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Keeping in Mind...
Pretty much anything that won't fit in a facebook stat, or what I feel like writing. Random facts, or shocking details.
Star Trek! The Fan Work!
After realizing that Star Trek audio shows have been filling a void in my life (something that I am reminded of every time I binge listen to a Star Trek audio drama) I have decided to give Star Trek fan films a second chance. Something I've never been terribly interested in for a few reasons, three main reasons. 1. Decent visual effects are hard to do on a budget. 2. The actors not looking like the originals or scripts not being up to snuff. 3. The project might be dropped and leave me hanging/it takes way too long for updates.

I've decided to start with Star Trek Continues because the people over at Excelsior like it. Episode 1 is Pilgrim of Eternity.

I really should probably start with Star Trek: Of Gods and Men, but that will set my expectations too high. So, later. Something to savor. whee Maybe something to watch with friends. I'll bring it up at a Star Trek Meeting. And post it on a Geek board.

I should go back and add more Star Trek audio dramas to the audio drama entry... ^_^ Or just write a new Star Trek Audio Drama Entry.

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