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The Spark of Life: 4. Deadly Ice
A/N: I swear each chapter I write gains another thousand words. I had to unfortunately cut this chapter short because it had already gained the one thousand words and then some. So what I have written has been split into two chapters. Well I hope you enjoy this chapter as it is. The next one shouldn't be too far behind. I only have a few thousand words to go.

Chapter Four - Deadly Ice

"Run. Run as fast as you can. As far as you can. Just get the hell out of here!" A voice screams at him as he legs it through a forest. "What ever you do, don't look back." He ignored the voice. Turning back he sees flashes of curly red hair appear and disappear. His breath catches in his throat. The fear clawing at his lungs. Facing forward once more he abruptly stops, causing whatever it is he is pulling along with him to crash into his back. Hiding it from view he stares directly at the monster. Flaming red locks blow in the wind and delighted blood red eyes meet his terrified green ones. It vanishes and the grip on his hand tightens before suddenly going slack.

Samuel bolts upright in bed, narrowly missing Charlie's head this time. Taking deep breaths and rapidly blinking to clear away the images, he comes back to his senses. "This is going to become a morning routine of ours isn't it?" Charlie jokes. Samuel just cringes at the thought. This morning is now the fifth time it has happened, Samuel's first day of school being the only exception, due to his lack of sleep from nerves. Every morning, when Charlie hears ether a scream or whimpering from Samuel's room he enters and tries to calm him down enough to wake up. But it always ends in the same way. A sudden jolt and Samuel's head collides with Charlies causing a permanent bump to form on Charlie's head. This being the first time they have missed. "I'll be going now. Need to get Bella's truck sorted out before she's ready to go. The snow and from yesterday has turned the road to ice." He pats Samuel on the shoulder and leaves with that. Samuel gets up and ready, meeting Bella downstairs in the kitchen. He shoves his History and Law homework into his bag, along with a signed permission slip by Charlie, since he is now his official guardian, for an excursion all the freshmen were going on the next day. He, along with three other people, are the only students in their year not taking Biology, so the school decided to just make it an excursion for the entire year to save the timetable confusion.

Bella looks to be in a good mood as she eats her bowl of cereal and orange juice from the carton. "Excited?" He asks as he inspects the fruit on the kitchen counter, picking an apple as to not ruin his clothes with anything falling from it.

"Strangely yes. It frightens me." She notices Samuel is dressed much better today than the rest of the week sparking an interest. "What's with the getup?"

Nervous. "Um... it's warmer?" he doesn't seem sure of himself and Bella just raises an eyebrow at him. It's not like he is wearing anything too strange for the weather, they are just some of his more expensive clothes. He simply has a light scarf on, a t-shirt and a light jacket that may or may not be suitable for the weather if it started to rain, along with a pair of jeans and the nicer pair of shoes he brought with him. Honestly, Samuel doesn't really have many clothes to choose from. He has yet to go shopping for some new clothes that suited the weather that frequented Forks and the surrounding areas, so he is stuck wearing the few clothes he brought with him. Also seeing as how he only had a learners permit he couldn't simply drive down to Port Angeles at any time he desired. Not yet anyway, with how over protective Charlie is being. But Samuel guesses that will lighten up once Charlie becomes more used to him and his habits.

Samuel reckons, since he will be staying here for quite some time and it won't be until close to the end of the school year that he receives his inheritance on his 18th birthday, that he should try and find a job. So the last two days after school Bella has been going with him to all the shops and restaurants nearby to hand in their resume's together. Today they will be going to the diner Charlie took them to on his first day of school along with any other places nearby.

Finishing his apple he goes to put the core in the bin, bumping into Bella as she throws the now empty carton of orange juice into it as well. Awkwardly laughing it off, Bella places her bowl and spoon into the sink for later before grabbing her bag off of the table. "Ready?" Samuel simply nods, grabbing his packed bag from next to the door along with his coat from the hook by the door to cover him from possible rain until he gets into class. The constant fog seems to have lifted, but as charlie mentioned, the road is covered in ice, making the driveway a deadly ice slick.

Stopping just outside the door they both notice the truck missing. Bella looks at Samuel confused, as if to ask him if he had any idea where the truck could be. He just shrugs his shoulders, not having any idea, until Charlie drives up the road in it. That's when he remembers Charlie's words from earlier in the morning and lets out a whispered "Oops, I forgot.". Walking down the steps, Bella isn't paying attention to the ice that managed to cover parts of the path and road last night, causing her to slip and fall over. On her way down she somehow grabs a hold of Samuel's arm making him loose balance, but thankfully he manages to find his footing before he can join Bella on the freezing cold ground. Thanking his fast reflexes from years of playing sport, Charlie and Samuel both help Bella stand upright once more.

