Full Moon
"What is a man... who gained everything then lost everything..", the old man mumbled to himself, "a man headed straight to his grave", he chuckled sadly answering his own question. He looked up and through the mist. There it is.
Sweet, so sweet. Warm savory wind filtering out the white painted window. It's not surprising that a creature would be allured. The freshly baked apple pie sat on the window sill cooling down. The small cottage stood near an old forest right at the end of the year 1854. It had only four rooms; living room, two bedrooms, and the kitchen. The kitchen was the biggest room by far, for most of the activity was held there. But for now just the young girl is cleaning the bowl she had recently used for the pie filling. Her grandmother is asleep in one of the bedrooms as the cat snoozed at the her feet. Her good mood had given her the craving to bake a good morning pie and whistle as she worked.
On the other side of the window. Out of sight from the girl, the boy stood. He squatted under the window and moved his dark hair out of his eyes to peer up to see the sweet steam the pie gave off. He'd never really had a slice of pie before, but today it seemed like the perfect opportunity, the smell enhancing its allure. Who leaves a pie out in the open for animals to snatch at anyway?, he thought to himself. I'm sure uncle would appreciate this find. The boy reached his hands up and touched the rim of the pie tin to suddenly realize the whistling had stopped.
The girl stared at the window to see two hands grabbing at the pie and walked over. The boy stood up seeing her blue eyes staring right at him.
"What are you doing?", she half smiled with a risen eyebrow.
"I.. uh well you see.." he stuttered fumbling with his words.
"If you wanted a piece so bad you could have just asked",she laughed and opened the cupboard taking out two plates. She held up her kitchen knife towards the pie and he slunk his arms back. "It's alright no need to be scared, the doors open if you want to come and sit down"
"I'm not scared", he declared and bravely strutted to the door and opened it. "I was just.. startled. You moved that knife really quickly". He sat down at the wooden table in front of one of the plates. The girl shrugged.
"I'm just used to using it. Here you go." She placed a slice on his plate and one on hers. She began eating moving her caramel curls out of the way of her food. The boy put down his fork and looked up from his pie.
"Do you usually just let stranger into your house and eat your food?"
"You're actually the first one to come around here. This cottage is about a mile away from anything. So how did you wander over here? Must have been a long walk." She smiled calmly. He looked at her oddly a bit worried of his decision of waltzing into a strangers home.
"It wasn't that far a walk. I live there in the woods" He nodded to the window which had a perfect view of said woods.
"The woods? I've always gone on walks in there and haven't seen any houses.. oh. Are you some kind of traveler or adventurer who scavenges for food and and.. sleeps in trees?" She said with enthusiasm and awe.
He smiled and laughed, "No, no. I recently moved here with my uncle a few weeks ago. He had to get a new job and is out finding one right now so we are kind of poor at the moment so that's why I'm out 'scavenging for food'. Sorry by the way for almost stealing you pie."
"It's alright." She smiled continuing to eat her pie. He gave her another odd look and finally sunk his fork into the pie. Right before he could take a bite one of the bedroom doors swung open and hit the wall with a bang. "Morning grandma." the girl said without looking up from the pie.
"Morning.", he old woman said with a bit of a raspy voice and glared at the stranger at her table. "Who's this?"
The boy waved at her smiling apologetically. "Oh this is...", The girl looked up at him realizing she never caught his name.
"You let some strange boy into my home without knowing his name? Girl it is a wonder how you survive living on your own" the old woman sighed.
"Heh.. sorry", the girl looked down at her pie, "So what is your name?" looking back up.
"Oh my name is, Zev. Whats yours?",he answered avoiding eye contact with the old woman.
"I'm Apple and this is my grandmother Li-"
"You can call me Granny Smith" the old woman chimed in flipping her silver white hair.
Zev smiled, "Hah I get it. Your name and her name.." Apple raised her eyebrow. "Nevermind", Zev took a few bites of his pie. "This is delicious by the way".
"I taught her everything she knows." Granny sat down at the table, the cat scampered to the living room. "Hey aren't you Jacks boy?"
"Oh Jack is my uncle so I guess you can say that." Zev spoke hastily.
"Hm. Well I see your uncle every time I travel down to town. He's a very stern and serious man Isn't he?"
"I suppose. Speaking of which, what time is it?"
