there were like.. 8 kids playing. Most of them looked about 7 or 8, but there were two girls that were like.. 15 or something. Anyway.. we started turning around, because we couldn't go any further, when they saw us and threw their tennis balls at us, to try and splash us. One of them actually landed in the boat, though, so we took it because we didn't want them to throw it at us again..

But then they started yelling and throwing sticks/stones/anything else they could find on the floor. It was actually really scary gonk cry
But.. yeah.. the river was kinda wide, so we rowed over to the other side, and away from the people ((back the way we came - up the river)). And then they started chasing us, still throwing the stuff. There was this one point where this kid picked up this MASSIVE stick, and threw it at us. It probably would've really hurt if it hit us, but thankfully he had really bad aim xD

They chased after us for a long time, but then we reached this bank of houses that you can't get past unless they ran away from the river and round loads of houses, and side streets. So they lost interest.

And we still have their tennis ball xDDD

Then went to a pub for lunch. The food there was sooo good, but they watered down the coke so much. And the lemonade &&
And.. yeah..
Then we drove up to Scotland, during the Aus v Italy match, so we didn't get to watch it until we got there, as the people we were staying with taped it for us.
It was SOOO bad! I mean.. it was so pathetic of the Italian guy to do that dive thingo. RRRGH!!!!!! mad mad mad gonk scream crying emo

So.. yeah. We stayed with the Popes ((that's their surname. Pope. xDDD Isn't it such a cool name!? )) for two days. Or maybe it was three.. anyway..
We did.. stuff. Mainly internetted, and slept.

Though.. we did go to some random castle, and looked at it's gardens.

Uhm.. yeah.

Oh! Yes! On our way up to Scotland we went to see one of Mum's friends - Debbie. She's really cool, and she has this awesome dog, who's MASSIVE. Like.. up to my hips kind of massive. And called Lulu.
Lulu's a black great dane, and loves cuddles xDD

... we're going out for dinner now.
I'll be back later
TOODLES! heart

Ok, I'm baaack! heart
Did'ja miss me? xDDD

Aaanyway.. after Scotland we drove down to the Lake District, where my Grandad and uncle live. We're staying in my uncle's B&B place, and... uhm.. he has internet.
That's where I am now.
((If you want me to be specific - http://www.claremont-windermere.co.uk/ is the website of the place. Martin Morris is my uncle *nodnod* xDDD))

That day... we generally just settled in and had dinner with my uncle and his fiance... and.. yeah. We messed around with his internet a lot, and moved his wireless box around so that we could leech off it.

The next day, Debbie arrived, because she's mum's best friend and we only saw her for an hour, so we invited her up to see us while we're here *nodnod*
She came at, like.. 5pm.
Before then.. we went shopping for new shoes for me, because my old ones, the metal that holds up the heel poked through the material, and it made holes in my socks. So I got new shoes. And they're some random posh brand that I've never heard of before, but Dad keeps going on about how 'kids always choose the most expensive runners', but his shoes were like.. £20 more expensive than mine xDD

Theeen we went to my Grandad's house ((*wonders if she could find a picture of it on google* xDD; ))
I can too!
This is my Grandad's house:
User Image

It's called Ladywood, and it's the best house ever
It's got three floors ((actual proper floors, not like my one-roomed-atic place, by the way xDD)) and... like.. eight bedrooms, plus a lodge that is let out to tourists.
((webpage for it - http://www.ladywood.ws/index.html)) ((all this internet-searching is fun xDDD))
The house is really cool, but the coolest thing is the gardens. Oh, by the way, it was built by my great-great grandfather or something. How cool is that!? xDDD
Anyway.. the gardens. They're massive, and they back onto a forest. And if the trees weren't in the way, you'd get this awesome view of this really cool river.
If you actually went to the site, there's a picture. But don't believe the site - you can never actually see the river from the lodge - there's too many trees in the way xDD

And.. yeah. We met up with Grandad, and I got my book ((which you would know about if you're a devout reader of my journals xDDD)) and then we went for this drive round the countryside.

But I have to go to bed, so I'll edit this when we get the chance.
Which'll probably be Saturday *nodnod*
Byeee! heart

Hello! I tried to edit before, but my IE died, and I really can't be bothered typing it all out again.
But I will do this survey for you Cat
..... in small font.