"Wow, are you alright?" Charlie asked wiping off some of the ice on her jacket while Samuel just grabbes Bella's bag and keys from Charlie's hand.

"Yeah I'm good. Ice doesn't really help the uncoordinated." She jests, letting Samuel open the truck and shove their bags in front of the passenger seat.

"Yeah. That's why I had some new tiers put on the truck. Old ones where getting pretty bald. Well I'll probably be late for dinner. I gotta head down to Mason County. A security guard at the Mason Mill got killed by some kinda animal." That made them both pause. Samuel crawling over to the drivers seat to get a better listen.

"An animal?" Samuel just raised an eyebrow in question.

"You're not in Phoenix anymore Bells. Anyway, figured I'd lend a hand." With that Samuel shuffled back over to his seat letting them say their goodbyes. He had no need for any more awkward father daughter conversations with those two. He got enough of it throughout the weekend. Not that he is exactly the best when it comes to conversation anymore ether.


During the drive to school Bella is particularly talkative. Apparently all the attention from the boys was getting on her nerves. "Back home none of the boys were interested. I'm sure I look exactly the same as i did in Phoenix, yet the boys react differently."

"How so?" Samuel is sure that no matter where you went all boys are the same, so Bella's thoughts confused him. Surly, just because they are living in a small town, doesn't mean the boys are that different... are they? Also if so hopefully it wouldn't change him as well.

"Well Mike has this stupid puppy-dog behavior. I keep on imagining him with a tail because of it." Samuel snickered at that since it was easy to imagine with the way he noticed Mike following Bella around. A Labrador tail to be precise. "Not to mention Eric's apparent rivalry with him. It's disconcerting. Honestly I'm not sure if i prefer being ignored." Samuel nods his head knowing the feeling. With everything that has happened in his life lately, he doesn't know if it would be better just being ignored or if that will just make everything worse. Bella continues. "Maybe my crippling clumsiness is seen as endearing rather than pathetic."

"Like a damsel in distress?" He jokes.

"Exactly!" She yells out and with that they both laugh. Samuel's cheeks hurting from it due to the lack of exercise they have received lately.

Bella's slow driving, although increasing the time it took for travel, makes Samuel thankful. For he knew that with Bella's luck with danger, her clumsiness and mixing ice into the equation, there would probably be a path of destruction through Main Street and if he is honest with himself, Samuel wants to be perfectly in tact for today.

Samuel doesn't have class' until lunch today, so as Jasper arranged, they are going to meet up in the library for tutoring during that time. The thought of seeing Jasper again makes him giddy with excitement and truthfully that confuses him. Sure the tutoring session on Tuesday was fun and he had to admit, whenever he managed to remember something important that Jasper had told him, he felt something pulling on his chest as Jasper gave him that crooked smile of his. But surely that isn't enough to make him feel like this... is it? He can't think of any other class where one of his new friends makes him feel like this, so surly it is an odd occurrence. But as he thinks more on it he realizes that here is one other person who makes him feel like this. A cute, energetic girl, with elven-like features. Alice, the girl he chose to sit next to in English, due to overhearing Lauren and Jessica talking behind her back in Gym that morning. Instantly her bubbly personality managed to cheer him up and somehow her constant talking in class didn't bother him. She isn't like most of the other people who expect him to talk back to them and join in on the conversation, but instead just let him be. It is like she understands him. Knowing when to ask him questions, talk to him about certain things, change the topic when he begins to get bored and stop talking when he doesn't want to listen any more.

He now has someone in every class that he could walk with and occasionally talk to, even if he isn't always sitting by them. In Math it is Angela who along with Bella, and Jessica are in his dreaded Spanish class and when she feels like it Jessica also goes with him to English. But in that class Alice is his go to girl, where as Eric and Tyler are his go to boys. They talk about sport most of the time and Mike joins them for Law. That is probably the only class he has without any of their female friends. Mike jokes that it's their guy time. Now Jasper is in his History class along with Tyler and the annoying Lauren who, when she found out Samuel was hanging around the Cullens, her attitude became harsher towards him. It's a good thing he only has her in... just over half his classes. Samuel simply hopes Jasper is never away when he has History with him or else he'll be stuck with her sitting on the table across the isle from him. Oh how he dreads the day he is left alone with her. Gym is probably the class he has most of his friends in. The only friends that don't have it with him are Eric and Angela and although he misses them, Gym is his favorite class. He can run around, play games and be with friends all class. He loves it.