Apple and Ms. Smith looked at the old grandfather clock standing in between both bedroom doors.
"It's about eleven now." Apple spoke.
"I best be on my way." Zev stood up.
"Oh, Alright. You can take the rest of the pie." Apple picked up the tin and handed it to him. He smiled and nodded taking it.
"Thanks for the pie." He ran out the door.
"See you again maybe!" Apple said quickly before the door slammed shut.
"Well he seemed to be in a hurry", Granny said with raised eyebrows.
Apple shrugged and picked up the plates and put them in the sink. She saw Zev sprinting into the woods. "Must be something important."
"I didn't want to say this in front of your friend, but Jack gives me the creeps."
"How so?" Apple turned around half smiling and her grandmothers odd comment.
"Well I dunno. When I was out in town I waved hello to him and he just snarled and walked away."
Apple laughed, "Maybe he was just in a bad mood. How many times do you go to town by the way? It's a long walk from here and you know the doctor said to take it easy."
"Yes I know I know. It seems I'm too old to even walk outside. You should've seen me in my heyday. No one could stop me, I did what I want. No doctor to tell me not to. Oh and not to mention I had all the boys lining up just to have one touch of me."
"Good god grandma stop there I don't wanna know." Apple shuddered as Granny laughed. "Just take thing easy. Read a book maybe even knit something."
"Oh that reminds me!" Granny stood up and walked into her room. "I made something for you."
Apple pleaded to the ceiling it was nothing too risque, like those pajamas she gave her that one time. Apple shuddered again. Granny walked back in holding a mound of crimson fabric.
"I made this when you were gone." Granny held it up and the fabric fell revealing a red cloak with a huge hood. She walked over and slipped it over Apples head. The hood practically covered he whole face. "Perfect. Just wear it over your clothes. It's almost the end of summer so everything will get freezing."
"Thanks grandma!" Apple pulled off the hood and hugged Granny.
"Only for my sweetest Apple.", Granny hugged back. Apple smiled.
"Well I've got to go. Work starts at three and its going to take me a while to get home.", Apple sighed.
"Alright, I'll see you next week my dear." Granny kissed Apple's forehead and opened the door for her. Apple got her bag and walked out waving good bye and was on her way.
Apple went over a couple small hills before she disappeared from sight. Throughout her walk she wondered if only visiting her grandma once a week was good enough. Every week she would walk to her house bringing something she made cookies, cakes, or maybe pies. She had been doing this ever since she got real lonely. Her parents absence and focusing on dealing with money and her job has left her social life at an all time low. She lived by herself for the past couple of years. She had lived with her grandmother before but once she reached eighteen she didn't want to rely on her grandmother anymore. But now she's begun to worry about her grandmother, ever since the nasty fall in town. Apple only found out about it when she visited that week. The doctor was there and told Apple to keep a sharp eye out for he grandma.
Apple sighed when she finally reached her house. She put her basket down then looked at herself in the mirror. Her dark curls and ember eyes went well with the new cloak. She put the hood over her face and made a scary dark look in the mirror. She laughed at herself then looked at the time, "Damn, late for work again and my only excuse is that I was messing around. Surprised they haven't fired me yet.". Apple ran out the door and headed to the library.
Zev walked over tall roots looking around as he transitioned from woods to meadow. His home was right in the center of the meadow a few yards away from the trees. Once he reached his door and opened it, walked in and placed the pie tin on the counter and sat on the sofa. "Yes!" He said in victory,"Got home before he did." he punched his fist into the air tiredly, laid on his side, then fell asleep.
His nap was interrupted when someone poked him mid-dream and stared right at him, "Gah!"
"Have a nice nap?" Jack said almost annoyedly.
"Oh hey uncle. You startled me out of my dream." Zev yawned rubbing his eye.
"Sorry princess, while you were in dreamland I got that carpenter job."
"Well good for you, and don't call me princess." Zev said starting to get a bit annoyed and turned around.
"I never knew you baked. Baking's for girls." Jack stood up walking away from the sofa.
"What? I don't bake." Zev sat up.
"Then how did you get this pie?" Jack began to cut a slice from the pie and put it on a plate.
"Oh. I uh.. I stole it.." Zev said quietly.
"Stole it? Didn't know you had it in you boy!" Jack laughed taking a bite, "Where did u steal it?"
