Student I.D.

Student Name: Ryker Carlevaro
School Level: College
School Grade: Sophmore
" Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time. "

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Student Information
Overseer of the Enrollment Form: Xx-Punky-Shadow-Kitten-xX
Race: Nine-tailed fox/Shapeshifter
Age: 21
Gender: Both/Neither
Height: 5'10"
Years Attended School 4 years
Campus Resident? Yes, Willowdale Apartments
Housing Image bedroom
Personal Information
Hair Color: Hot Pink
Eye Color: Silver
Sexuality: Prefers men, can like girls but usually doesn't
Unique Markings: he has nine tails for one....and a lot of piercings.
Powers? shapeshifting for extended periods of time, can control the weather but extreme weather control weakens him, can also control fire.
Additional Talents/Hobbies? Drawing, plays guitar, athletic, good at writing and history
Personality First things first, Ryker has no specific gender, but feels most comfortable as a male. He is very care-free and loves to party. He can seem annoying to those that are reserved, but usually ends up on their good side. He can be super friendly but is a bit of a brat at times because he was very spoiled. He can be rather promiscuous at times and loves to flirt. However, when in english, history, or music class he becomes serious and focused. He suffers a bit from depression but tries to hide it, usaully only letting it out when he is alone.
Likes: Reading, writing, drawing, music, sports, attractive people, the rain (though just watching it)
Dislikes: getting wet, being rejected/ignored, people not understanding he's no specific gender
Background: Ryker was born to a shapeshifter father and a kitsune mother. Like most shapeshifters he was born without a gender or any identifying features other than his silver eyes and nine fox tails from his mothers side. He grew up like this until the age of ten when he was able to choose his appearance. He settled on the one he has now and decided he wanted to be mainly male. Of course, he could always change his gender, but his appearance stayed the same. So, Ryker grew up to be a healthy young boy. Though, at the age of 13 his mother passed away of an unknown illness, leaving his father to raise him. Around the same time Ryker was about to enter highschool, which would be his first time in public school. Ryker, of course, had to keep his race a secret, which made going to school a chore. He was also bullied for his sexuality, which he didn't understand. To him it didn't matter the gender he liked, since he didn't have a specific gender. One day after school he was attacked and raped by a group of older boys from the school. After that his father took him out of school, but the boys were never caught. Ryker was home schooled for another year before he found out about Briarwood. He decided to give it a try and move out of his fathers house to love at the school. Since then he has loved every moment of going there. However, he sill sometimes has flashbacks and can have panic attacks.
Pet: a black fox named Castor