Upon arriving at school, Samuel notices the time. Quickly grabbing his and Bella's bags from between his feet, he throws Bella's at her before rushing out of the car and dashing towards the Library. Bella laughs at him until she sees the time as well. Slipping and sliding along the ice in his haste, Samuel manages to get to the Library just as the bell chimes. Regaining his breath, he looks up to search the room and spots a nest of honey blond hair. Smiling like an idiot he walks over to the table and places his bag down. "Sorry about that. Ice and Bella don't mix." And there it is. Jasper's trademark crooked grin making an appearance.


After their tutoring session Jasper offers to escort Samuel to the cafeteria. The crooked grin along with Jasper's courteous words meant Samuel couldn't decline. Although the old fashioned way Jasper spoke was strange to him at first, it is starting to grow on him. His southern drawl adding to the appeal. Jasper just has this way about him that draws Samuel in. Sometimes Samuel can't help stare into his topaz eyes and feel as though Jasper can see into his soul. As though he can't hide anything from him. It frightens and yet comforts him at the same time. Walking down one of the hallways Samuel spotted Bella standing at her locker, talking to a strange and slightly attractive boy with untidy, bronze coloured hair. He is lanky and less bulky than Jasper and his adopted brother Emmett, who he had yet to talk to, but over all is more boyish than them. Where Jasper looks to be twenty something and too old to be in high school, this other boy actually looks their age. He turns to Jasper to ask if he knows him, when the boy looks up and suddenly walks over to them. "Jasper. I was wondering if I could talk to you for a bit?" He asks, grabbing a hold of Jasper's arm and walking towards one of the doors that led outside. Jasper simply turns and walks away with him. Looking back and forth between Bella and the space Jasper previously occupied, Samuel has trouble trying to comprehend the situation.

"W-what just happened?" Bella sighs and drags the dumbfounded Samuel to the cafeteria.


Edward leads Jasper out to the edge of the forest, where he is certain none of their siblings can hear them converse. Quickly spinning around, using his vampire speed, he asks the question that has been on his mind since seeing the image of that boy slip into Jasper's mind on his way to the Library that morning. "Who is he?"

Jasper's expression remains calm as he answers. "Samuel Swan. He arrived last Friday."

"Why are you and Alice talking to him." Edward knows what kind of game Jasper is playing as he listens to his mind, trying to catch his brother slip up on his recitation of all the towns in America in alphabetical order. It never happened and he knew this before he even begun. Jasper remains silent, irritating Edward. "I know Alice has seen something involving him. I just wish to know if it will cause any harm to us?"

"Trust us." The look in Jasper's eyes told Edward that is the end of it. Edward nods and together they walk off to the cafeteria to join up with their siblings and mate.


"The ice sure puts a damper on the mood doesn't it?" Eric asks Samuel as he sits down at the lunch table with his tray holding a ham and cheese sandwich and bottle of water.

"Yeah. I liked the snow better." He mentions as he guzzles down half the bottle of water. With the mention of yesterdays weather most of the table went off about the mini snowball fight, with Mike going on about how much of a shame it was that the rain ruined the epic one they were planning for the end of the day.

"Yuck." Bela shivers and Samuel laughs at her, remembering her reaction to the snow. At hearing that she hadn't seen snow before, he pitched a nice big snowball at the back of her head yesterday, making her scream and him snicker. Unfortunately the rain came down turning the snow to slush, ruining his fun, but saving Bella's hair from more snowballs.

Realizing something, Bella grins, knowing it will bring all the tables attention to him and away from her. "It's a good thing you weren't wearing those clothes yesterday." Samuel blinks in confusion, the first bite of his sandwich still in his mouth. Bella just grins.

"That's right! I've been meaning to ask you about those clothes. Where did you get them? They look way too expensive to be from anywhere around here." Jessica gushes, rambling on and on about how she can never find a good place to shop or how things that she wants cost too much, etc, etc. Upon realizing Samuel's embarrassment, Lauren joins in, constantly wording questions to make him look like a girl. Samuel is trapped between the two of them, with their unrelenting questions and gossip. Somehow they managed to move the questions onto stories they made up to figure out how he came to acquire them. One story even going as far as to suggest he robbed a store in Paris and is now on the run, explaining that it is why he moved down to such an off the map town as Forks. At Bella's laugh Samuel glares at her. To be honest the clothes are so he doesn't look so out of place when he is next to Jasper and Alice. For some reason he feels as though he has to do his best to be with them in any way possible, even if it is just some old clothes he brought with him from Sydney. But there is no way he would let Bella find out about this. He is embarrassed enough as it is for how much he is trying to fit in with them. His father was the owner of a fairly large company in Australia, so clothes like this are what he is used to. But due to the hot weather there, he hardly owned any warm clothes. So just before leaving for Forks, his Aunty bought him some clothes so he wouldn't freeze to death here. She didn't have a lot of money so they aren't the kind of clothes he is used to, but honestly he didn't care. Back then his body was still numb all over and he had a lot of trouble focusing on anything outside of his books. The outfit he wore today along with a handful of shirts he would randomly wear under his jackets and jumpers are the only clothes he brought with him from that life.