Friends Survey
Out of all your friends…

1. Who do you trust most? Zep.

2. Who do you feel you can talk to about anything? Katri... or Cat.. >>;

3. Who do you fight most with? Cat

4. Who is your most special friend? I don't know!

5. Which of them means the most to you? Zep and Katri.. and Nupi and Toto and Saran and BB and Steph K and Cat and Lingling and Flea xDD

6. Who have you been friends with the longest? Steph K

7. Who do you share the most memories with? Uhm... Cat

8. Who have you had the best times with? Everyone.. Probably Nupi and Toto

9. Who have you done silly things with? Nupi and Toto. Every single science lesson last year xDD

10. Who has helped you with your homework? Fuzz

11. Who have you helped with their homework? Yeah.. anyone that's asked.

12. Who has shared their lunch with you? Pretty much everyone that sits with me at lunchtime xD

13. Who have you shared your lunch with? Sherry

14. Who is the best student? Everyone's smarterer than me, so I can't really tell

15. Who is the most rebellious? Cat

16. Who is the smartest? *points up to Q 14*

17. Who is the stupidest? ....... me?

18. Who is the clumsiest? Me

19. Who is most likely to be successful in life? Cat

20. Who is least likely to be successful in life? .... me?

21. Who do you want to remain friends with later on? Everyone!

22. Who is the best listener? Cat, or Zep

23. Who talks the most? Steph K

24. Who is the most random? Uhm...

25. Who likes your type of music? Cat, Saran, Katri and Zep, depending on what type of my music we're talking about

26. Who has the best music sense? Zep

27. Who is the best singer? Cat

28. Who is the best dancer? Sherry

29. Who is the best model? o.o

30. Who is the prettiest? ME! xDDDD
By the way, I'm not serious. Laura

31. Who is the tallest? Lingling.. I think >>;

32. Who is the shortest? Cat

33. Who has the best sense of style? Zep

34. Who is the most different to everyone else? Cat

35. Who is most likely to get married first? o.o, again

36. Who is the least likely to get married? Katri

37. Who are you jealous of? Everyone, in different ways

38. Who is jealous of you? Uhm.. Cat. I honestly can't see why though ><

39. Who has the best hair? Toto

40. Who is the most likely to commit suicide? ..... pizza?

41. Who is the least likely to have children? Katri. I honestly can't see her as a mother.

42. Who is the most likely to get top VCE marks? *points at anyone except at herself*

43. Who shares your hobbies? Katri, and Zep. And....... James xDDDDDDDDDDD

44. Who shares your interests? Uhm...

45. Who is the most obsessive? Me, again

46. Who has the most obsessions? .. me?

47. Who is an addict? Me, an' Katri xD

48. Who takes drugs? ... Cat. PANADOL! ((*dies at the really bad, old joke*))

49. Who smokes? No one... that I know of *looks around suspiciously*

50. Who drinks? Everyone.. otherwise they'd be dead. ((*dies again, at the other bad joke*))

51. Who is the most likely to take drugs? .... Tash?

52. Who is the least likely to take drugs? Err... Nupi

53. Who is the most likely to smoke? Deb

54. Who is the least likely to smoke? Err.. Nupi, again ((Hey, Cat! - - ))

55. Who is the most likely to get drunk? Tash

56. Who is the least likely to get drunk? Nupi xD

57. Who is the most likely to become anorexic? ... Sherry

58. Who is the least likely to become anorexic? ... me? xD

59. Who is the sportiest? Zep... or Steph K. Or Lingling

60. Who is the least sporty? Meeee!

61. Who is the most enthusiastic? Err..

62. Who is the least enthusiastic? ... me?

63. Who is the most narcissistic? *pretends to know what that means*

64. Who is the least narcissistic? >>;

65. Who is the most optimistic? Err...

66. Who is the most pessimistic? ..... Katri?

67. Who has a boyfriend? .. giant pizza on a stick point seven two five

68. Who is popular with guys? .. llama

69. Who is popular with girls? *gets bored*

70. Who has the most friends? Err... Cat? or Zep

71. Who is emo? Cat likes to pretend, and then deny it...

72. Who is punk? .....

73. Who is a poser? ..........

