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The Chronicles of a Legend
This is going to have my thoughts, some of my discoveries, and any other random stuff I can think of.
Black Void 42
Neo Chronicles: Black Void

Episode 42: Twice?

Table of Contents

I hear them all talkin' over each other. Their alien tongues is gettin' mix-matched with my personal translator. I think the thing has a range, an' based on where I'm floatin', I'm definitely outta it. Makes everything a thousand times worse than it already is. An' with the ship gettin' hit every couple seconds now, it's hard t'stay focused on anything.

Artificial gravity in the place's been gone, but the magnetized soles of my boots keep me grounded. At least t'what's left of the ground.

Another heavy hit. I'm flung t'the other side of the hall. The impact along my back hurts a lot more than I thought it would.

My sword slips out of its holster. It was 'spose t'be magnetized, too. As I see it floatin' away from me, I push myself back t'my feet an' reach out. Touchin' the hilt sends a jolt through me. These electric shocks've been gettin' harder an' harder t'ignore lately. I see slight lil' specks of blue around me, faintly flashin' before they flicker out.

Another forceful impact t'the ship sends me flyin'. Think my head rams up against somethin' hard. Next thing I know, I'm wakin' up t'the sounds of everyone shoutin' in my head. It's like they never stopped.

I look at the corner of the screen in my helmet t'see if those dots is still movin'. They separated now.

Ship's broke. I'm kinda left floatin' here in space. Loose scraps of debris surround me. I look around for somethin' t'grab onto. Don't really have a sense of up or down, an' the feelin' is terrifyin'. I'm still spinnin'. Or am I spinnin'? Feels like I'm spinnin'.

I close my eyes, an' try t'push down whatever it is in my stomach that's tryna creep its way on up. I take a big gulp an' then exhale. Blech. Got a nasty taste in my mouth now.

My back bumps up against somethin' big. My feet're attracted t'it, so I guess it's another hunk of metal from the ship.

As long as I been in space, there's always been some sorta gravity or gravity-like thing t'keep me grounded. The times I been without it've been few an' far between.

Lookin' around, I'm tryna see if there's anything left of this dead ship t'jump to. That invisible space octopus went on a rampage an' jus' smashed what was left of the place t'pieces. Whatever Mallec did, it certainly didn't like. I'm starin' out at the wide open black through an opening where I think Ran's room used t'be.

Or maybe it was the cockpit? The memory seems like a lifetime ago.

The voices in my head're talkin' over each other again. With everything outta wack, I been tryna block out all the noise. Ain't doin' a dang thing for this headache, so I decide t'do the opposite an' listen.

“How is everybody?” Kal-Artang asks.

“Alive,” I hear FengRi respond.

“Barely.” Mera's adds in.

“Why can't we just go again?” Judgin' by Rutra's tone, he's clearly annoyed.

“Because that thing will kill us.” FengRi answers.

“And if we stay?” Mera inquires.

“That thing will kill us.” Rutra answers.

The comms go quiet for a moment, an' it's in that quiet I realize just how dead space really is. I can't hear nothin'. There's nothin' to hear. No atmosphere t'carry the sound of scraps of metal or whatever bumpin' up against each other, no way t'physically sense how close or how far that space monster is t'us, an' with everyone scattered about, we're sorta left in an extremely vulnerable situation.

“Yo,” I call out. “How I turn these magnet boots off?”

“Can't you read?” Rutra snarkishly asks.

Yeah, there's some words an' panels that I see within my visor. Maybe if I was born an' raised in space, I'd have some idea how t'work the interface, but outside of guessin' what some of the pictures mean, I ain't got a clue.

“To do a hard-kill, pinch and hold them at their heel,” Mera answers. “Same way to turn them back on.”

“Good news my bottom-feeding acquaintances,” Mallec somehow manages t'hack his way over the comms again. “I have finally devised a reliable means to track this wayward experiment. I'm sending you the results now.”

Then I see this huge, red blob of a light pop up on the visor in my helmet. The broken up white lines, representin' the ship, are just formed around it. The three scattered blue dots, representin' the crew, look oh so small in comparison. There ain't no way we gettin' outta this alive.

Then I see it flash before me in all its horrific glory. The thing's huge. I see what I can only imagine the huge elliptical thing in the center is its big ol' head. Not exactly an octopus, but it's all I got t'describe it. Maybe a squid? Each of its thick, heavy limbs slowly flail about, rammin' through the rest of the floatin' pieces of the dead ship.

I pinch the heel of my left boot an' feel it unlatch from the metal piece it was attached to. Then I do the same t'my right. An' with my sword in hand, I kick off from that platform, jus' barely avoidin' the space monster's wildly swingin' arm.