Zev frowned, "The cottage outside of the woods. they left it out on the window sill so... I took it."
Jack coughed on his bite of pie, "The old ladies cottage? Were you seen?" Jack stared seriously at him.
"N-no I wasn't seen. Whats wrong with the old lady?"
"That old b***h is a witch. Whenever I'm in town she walks into the mystics store or some gypsy place, shes bad luck. Don't go near the cottage again. This town is filled with weirdos." Jack continued to eat his pie.
"You say that wherever we go. The last town wasn't that bad. There weren't any witches at least.. Why did we move?" Zev said beginning to question whether Granny was a witch or not. She was a bit scary.
"I already told you. There were crimes and things got dangerous."
"It seems that happens to every town we've been to. Carlton, Slayton, and The town of Laysberg. It seems every town we go to crime rates just sky rocket."
"Yes, yes I know. Go to your room lets drop this subject."
"Is that why you wouldn't let me go to school? Crime rates?" Zev sat up on the sofa and looked at Jack. "You've taught me how to defend myself I can handle the world I'm pretty much an adult now."
"Almost an adult not yet, don't start this argument again. I home schooled you because all the other schools were crap."
"But why can't I go to college?"
"No money, and I need you here. There's nothing those ya-hoo's can teach you that I can't. Now go to your room before I start yelling."
Zev sighed and walked to his room. Jack is always like that. Avoiding a serious conversation. He thought to himself as he picked up a book and began to read silently.
After a couple of days of just tending to the chickens, Granny stood up from her rocking chair. She was antsy to find something to do. She looked at her tall book shelf covered in books of mythology, magic, and legends. Granny had never met a witch but she remembered as a young girl wanting to no matter how scared people where when just mentioning the word. Mythological creatures fascinated her and if not a witch then she wished and wished to find some kind of creature that no one knew existed.
She pulled out a few books shaking her head at every one of them. Shes read all of them already at least once. Granny shrugs grabs her cane, her bag, and her shawl and walked out the door forgetting about Apples plea to stay home.
After a mile of wobbly walking, Granny reached the bustling Holyoke Village. This town wasn't as nice or as clean as the town Apple lived in but there were plenty of interesting people and shops in this town. Granny walked across the dirt road to a small book store named "Legends and Beyond". When she walked in an old cow bell clanged against the door.
"Hey well if it isn't ol' Granny Smith." the shop clerk said sitting up in her chair. The woman was about in her fifties. She slowly got up and walked over to Granny.
"Oh I ain't that old Lucinda." Granny smiled.
"Yes well Granny," emphasizing the word granny and smiling, "There's a new book that came in yesterday that I know is perfect for you." Lucinda walked over to her desk pulled out a drawer and lifted up a huge book. The title in huge letters "The Encyclopedia of the Unknown". Granny fell in love with it the instant she saw it. "I saved it just for you Lilian."
"It's magnificent." Ol' Lilian opened up to the list of chapters. "I can't wait to read this! Oh and there's a chapter all about witches too. Thank you so much Lucinda, how much will it be?"
"It is originally fifty bucks, but for you, half off." Lucinda sat back down into her chair. Granny took out her small purse holding her cash and handed the twenty five dollars to her.
With a kick in her step, Granny Smith waltzed out of the door putting the book into her bag. Her legs were starting to bother her so she decided to start heading home. She was about to cross the bridge out of town when a tall man carrying large planks of wood dragged by. It took her a few moments but Granny Smith finally recognized him.
"Oh hello Jack." she smiled. Jack turned his head to see the small old woman and hesitated a moment to answer.
"Good afternoon."
"Just the other day I saw your nephew.. Zack? Zav?"
"Zev.." Jack stared at her a moment.
"Ah yes that's what it was Zev. I saw him the other day and he seems like a nice boy." She smiled.
"What do you know about Zev?" Jack's dead serious harsh voice startled Granny a bit.
"Oh well nothing other than he likes apple pie." She laughed. "At first I was worried that my granddaughter brought in a random boy in for pie, but he seemed like an alright fellow. It was a bit awkward but it was nice meeting him." Granny smiled widely.
"Right." Jack kept his glare down on her, "Well I have something to do at home." he turned right around and speedily walked back the way he came.
"O-oh ok, see you around then." Granny slowly walked the same direction, "Both always rushing home it seems like." She trudged her way home.
