's been awhile. well before I forgot... sweatdrop heehee....*shifty eyes* Well, that THAT'S out of the way, what can I talk about.
Poor Justin; got that nasty little chunk taken outta his hand xp *clutches scar on left leg in pain* Urg, just thinking about it is making MY scar act up. It really sucks. It acts like a moodring. Whenever i'm upset or stressed or anything like that, it starts to hurt. stare It kinda sucks. So i'm worried as hell about Justin so i'm limping around the house. URG why doesn't my house have escalators!! evil stare *sighs* oh well. Get better Justin. heart
Although, this kinda brings up a mean opinion of mine. I love it when blondes have dumb blonde moments. rofl No one who is blonde take this offensively, it's just a joke with my friends (cause the ones I hang out with are blonde or naturally blonde mrgreen ) If you take this offensively then you don't hang out with me enough! So talk2hand So...I was gonna say why i like it but then I forgot! sweatdrop hasn't been the best day. Well Justin take care of your hand heart Mel I love you with all of my heart & I hope everything works out 3nodding heart Take care ya'll!!
Love, Jessica
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