74. Who is most likely to become something business related? James! xDD ((Oi! I wanna be a TRANSLATOR, dammit! mad xD ))

75. Who is most likely to become a lawyer? Cat

76. Who is most likely to become a housewife? ..... Nupi?

77. Who is most likely to become a doctor or vet? Sherry

78. Who will probably go through the most boyfriends? Err.. me?

79. Who will probably have the best relationships? Zep

80. Who believes in you? Cat

81. Who is the most bossy? Me >>;

82. Who is the best mathematician? Lingling

83. Who is the best story writer? Nupi

84. Who is the best speller? Cat

85. Who is the best artist? Everyone's good in their own ways....

86. Who is the best actress? Nupi

87. Who has the most ‘street sense’? err... Zep?

88. Who has unrealistic expectations of themselves? err...

89. Who is over confident? ..... >>;

90. Who has low self esteem? *gives up*

91. Who is suicidal? Ugh..

92. Who gets on everyone’s nerves? I like pizza

93. Who hates everyone? do you?

94. Who sits alone at lunch? Pizza's good

95. Who is the bitchiest? But only with garlic bread

96. Who is the nicest? And only nice pizza

97. Who is the quietest? Like dominos!

98. Who is the loudest? Mmm.. dominos

99. Who is ‘everyone’s friend’? Dominos is a good game. I used to play it a lot

100. Who do you feel closest to? We had this massive domino set that had numbers up to 20 or something, and we used to drag it around everywhere, and play it while waiting for lunch in pubs and stuff.
Now we just take cards.

Wasn't that fun? ><

Anyway.. yeah..

User Comments: [4] [add]
Community Member
commentCommented on: Fri Jun 30, 2006 @ 02:25am
Ah! You've turned into one of those people who post at 2am! xp
Yeah, I read fast. And a lot, given half the chance. ^.^ But I always run out of interesting books to borrow. sweatdrop
Driving... I think... it was maybe 6 hours to Mildura. 2 and a half hours on the dirt roads to Mungo national park. gonk 4 hours from Broken Hill to Mildura. Yeah you get the point.
Firefox doesn't seem to have the same issues with the fonts.
That looks like a really cool house! Australia doesn't have so many cool old world type buildings, I suppose since it's so young. ^.^

commentCommented on: Fri Jun 30, 2006 @ 08:09am
I'm not bothering with fancy font today -- this is a quick comment.

Wow, it sounds very interesting!! You've just successfully made me more jealous of you. Well done. ^_^

Anyway... READ MY JOURNAL!! And you have to fill out the question thingo too.


x].Superficial Muffins.[x
Community Member
x].Superficial Muffins.[x
Community Member
commentCommented on: Sun Jul 02, 2006 @ 09:29am
I'm just going to smile and nod, because I know you did it JUST FOR ME because you love me OH SO MUCH. =]

[even though half the answers were related to pizza, and the other half you just answered as 'me'] XD


..another really bad joke to die at!!

And.. HEY!! I'm not SHORT.. I'm only 0.5cm shorter than yoouuuu!!!

But yeaaaaaaaaaaah..

Thankyyooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuu. And hurry up on msn so i can share all my exciting horse-related findings with you!! Because you care so much!!


commentCommented on: Wed Jul 05, 2006 @ 01:53am
I AM JUST AS TALL AS LING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! talk2hand

iT SEEMS LIKE YOUR whoops forgot the capslockhey i just wrote that down and that to and t ill stop now. ANyway it seems like your having fun and even though you are you should COME BACK TO MELBOURNE SOON. I hAVE A BUSTED whooops capslock again. my eye is big a puffy and red and swollen and im to embrassed to go to school. *curses the eyedrops* cool quiz and you should know that i wouldnt have been hurt if you had of said everyone except steph k for the artistic abillity thing.

Love steph

P.s. when i went to qld they couldnt spell my name properly they splet it STAPHANI seriously.

P.S.S. wow i do talk alot

P.S.S.S. THEY (could possilbliy) BE ANOTHER SERIES OF CHARMED. HOORAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Community Member
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