This is an MS Paint piece by Undisclosed. This must honestly be the smallest one I've received yet.
I had this done mainly because it's an MSP style that I don't have yet.
The lines are a bit smaller with less drastic shading.
This must be the first in which the Coco Plushie looks like an actual plush toy instead of a real cat.
This is more a normal sketched version that was thrown into the package deal.
This one is a little larger with some smaller details I've noticed. For one, the shirts look less like the SCorp Labcoats,
and more like the #FFFFFF Complex Shirts that are kind of dress-y in nature. Also, the cat ears are coming
across more like the Doll Ears. Again, an artistic interpretation is not something I will not take points off for,
but I feel like a Chobits character now
Renzeig · Sun Jun 25, 2006 @ 02:51pm · 1 Comments