Mainly just a list of items I'm looking for, as well as a donor's list!
Generous Donors
So this is where I record all the names of generous people who have donated items to me! (I don't have a lot of gold atm, though I'm trying to build a nice nestegg ah ha....) I will forever appreciate your generosity and kindness! I hope you receive such benevolence in return!
Kinds of items I like: sherbert, bunny, octopus, hair styles, eyes/face, pink, nautical, and FE14! ;)
♥ Item Donors - ferchitocontri - Cara the Sweet - CorvinaRayne - Suave Conman - Anonymous Donor - Patitomuerto - Txmblr - Sojourn in Life - milk cap - Samurai_Zatoichi - pseudoInferno - salsa slut - baessi - Lesok - Anonymous - sneaky anon - CabalisticXSoul - Crablobab - BeeDust - lundi - DaddyChannie - Dzaeki Peacebloom - Mae Butterbraid - Xx-Sour Kitty-xX - Sinelle - HellHoundOSS - Ashe Corinthos