Gaia Username- Dein-zu
Name- Kilox
Nickname- The trickster fool of fate
Race- Nobody
Alignment- Neutral (at the moment not sure what the other two actually about)
Age- appears 17
Height- 5'11
Weight- 175
Personality- Brash, cynical, joyful, sarcastic
Likes- Slushes
Dislikes- boredom
Hobbies- Gun tricks, card tricks, and of course magic tricks
Relationships- none at the moment
Family- none anymore
Bio- While amongst the humans, Loki was a frail boy who was constantly in the hospital ICU wing. As far as he had known all his friends either got healthy and left the hospital or died there, truly he was in a sad state but he kept the darkness in his heart at bay with the joy that even if the people he called friend would one day leave him one way or another, he would be there to give them the support to get better soon or be there in their final days, this kept up until his 17th birthday.
On his 17th birthday early that morning before the sun even rose, Loki awoke from his slumber only to find the entire hospital wing deserted even though it wasn't hard to sleep for him, the sound of heart monitors that normally filled the wing, were creepily silent. As Loki arose out of bed and while using the wall for coverage he limped to the main desk to see if anyone were there but before he could make it he was struck down by a shadow, before his conscious left him he felt an overbearingly strong darkness leave his body, while with his blurred eyes couldn't make out what it was it was a humanoid figure of darkness, then the sound of a beast getting slaughtered before passing out.
As the person before known as Loki awoke in a unfamiliar location, his head quite groggy filled with muddled up emotions and memories but the first thing he felt was that the things in his cloak were important. As the former Loki grabbed the objects that revealed to be guns but as he held the guns in a position that felt right, he spoke jumbled up words that seemed to fit his new identity "I...am...Kilox." Yet with his name, Kilox felt that there was a something wrong with him, as if there was despair and sorrow inside him, but for some reason Kilox didn't care and went on about his way with a smile on his face.
Theme Song-Arcadian Vampire
Weaponry Info
Armor- Much like the main pic, headphones included, Loki's armor
Weapon Name- The one with the red cross is named Midgard while the one with the white cross it named Fenrir
1. Trickster's pride- Able to ricochet bullets off of any surface as well as through magic
2. Might and magic together as one- Able to infuse the magical bullets in his guns with his magic
3. Umbra concoction- able to combine up to two types of magic
4. Winds of Ragnorak- Allows Kilox to move a sonic speed (much like the dash in KH2) but only up to four pivots
5. Zantetsuken-version Loki- while utilizing Winds of Ragnorak, Kilox will ricochet bullets at a high speed which seeming almost invisible to the naked eye
Magic- These include spells like Cure, or fira. No Aga's (Curaga, or Firaga, only with permission)
1. Cura
2. Zero Gravara
3. Magnet
4. Stop
5. Hell/Dark blizzard- can slightly decrease speed/reaction time
Limit Breaker Attack: Zantetsuken-Version Loki- Polar Star Mode- Like Zantetsuken-version Loki, Kilox moves at sonic speed while having his bullets ricochet off things but every blocked bullet as well as successful hit, drains health from the opponent and gives it to Kilox, the final attack done in this is a shot composed of darkness that when shot engulfs the opponent sending them to an alternate location as well as sapping there strength.
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the dark ages
When I'm in a RP Guild and I see someone God-moding and...[/align:216036a638][img:216036a638]http://i174.photobucket.com/albums/w86/OmegaSora/Itslikef.jpg[/img:216036a638]