It all happened so suddenly, feels like a short while too! it may be because most of the details have been lost.....even to those who lived through it! Whenever I try to recall the events of "H2K5" as it has been called I turn up only nightmares, horrors, death. Surely it couldn't have really happened!
I remember that all of Gaia was in a hype about this years Halloween event. Gino had been found and was getting his life back on track, the "secret" lab had been re-opened for the good of Gaia, and there was bound to be candy there!
This was my first Halloween party I have been to since I moved into the country. I decided to wear my new black cat getup, it consisted of goth boots, black bra, Cat scratch pants, my prized striped stockings and my newly acquired lunar cowl. I arrived at the party fairly early but everything was already in full swing. When Bucho gave me the standard greeting I shouted a cheerfull "TRICK OR TREAT!" Bucho was slightly amused and told me that the refreshments were on the big table and that Gino would be here in a hour or so.
For the next hour or so, I was in the east wing exchanging scary stories and urban legends with a few fellow Gaians. All of a sudden there was a ruckus in the main hall.
My mind flew back to the stories of what happened the previous Halloween. Me and my family were moving to Barton at the time and we were held up by roadblocks for days. All of the cities were cordoned off! After the "situation" was under control on November 11th we were allowed into Barton town. While the media tried to cover up the incident, the locals took it upon themselves to fill us in with the gory details.
I ran for the door to the main hall and opened it a crack. Peering into the chaos of "H2K5" All i could see was green flashes and flowing red. I tried to slam the door and lock it but something was in the way. I looked down and a little green rabbit was forcing its way through the door! I let out a scream and then all hell broke loose! Everyone ran for the main hall and ran into the horror without thinking. I was knocked out of the way as the crowd lurched forward and then I heard gun shots and screams from the main hall. I couldn't possibly make it through the madness unscathed so I decided to hide in he closet next to me.
As I got onto my feet my vision blurred, I must have hit my head when I was pushed. Looking around I saw a few of those bunnies gnawing on the stragglers that were left behind, they hadn't seen me beside the door so I made a break for the safety of the closet. I had just gotten the door shut When they has started scratching at it. It wouldn't take long for them to get through, all seemed hopeless until I looked up and saw a hatch! It must have led to the attic or even the crawl space. I could have led to the GD for all I knew, But I did not care! It was my only hope! I got up easy enough and closed the hatch. As my eyes adjusted I noticed little flashes of red... and then..... there was pain.
Rewrote it with decent grammar! Huzzah!
Scarlethunder · Sun May 07, 2006 @ 05:01pm · 0 Comments |