Your name is LUPINE LAMBDA. You're a LAZY ********] and only do s**t when you want to on your own time. You don't care what people think of you; GOOD or BAD. Your blood color is LIME GREEN. Yes your are a LOWBLOOD and you don't give two ******** because no one really gives two ******** about the HEMOSPECTRUM anymore. You have a fascination with HORROR, SUSPENSE, & THRILLER MOVIES. Your favorite day of the year is the HARVEST PERIGEE which is almost the equivalent of the human holiday HALLOWEEN. In fact, you adore the HARVEST SEASON in general. You also just happen to like the colors PINK & LIME GREEN. You are a very OPINIONATED troll and sometimes ARGUMENTATIVE. More like 99% argumentative but who cares? You sometimes like READING BOOKS. You also like to DRAW sometimes but you REALLY REALLY SUCK at it. Your favorite dish is GRUBLOAF and TUBER PASTE. Your lusus is a HOWLBEAST but you refer to that a*****e as WOLFDAD. Your WRIGGLING DAY is APRIL 15th and you are 6 SWEEPS OLD. You have medium length and curved horns. You also have smoothed out the sharp points on them, although you went a bit too far and made them nubby at the top rather than what you wanted.
Your trollian handle is melancholicHowling
You speak in a manner in which others cannot tell 3:< if y0u arre in jest 0rr in earrnest.
Extra info:
= > Follower of the Signless.
= > Hates wearing his anon shirt.
= > Likes to sing & was taught by his wolfdad.
= > Howls when he is sad or happy.
= > Whines like a dog sometimes.
= > A messy eater.
= > Likes wearing his color.
= > Lambda is from Lambda Lupi, a binary star to find the Lupus constellation.
= > Mythology of Lupus is of animal that is killed or about to be killed for Centaurus by being offered on Ara the altar.
= > Possible ancestor, the Unwanted. His ancestor probably didn't last long since limebloods were instantly killed and are almost extinct.