Hello & welcome &... ooh! A llama! dramallama That's me guys right there. Head bopping to Bon Jovi! heart *Drools* But that's besides the point! Hm, it's been awhile since I had a journal entry... sweatdrop Oh well, very few people read them then even fewer comment on them. I like feedback but whatever.
All people out there who read this, I want you to think about it, why do people have to always be dressed up for a reason? Who made that rule up? I don't know about you guys but I hate rules, especially one's that won't kill anybody. Example, me & my three closest friends all get dressed up for no apparant reason & we eat at McDonalds. That's right. You heard me...MCDONALDS!!! *All preppy girls faint in shock & horror* MMM...fries for my thighs.
Hey you only live once, might as well make the best of it. You can live while your alive & sleep when your dead. But please, don't look for a 25th hour, cause it's not there. So stop looking for it. xd
I was just reading a friend's journal & he made a really good point. For the people who don't know who i'm talking about, I think (so does he) that people should be happy with what the Earth has to offer. Everything has it's own beauty to it, it's just that with some of it it's a little harder to see it. For example, my closest girlfriend wears her punk stuff (black shirts, baggy jeans, spikes & collars) then when we went to McDonalds ( mrgreen ) I saw her in a black dress with a pink outline & let me tell you...she was gorgeous! Absolutely stunning. The dress hugged her nice curves & everything. I just couldn't believe it. Another example is basically the same situation. My closest guy friend is the type where he wears t-shirts with the smart-a** sayings on them. I saw him in a suit & he was soooo handsome. 3nodding I couldn't believe it. I can safely say that those two were the most nicely dressed there (another guy friend came too). So you see kids (I pulled a Greenley sweatdrop ) everyone & everything has it's own beauty to it. With some things you just have to dig a little deeper. & in the end...it's always worth it! heart
Good-day my fellow readers
heart Jessica
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The Random Thingy
My journal will be diversified. Some happy, others sad, & some that are just completely random! Like llamas!!
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that rocked!