Character name: (Retro)Hideki Kujo
Age 17
Skull Gang: Punisher Skulls
Rank: Member
Personality: Obnoxious at times, Obsessive about games and some females in games, hard to keep focused on a task if it's not humorous, game related, or just fun. Retro has an Eccentric personality and is in love with all things from the "old school"
Weapons: Nunchucks(2x)
Weapon Description: They are silver in design the only thing that seperates his set from others is the crecent moon mark on the top where the chains connected. It's actually Luna's cutie mark but no one can tell him that's not cool.
Special: Human as they come.....but he wants to be a Guyver. He also has a motorcycle and a license for it. PacMan
Bio: Day 1: Retro moonwalked out of his mothers womb and has been moonwalking ever since. (joke) On a seroius note Retro has a very astranged relationship with his parents, after he became a certain age and joined the punisher Skulls they sort of let him do whatever he wanted. He only goes to school when he wants to now, but makes his money either fixing computers, game systems, or moding out systems or computers to play foriegn games. Retro has gotten in trouble before for hi-jacking a military vehicle by hacking into it's computer system but when he did it he had not realized what he had done. On his hand held device he had created some sort of system that could dive into other networks, but what he thought he had made was his own version of tetris. So he had started to play while walking by a military compound and ended up hacking the vehicle. No one knew who had done it really but Retro started shooting off his mouth far too much and got the attention of the Punisher skulls.
While he to this day can not hack something in the conventional means he can play a game on his hand held and hack into a system. The only difference is this time he knows what he is doing. Before he had gotten so heavily addicted to games and spent sleepless nights playing them and swooning over digital women such as Poison his father began to train him with nunchucks. Retro for a while found this boring and didn't pay attention until he got his hands on Soul Calibur, and because of Maxi he took his training seriously because of how cool that character was. Not only that but he started watching Bruce-lee movies as well. This all began when he was around ten years old. To this day he still trains with his father from time to time or by himself, but he is no master in the use of these weapons. Primarily because he is constantly distracted by other things. So to this day he does some dirty work for the Punisher skulls when he's not just hanging out in his room they provided or doing his own source of income. Otherwise he's moonwalking all over Tokyo.
Also...Since Retro as a young child became obsessed with Guyver and wished so hard that he would one day himself get his hands on an alien armor suit. Because of this odd little thought process he took the mantle of a character from street fighter called Skullomania and started to dress like him every time he went on missions.

Identity safe