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Captain Vera Vivanco
♦ General ♦

Name: Vera Vivanco

Rank: Captain

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Marital Status: Single

Sexuality: Unknown to most

Temperament: Vera has a natural aura of authority about her which tends to rub people the wrong way, especially with her short temper and her refusal to cater to anyone’s feelings but her own. She’s reserved and secretive when it comes to her personal affairs, and if anyone asks her about it she’ll either punch them or talk about something else, making it impossible to get anything out of her until she personally feels like it’s necessary.

Likes: The smell of the sea, a proper working ship, the clinking of coins, gut punching her crew and various others, and keeping her weapons well-polished and neat.

Dislikes: Being on land for an extended period of time, someone trying to out match her, being treated as "just a woman", being talked down upon and if someone insults her ship.

Gear/Equipment: A pair of ivory flintlock pistols with dual ammunition chambers, one embellished with gold and the other with pure silver. She also carries a pair of rapiers that she stole off the body of a British naval officer along with a small emergency dirk hidden in her right boot.

♦ Physical Traits ♦

Race: Human

Nationality: Spanish descent

Main Hand: Right

Hair Colour: Reddish - brown

Hair Length: Long, usually styled in a side braid to keep out of her face

Eye Colour: Brown

Skin Color: A light olive skin tone

Height: 5’ 6”

Build: Curvy-muscular

Markings/Piercings: She has a large, deep X shaped scar across her chest, and a smaller scar over her left eye. She also has a golden labret piercing and two sleeve tattoos, both of Mayan origin.

♦ Bio ♦

Vera Vivanco was born in the city of Trujillo, located in the Spanish-ruled territory of Honduras. Her father was a researcher for the Spanish government, who was appointed as a navigator for the navy due to his ability to read and research maps. He was sent to the city to provide assistance to the governor there and also to send back information for his home in Spain. While there, he fell in love with a dancing girl and quickly married, deciding to start a life and take up permanent residence. Once her mother had given birth to Vera, she soon fell ill due to infection and died, leaving Vera to grow up with her father.

While she was growing up, Vera’s father decided to raise her as he would a boy, dressing her as such and calling her by the name of "Victor" in order to secure her future. Being the bright man that he was, he would often force Vera to research an extensive amount of different things, but her favourite subjects were naturally sailing and navigation. Noticing her interest on the two, he pressed her to expand more upon them, teaching her the ways of weaponry and sailing which, due to his position in the Spanish government, landed Vera a job aboard a man ‘o war for the Spanish Navy during her early teenage years.

Vera worked extensively during her brief time in the navy, starting out as a powder monkey and, thanks to her father’s teachings, made her way up to the rank of master gunner in just a few short years. Her good fortune and new job was not to last her long however, as one day during a simple escort mission the ship soon found itself under attack by the infamous pirate known as Charles Vane. As a master gunner, Vera was used to the pirate attacks but none had ever caused her to lose as badly as they did that day. Out matched, outmanned and outgunned, Vera was taken up onto the deck as soon as the battle was over, kicking and cursing the entire way until they lined her up with a few other survivors. Vane would stare down the line of them, shooting them one by one after a few seconds of pause until he got to Vera. Prepared and accepting the fact that she could die, she looked him straight in the eyes, never blinking. There must have been something in her gaze that saved her, for instead of shooting her like the others, Vane offered Vera another alternative; to join or to die. That was the day when Vera became a pirate.

Under the command of Charles Vane, Vera had to learn quickly on what it meant to become a true pirate. Because she was raised in such an orderly and strict lifestyle, she was unaccustomed to the unruly fashion and freedom that the others were used to during her first year, but she ended up staying with Vane until her early twenties. Using her knowledge on the ship routs of the navy, Vane managed to get their ship a strong foothold in the ranks of the other pirates. However, the fame would soon prove to go to his head as he became crueler by each passing week, lashing out at his crew and cheating them of their fair share of pay. Many were scared to revolt, for he had developed a nasty habit of killing off any who objected his direct order, a habit which Vera herself had soon obtained. Taking on his nature, she became cross and power hungry, often snapping at her fellow crew members and working extra hard to get herself both feared and respected. Talk of making her captain soon spread to Vane, and he had planned to have her killed after the next raid on the town of Havana to show an example to the rest of the crew, but because of her own connections Vera managed to gather up the few that were loyal to her and steal a frigate, disappearing into the night.

A few weeks after her escape, she had the ship renamed to “Ladies Regret” for unbeknownst reasons, and came out openly as one of the first female pirates. Looking to expand her small crew, Vera traveled far and wide, searching for more promising recruits for her crew. Wanting to gather as much riches as she can find, Vera dreams to one day become one of the most famous pirate captains in history.

Sailing under Vera's command is no easy task. She expects complete loyalty and perfection from her crew. One tiny slip up and you're sure to be shot or meet the end of her blade.

Vera Vivanco
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Vera Vivanco
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