I end up bumpin' into a floatin' wall some short distance away. Then, as another flyin' tentacle comes swingin' my way, I push off again, an' again, an' again. I brush up close with the monster on too many occasions.

“What are you waiting for?” Mallec asks. “You can see the d'asst thing? Why don't you attack it?”

“That would be a lot easier if our ship had a working weapons system,” Kal-Artang responds.

“Mosstensdren! Must I do everything?”

As I'm jumpin' for my life, Mallec's words echo in my mind. I mean, I got a sword. I can shoot stuff with it. This thing may be huge, but I'm sure it can get hurt.

I push myself off from the current platform I'm on, an' head towards the beast. I feel another sharp jolt as I place both hands at the hilt. Then I pull back an' focus all of my attention on doin' one thing. With a big heave, I swing, an' a huge blade of energy fires forth.

I didn't expect t'be pushed back from the attack, but it happens. Instead of floatin' at the monster, I end up flyin' backwards. An' as always the case, I instantly feel drained. Not exhausted, but definitely drained.

But as my back bumps up against a floatin' piece of floor, I can't help but smile. Watchin' the monster reel back from the energy blast makes me feel a lil' bit better.

Down the way, I see the monster get lit up. Over the comms, I hear Rutra hollerin' like a madman. Doesn't take much t'put two an' two together.

In the other direction, I see a similar light show take place. The crew may be separated, but we all in this together. It's almost inspirin'.

I pull back my sword an' swing it again, firin' off another wave of energy. Then again. Then again an' again. Don't even bother t'aim. The monster's so big, everything hits.

I keep up this supportin' fire for as long as I can, knowin' good an' well that I still don't know how t'pace myself. Sweat pours out from my pores behind this helmet. I'm inhalin' this suit's oxygen more an' more with each strike. Between each attack, my body acts jus' a lil' bit slower.

But I keeps it movin'.

“There,” I hear Mallec over the comms again. “You should be in fighting form. Now open fire.”

“Are you serious? They're still out there!” Kal-Artang responds.

“What difference does it make? The creature is distracted.”

“I'm not opening fire on my crew.”

“Then I will.”


An' that's all the warnin' we get. I turn around an' see the ship light up. Then I turn back around t'see that I'm floatin' smack dab in between its line of sight. I'm seconds away from gettin' blown t'smitherines Truly a messed up kinda situation.

I'm tired. My visor's been foggin' up with each of my heavy breaths. I'm out in the open. All 'dem attacks I sent off pushed me too far away from anything solid t'push off from.

What if I absorb it? The thought crosses my mind. I look t'my sword an' recount that fight I had with Leos Strike. I'd end up survivin', no doubt, but wouldn't that weaken the blast? What if me absorbin' it, causes the monster t'survive?

Can I get out of the way? Maybe I've got enough energy for one last blast that'll push me outta the line of fire.

Why doesn't this space suit have rocket boosters of its own? Wait a minute, does it? I look at the menus my visor has on display an' try t'piece through anything that looks like somethin'. All these weird symbols. Dang it, I'd be so mad if the only thing stoppin' me from flyin' outta here is me not readin'!


Too late.

In a flash, everything goes white.

Instinctively, I bring my sword out in front of me. Flat side's facin' out. Holdin' it on both ends. Usin' it like a shield.

On impact, I feel the surge pass through me. The blade lights up in that bright, cold blue. That same blueish hue surrounds me. It's like I'm in a small dome, an' the bright, white light ends up passin' around it.

I know I'm absorbin' the blast. I get that same shockin', tinglin' sensation throughout my body. My heart starts drummin' like crazy. I start seein' things in slow motion. Feels like a sugar rush in my head.

The blast finally subsides. I turn around an' see that the space monster now has a giant hole where its head used t'be. Its limbs're still movin', but I think that's more of a reflex. The thing's dead. The thing's dead, an' I'm still alive.

All things considered, I say that today was a good day.

“And,” I hear Mallec state over the comm. “One more for good measure.”

My eyes widen as I stare back at the ship. The white lightning pours out from its blaster once again.

'An once again, I'm in the line of fire.



Back on the ship, I'm pissed. I see ol' Mallec jus' convenin' with Scion an' Kal-Artang in the conference room up ahead. I'm stompin' my way down the hall, draggin' my sword along the ground.

I see Rutra, Mera, an' FengRi standin' outside the room. They looked engaged in some sorta thing, conversin' among each other an' whatnot.