The boys, finally having enough fun laughing at their friends expense decide to finally change the topic of conversation from what had started out as the girls gushing about clothes, that turned into the entire table talking about stupid scenarios Samuel could have been in, to something a little more relevant.

"So Samuel, are you looking forward to tomorrow?" Mike nudging him to get gather his attention. The sudden change in subjects causing a sensation like whiplash for him.

"Huh?" Is the eloquent answer Samuel comes up with. They laugh again before helping him out again.

"The excursion to the compost plant. You looking forward to it?" Tyler explains.

"Ahh... not really." He confesses. Seriously, the thought of going on a biology field trip not even touching the large list of things he looks forward to.

"Common. A day free of classes where we can all hang out and muck around. Who wouldn't look forward to that?" Mike argues back. Grabbing Samuel's shoulders and shaking him.

"Alright, alright! I guess it's not so bad. I'm going to miss P.E. though." He confesses as he tries to get Mike to let go of his shoulders and stop shaking him.

"True. Then again no Coach Clapp has to be a good thing." Tyler jokes before grabbing Mikes chair from underneath him, causing Mike to fall on his a**. "Ha! That never get's old." The rest of the table laugh as Mike tries to get Tyler back.

It is only then that Samuel realizes Jasper and that other boy are back and sitting together at the Cullen's/Hale's usual table. "Bella. Who is that guy you were talking to before? At the locker." Although he asked it at a slightly lower than normal voice, Jessica still managed to hear him from across the table. Selective hearing much, he thinks, as she starts to go on about him.

"Edward? Oh he's totally gorgeous obviously, but apparently nobody here is good enough for him." At that Samuel stares at her like she is crazy. Noticing, she quickly tries to cover herself by talking more. "Like I care. Don't waste your time." Samuel just rolls his eyes at her behavior. He will never understand girls and their ways.

"I think he's bipolar or something." Bella comments and upon seeing a lot of confused faces, she tries to explain herself. "One second he's trying his hardest to get away from you, like you are the most repulsive thing in the world and the next he's trying to be your best friend. I just don't get it." She confesses, biting into her celery stick. "'I like you, but we shouldn't be friends'? I mean come on. What does he mean by that?" She begins to rant, her anger and confusion at her situation taking over. Samuel, seeing this, places his hand on her shoulder to help her gain control of herself. Thankfully it works and she apologizes for her outburst and thanks him for helping her. For some reason, Samuel always seemed to be good at that. Helping people get in control of themselves. He joked that it was one of his hidden talents whenever anyone asked, but honestly he had no idea why it came so naturally to him.

Pretty soon after, Eric points out the time to him. Quickly taking another bite of his food, he stands up with him and Mike. Walking over to the bins, he throws away the half eaten sandwich and empty water bottle before leaving with the two boys. During their walk to Law Eric asks Sam for his playlist, explaining how Bella mentioned to ask him. "Sure. Use the playlist marked 'party'." Handing his iPod to Eric, they walk into the class and take their usual seats. Mike and Eric together at the second last table at the back and Samuel at the last one behind them alone. Well at least he had been alone the last time he sat there, but apparently not this time. Sitting there, in all his bipolar glory, is Edward Cullen. The boy that had stolen his Jasper away from him before lunch. As soon as Edward notices Samuel sitting next to him, he glares. Shocked at first, Sameul regains his composure before glaring right back at him. Mike and Eric look on, confused and worried. Oh this is going to be a fun class, Samuel thinks sarcastically as he continues to glare at Cullen even after the teacher arrives to start the class.


The final bell for the day rings and the students all laugh and cheer, talking about their plans for the night or simply about how glad they are that the class is over as they pack up and walk out of the classroom. Bolting up, Edward runs for the door, looking anywhere, but at Samuel or Miss. Smith, their Law teacher. But she calls out his name before he can leave the room. A feet Samuel is impressed with considering how fast the boy was walking. Edward looks defeated causing Samuel to laugh. Eric and Mike are already at the door when Samuel is called back by Miss Smith as well. Sharing confused glances with the boys, he waves them off and walks up to her desk, standing next to Edward, who visibly takes a step away from him. Samuel frowns at this and notices the teacher is as well.

