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Mindless Ramblings of a Bemused Lunatic
A whole lotta pointless quizzes I took, most of em have links back if you, like me, are into finding out what vegtable you were in a past life.
Stardate 3438623
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Random: You don't have a prime instinct, it could be anything and everything, depends on your mood, your soul belongs to the air, it is fun to be around you.

Take this i34k1t:0="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrEtTyMaYa000/quizzes/[/img]quiz!

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Your dark side is centered around Hopeless Faith. A shattered broken heart holding its last breath, searching for its salvation in a cold world. All you want is a sweet loving heart, touchs your hand and holds you in their arms, prmoising you they will love you forever, so you can feel that the whole world is revolved around the both of you only, no more sorrow or regret, just love. You will find what you want when you believe in yourself and when you start making your life with your own hands.

Take this i34k1t:1="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrEtTyMaYa000/quizzes/[/img]quiz!

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Psychological Nightmare

Take this i34k1t:2="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/LoopyGirl/quizzes/[/img]quiz!

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Take this i34k1t:3="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/truly-dippy/quizzes/[/img]quiz!

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You connect with pain physically, every thing you feel has a direct effect on your body, like when you have exams your stomach cramps and your nerves shake a little, when you are dpressed it looks on your face, black circles under your eyes and stuff like that, fortunately science is in your side, your pain could be easily controlled, relaxing is the best cure for you, try to believe more in the psychological treatment, it might help you.

Take this i34k1t:4="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/PrEtTyMaYa000/quizzes/[/img]quiz!

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