I was born 29 years ago
I was given the name Boudica Tlalli
After they found out I was a woman.
As I grew up and began to learn how to fight, I learned that I was particularly good with Summoning
as the years passed I trained to be a Turk
I like to wear suites or at least Turk uniform
Right now I'm with Shinra
I have some pretty neat abilities
Rescue Rabbit This little rabbit comes with a whistle around it's neck and a rescue helmet. It can heal wounds of the allies.
BerserkerWhen she is out of any other options in a fight, she will use her last remaining energy to summon the black knight. The only way to defeat is by knocking out the summoner as it will make him fade away.
Hellhounds When enraged, she will summon a hellish like hound. Doing so will shorten her lifespan by at least ten years, each time she summons one.
Metatron He is her strongest summon and last limit break. He heals all allies and has a powerful set of attacks, his power is not limitless though as he can only stay out for as long as the summoner is awake.
Grew up in Cosmo Canyon
My partnerPooka
Pooka's bio: He is a trickster and a shape-shifter. Almost always by his partner's side. Either as a crow on her shoulder or in his human form. Very protective over Boudica, almost acts like a brother to her. Very fond of causing trouble and views the world as a big play. A play where it is getting harder for him to find a box office seat to watch it from.
Personality: Sarcastic and loves to cause trouble for others. He enjoys putting on a act just to see how others react. His favorite targets are the ones with the short temper. Hard to anger actually, though the best way to anger him is by betraying him and Boudica. He will stop at nothing to get back at the one that angered him, unless it was Boudica then he gives her more of a hard time than normal and will point out all of the embarrassing moments in front of other people.
Relation with Boudica:The two are almost like siblings, this is mainly because the two have been partners for a long time. This also means that he influenced her behavior while in combat. They often think of it as a form of game where the one who beats the most, wins. So far Pooka hasn't lost.
Powers: Shape-shifting, teleport though only when he is in his true form, and can make copies of himself when he is in his true form
True Form

Human Form

One word to describe myself would be a Actor
One thing people should learn before meeting her is that she is a actor. Keeping her true feelings and thoughts bottled up and locked away. Traded them for masks to wear when meeting people. She doesn't go up right away to people, she studies their behavior first before approaching. That she will have a idea on what mask to use when talking to them.
Hardly letting people get close to her, out of fear mainly of getting hurt again. In truth, she wants people to understand people and be with them, but is too scared to do so. There are a few ways to break through her facade. One of them is to make her loose her temper. When she looses her temper, depending on how mad she is, she will spill out hints that she wants someone to understand her. That or or letting her temper get the better of her and get into a fight.
Surprisingly blunt with a weird sense of humor as well. Though lately she hasn't shown either of these sides lately. Will most likely show them around people that she trusts.Which so far are to very few people.
If her feelings are exposed and not by her own willingness. She will panic and deny that is how she feels out of fear that she will be seen as weak. Sometimes when angered to the point of not thinking straight, she will summon a creature to get rid of the one that caused her to get that pissed off. Though the results for both her and the one that angered her are not that good, as the summoning alone uses up almost all of her energy.
My boring life story? History
She grew up in Cosmo Canyon up until she turned 18, after that she left and went to Midgar. Boudica spent those years training to become a summoner and that was how she met Pooka, her partner and friend. For the next 8 years, she would work for the Shinra and as a Turk. Even working as a Turk for that long, she is still stuck doing grunt work and her biggest mission was still finding a robot cat in the Weapon's Deparment.
Naturally, this has led both Pooka and Boudica to slacking off or going on their own missions. Thus ending up in hot water with the higher ups. One day, they used a excuse of getting milk to go out and met a young man by the name of Rihan and his partner, Ren. Almost falling for the boy, she thought he was cute, but had to stay loyal to the Shinra. Actually, she didn't feel like going up against the Turks and making them, her enemy.
Now both Boudica and Pooka are heading back to Shinra HQ, unaware of all of the drama that has happened while they were gone.
Don't feel like telling Rihan or Tseng
Favorite songs
Never Surrender by Skillet
Memoria Fate Zero
I did have this one nickname once... Oh yeah Boudica Tlalli