■ Welcome to Ephemeral Reflection, my little journal-based profile shop. I don't have this thing placed in forums because I'm far too unmotivated to decorate it and keep it in track like others.
■ I do V2 profile layouts by Photoshop CS5 provided to me by Roxoah <3. I'm an amateur designer so don't expect amazing, out of this world designs. This is the reason why I really love doing really simplistic profiles. They're a lot easier.
I don't have a set "base" for profiles; it's more of just whatever comes to mind so being descriptive on profile requests is a must. Profiles that has more customization requires a bit of knowledge about CSS in general, so if you have problems, I'm here to help.
When ordering, please label the PM as "Profile request" and fill this out:
Custom: Y/N Quote(s): "I love bad bitches" # of Columns: 1, 2, 3 Color scheme: Red and black Font: Helvetica Other details: I want it to have a blue outline along the columns with an area on the top left to add friends in along with my avatar.
[size=11][b][color=#676b86]Custom[/b][/color]: [b][color=#676b86]Quote(s)[/color][/b]: [b][color=#676b86]# of Columns[/color][/b]: [b][color=#676b86]Color scheme[/color][/b]: [b][color=#676b86]Font[/color][/b]: [b][color=#676b86]Other details[/color][/b]: [/size]
■ Feel free to ask me about your profiles but know that they can take as long as a day, all the way to a week+. I'm a busy bee due to school and work.
E x a m p l e s
[x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x] [x]
P r i c e s
100k @ minimum.
S l o t s [ i n - o r d e r ]
Sheeping iSasu-kay Tale of Sasuke Kai Xion Matsumoto Keyblader Legacy
Sky of the Nights Light · Mon Aug 27, 2012 @ 05:37am · 0 Comments |