*sigh* I just saw a commercial. A commercial that showed a couple peacefully reading on a sofa* couch next to eachother peacefully reading. Then, the typical obnoxious annoncer voice rattles its way into the peaceful situation saying, "What are they doing? Reading? Why read on a Friday night if you can watch a movie?! On the Dish Network Pay-Per-View Channels"...
Okay... W.T.F. What.is.wrong.with.reading? It's quite a lovely little habit to get into. And what if impressionable little ones are watching this drivel? It basically encourages watching movies instead of reading. By the way I was reading when this idiocy made my ears twitch.
Right after that commercial, another one of the same brand mozied it's way onto the screen. It showed a man with papers spread about in a dark room on a desk with clocks and messy hair. It says, "Take a break, YOUR TAXES CAN WAIT A COUPLE DAYS!" Well, if the man has to stay up until no light creeps into his are and he needs clocks to realize how much time he has until they're due, then he does NOT have a couple of days. I just want to get a baseball bat and... NVM stare
The human race is doomed. We are building a race of lazy illiterate boobs... I don't much care for it, but the people up top don't really have to care do they???
*I intensly despise the word "sofa". It is bland and annoying.
vampirepiggyhunter7 · Sun May 07, 2006 @ 06:30am · 1 Comments |