"Now Edward, that is exactly what I wanted to talk to you about. Why are you treating Mr. Swan here so crudely? I thought with your passion for Law you would be one of the most welcoming to him. Even possibly forming a bond over your shared interests. But apparently I was wrong. Why is this?" At her long explanation Samuel just stands there, staring at her. He is surprised that a teacher actually payed that much attention to her students behavior in class. Sparing a glance to his side at Edward to see him expressing annoyance and amusement at the situation. 'Yep. Definitely Bipolar.' Samuel muses and he swears he see's Edward twitch at his mental comment, but it's probably just amusing timing. He watches as Edward tries to sweet talk his way out of the situation, but it seems that Samuel and Miss. Smith both are able to call his bluff. In the end Edward concedes and apologies to Samuel. Samuel fights to hold in his laughter, even though he knows there are no actual emotions behind Edwards words, he still finds his position hilarious. Honestly he is used to people not liking him, he just generally likes to know the reason behind the hatred. Figuring that is the best response she will get out of Edward, she lets him go. Succeeding in holding in his laughter, Samuel turns back to the teacher, expecting to be let go as well. But that is not what she has in mind. Sighing, Miss. Smith turns to Samuel. "Sorry, that wasn't the only reason I held you back Samuel. I realized that you are behind with the curriculum." Her comment makes Samuel blush in embarrassment. Seeing this she continues in hopes of easing him. "I'm not here to judge you. I just wanted to help you catch up a bit is all." Grabbing a pile of sheets bound together in a large folder, she hands it over to him. His blush gone to be taken over by a confused expression. "They are all my notes from when I was studying Law in school. I figured they may help you understand the curriculum better." She concludes. Her generosity causing Samuel to stammer his thanks. Miss. Smith gives him a kind smile and sends him on his way.

Samuel is in a rush as he heads to the truck where Bella should be. He hopes Bella hasn't been waiting too long by the car for him. He overheard Mike bragging to Eric about his plans to ask Bella out after school and he wants to be there for his friend when she rejects him like he knows she will since all she had been talking about was how much she didn't want to go to the dance. Walking towards the car-park Samuel isn't paying attention and slips on the still iced over path. His mind occupied with too many thoughts, he isn't able to catch himself in time. A hand grabs his arm, pulling him up and towards them, causing him to drop his bag and the folder on the ground. Colliding with a small body that holds him steady against them, he grabs their arm and waist to make sure he and his savior don't fall. An angelic voice giggles in his ear. He blushes upon realizing who he is holding onto. Alice.

"You should be more careful you know." She jokes as he stands upright to stare down into her eyes.

"T-Thank you Alice. That would have hurt." Realizing the placement of his hands and how much he loves the feel of her thin frame in them, he lets her go, feeling as though he is being inappropriate. Alice is too much of a treasure to him for him to take advantage of her in any way. Stepping back to help subdue his temptation to hold her, he kneels down and picks up his belongings.

"You owe me now." Alice sings into his ear, causing him to jump at his sudden arousal.

"Anything." And he would do anything for her. Owing or not. Somehow Alice has managed to already entrance him in the short amount of time they spent together.

A laugh emanates from behind Alice, drawing Samuel attention to them. "You shouldn't have said that. You're going to regret it." Jasper advises with a grin as he takes Alice into his arms. She pouts at Jasper, but smiles once more looking at Samuel.

"Don't worry. Samuel will enjoy it." At that Jasper seems to consider it before relenting.

"Alright. Just don't ware him out. He's not used to you yet." Samuel swears Jasper winked at him during his speech. They all start to walk when a scream reaches Samuel's ears. Pricking up his ears instantly, Samuel is able to make out more screams coming from ahead. One particular scream making him panic.

"BELLA!" He races off, towards the noises only to stop dead as he see's, what has to be over half of the student body, surrounding Bella's truck. The situation finally seeping into him, he runs over to the crowd, squeezing himself through all the people, some recognizing him and letting him pass. Terrified of what he will find, he braces himself for the worst. Tears fall freely from his eyes as he slowly nears the wreckage of, what he now realizes is a collision between Tyler's and Bella's trucks. Spotting Bella half lying on the ground, he walks over to her, letting out a huge breath in relief to find out she is still alive. Seeing her like this makes Samuel realize just how much he is scared to loose anyone else. Even Bella, a girl he hasn't even know for a full week yet. Although the yells from the crowd still go on, he ignores them all. Bella is alive and that is all that matters to him.

A/N: As always, please review. They help me know if I'm doing anything wrong, or right as I hope. smile

Next Chapter:

Bella's hospital visit where Samuel meets the attractive Dr. Cullen.

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