When they turn t'see me, they look relieved. They let their bodies relax. The hard features on their faces soften. 'Cept for FengRi. Dude stays mad about somethin', but the others is genuinely happy t'see me.

“You made it!” Rutra says, raisin' his arms enthusiastically. “Wasn't sure about you for a second, but somehow I knew you'd pull through.”

“Are you okay?” Mera asks.

I keep walkin'. I don't even acknowledge that they here.

Then FengRi steps between me an' the door. “With all due respect, Captain,” I know it pains him t'refer t'me as that, “But I believe you should take some time to recover. Properly regain your senses, get your head in the right place.

I know exactly what dude's gettin' at. See, he was quick t'pick up on how peed off I am. I only jus' got back inside. Haven't even taken my helmet off. Probably saw how forceful an' assertive my walk was. Probably picked up on how tense my shoulders is. Probably put together how abrasive my mannerisms are.

He's right.

“I'm fine,” I say.

Without another word, I step right past him an' walk up in the room.

This the same room where the decision was made. I gave my presentation. I remember how—scared? embarrassed?—intimidated I felt t'give a speech on what I thought was best for the crew.

As Mallec, Kal-Artang, an' Scion turn t'give me their attention, I don't feel none of those things now.

I clench the hilt of my sword a lil' bit tighter. I unfasten my helmet with my free hand an' take it off so they can look me in the eyes. They know I ain't playin'.

“You shot me!” I shout at Mallec, pointin' my helmet at him.

“Nice to see you, too,” Mallec responds.

“You let him!” I shout at Scion an' Kal.

“He hacked the ship,” Scion retorts.


“And you survived,” Mallec says, “Now as I was saying – ”

He doesn't even care. That was the thing I hated about this dude. He'll do stuff, goof up, then move on like it ain't nobody's business. That's how that kid died—crud, what was his name—that's how that planet died. An' it was about t'happen again if we jus' didn't happen t'be here.

“No!” I exclaim, slammin' my sword on the floor. “Get off my ship!”

“I'm sorry?” Mallec's expression is masked by his—well, his gas mask lookin'—thing. The mechanical goggles he wears widen an' contract at various intervals, but all that aside, his green, bald, veiny head genuinely looks confused.

“What's the problem?” he asks.

I look away, bitin' my lips down, as I inhale deep. It's takin' everything I got not t'slap this dude across the face. When I come back around, for a split second, I think I'm good. “You shot me!” But as the words come out, I don't even pay attention t'how loud they are. “Twice!”

“And you survived. In fact, if that archaic symbiotic piece of tech by your side is what I think it is,” he says, motionin' at my sword. “I probably did you a favor.”


His goggly eyes light up as he looks at the sword in its entirety. The way they contract like a shutter gives off the impression of a camera takin' a snapshot.

“Yes, it's as I suspected.” His gaze returns on me. “People don't even use that thing anymore. Way too dangerous. Yet here you are touting it about like the good toy soldier that you are.” He sighs, an' then with a raised voice, he goes on, “All the while, my tech, my inventions, my discoveries all go towards helping the community at large.”


“That's not to say they're without fault, but progress halts for no one. And if some poor, unfortunate soul suffers for the good of all, then bless the child, for he is paving the way for a better tomorrow.”

He takes a step back an' places his hand over his face. All cybernetic an' junk. The lights that line up along his muscles an' veins shine bright for a moment. Then as he sighs, the lights dim back down.

He's upset. I don't care.

“What do you know about this sword?”

I hear Scion an' Kal collectively moan behind me. They're upset, too. I did sorta derail everything, but –

“You mean you don't know?” The lights along Mallec's body shine up again. “What do they do, just give you the blade and say fight for our galaxy? No indoctrination? No explanation? No assessments of the risks? That's just like them.”

“Dude, I found this on the back of a cargo ship. I ain't in nobody's army.”

“Well, that's disconcerting. My mistake then. I apologize for calling you a government pawn.”

“Can we please get back to talking about the ship?” Scion interjects.

“Ah yes, of course.” Mallec replies. “You did go out of your way help me clean up my little mess. Proper compensation is due.”

“You dang right it's 'due.' You gon' fix up the entire ship before you go. Top t'bottom. Better make it better than it's been. I'm talkin' a complete revamp. An' you gonna stock us up with a week's worth of supplies, too. Nah, make it a month.”

“A whole month?”

“Please, Captain,” Scion interjects. “Allow us to work out the specifics. You go get some rest.”

I know he's jus' sayin' that so I can leave the room. Ain't none of them really care how I feel. Lookin' at Kal mean-muggin' an' Scion frownin', it's plain t'see I'm not really wanted here.

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