The origin of my name. Well lets say it took a few months (about 4 if I remember correctly) to make and when I finally got it I resolved to use it and my password for everything I do. No I will not tell my password but I will go through what detail I remember of my name ok? ok. Lets see. It all started with runescape (yes I played runescape don't bug me about it) I saw my friend playing it I decide to try it but I dindn't have an online name yet so my friend gave me one of his old accounts (I think it was zeo_11) and the paassword for it. So I was happy and all and when I went home I played runescape. So anyways about a month rolled by and I lost the piece of paper that had my stuff on it. Like my password and my name and all. So me and my other friend (he dosn't play anyonline games or such) tryed to figure out what it was. Well we failed so heres how the names ended up (note: I said this took months and yes a few anmes are hard to work with for a few months):zeo_ll, zeol, zeo_1l, Zeo_11, Zeo_1l, Zeol, Zeo_ll, zeak, and finally the one and only: zeakol a.k.a. Zeakol a.k.a. zeakol]fk[. So there you have it the origin of my name. Next entry will be about some more things. My story part 2 shall come soon enough.
Samantha Stormcrow · Fri Apr 21, 2006 @ 09:59pm · 0 Comments |