Jack stomped into his house slamming the door against the wall. "You went into their house?" Jack said calmly. Zev sat up from the old sofa ripping his eyes away form a book he was deep into.
"I went where?"
"You went into that witches house!?" Jack raged and Zev flinched. "After I told you not to enter her house!"
"Well... to be honest.. I went into their house before you actually told me she was a witch so I had no idea." Zev explained.
"Oh so you lied to me. That's just great." Jack shook his head.
"I was afraid you'd get angry, like how you are now. They invited me in, it wasn't like I just broke into a strangers house." Zev sighed agitated.
"No you're right. You were invited into a ******** witches home. I heard another girl was there too, her granddaughter. Heh, anyone related to that hag is probably a demon or a whore." Jack sneered angrily.
"Don't say that! They were very kinda and hospitable. They even gave us a pie, and that was great. So don't even say things like that." Zev's voice rose his light brown eyes glowing with rage.
"Oh I see whats going on here... You'd rather go hang out with your new girlfriend than trust your uncle who's raised you all these years. For all you know they've already put you under some spell. I never want you to see them ever again."
Zev stood up from the sofa frustrated,"You are insane!"
"Don't talk to me that way!"
"It seems every time I make human contact you just push them away and keep me hidden. Why can't you just be happy for me that I made a friend. Not everyone is a crazy serial killer!"
"Go to your room." Jack sat down at the kitchen table.
"Why do you always push everyone away?" Zev glared at him.
"Go to your room, Now." Jack looked at him. In the mood Jack was in Zev knew he wouldn't get any answers today. With a sharp stare for a few moments, Zev walked into his room and slammed the door. "It's to protect you." Jack whispered to himself.
Zev sat on his bed folding has hands together glaring at the floor. He can't keep me away from the world forever. I'm practically an adult for Christ sake. Zev thought to himself. I suppose the only way for me to connect with the world is if he never knows.
Apple skipped across the bridge of Holyoke Village that lead to her grandmothers house. Only one more mile to go. In her over sized wicker basket was freshly baked chocolate chip cookies. Apple was glad to be coming back to her grandmothers house. She had been worried all week. When Apple finally saw the cottage in the distance she picked up her pace.
Zev had stayed most of his time in his room the rest of that week. Today however, he mustered the courage to sneak out. Before, Jack had allowed him to go out for walks during the day time, but not to see people. Today that's the reason Zev was leaving the house. He began to make his way towards Granny's house
Apple quietly skipped up to the steps of the cottage. She stepped one foot onto the first step and it made a loud creak. Zev was watching his steps making sure he wouldn't trip over roots and looked up from the ground. He was now just at the edge of the forest and spotted Apple. He lifted his arm to wave at her as he was just about to call her name and he began to run. He immediately tripped and fell with an, "Oof".
"Of course.." he said to his luck. Apple heard him fall but thought it was possibly a branch falling or an animal passing by and paid no mind. She walked into the cottage. Granny was on her rocking chair skimming through her book.
"Hello grandma, I made cookies!" Apple cheerfully announced. Granny looked up from her book.
"Oh Apple, I just got this book." She got out of her chair with a little difficulty then shuffled over to the table where Apple put down her basket. Granny's cat jumped onto the table and the old woman immediatly picked her up.
"So you went into town again." Apple sighed looking at Granny like a worried parent.
"Yes yes, never mind that. Look at this." Granny opened the book showing the list of chapters, "This book is perfect, let me show you my favorite story." Granny began turning the pages.
"Still obsessed with magic I see" Apple looked at the book.
"Yes of course, even the fact that we are alive is magic so of course i believe in it. Ah here it is." Granny stopped turning pages at "The Genesis of Lycanthrope" and looked at the pictures on the page. "It says that a Lycanthrope means wolf man in greek. The story of it is: A man named Philip Calter was in love with a beautiful french maiden named Mirabella Joi but she did not love him back. Over time she got married and he got lonely. In his lonely despair he went to a witch for help. She was a witch of alchemy and karma. Meaning there has to be equality of matter. If something good happens then something bad has to happen. So what she promised him is The one he will love will love him back but he will be cursed for the rest of his life. He being desperate agreed to terms with this.
The girl left her husband right away and ran away with Philip. That month during the full moon Philip began to feel sick. At night he became a terrifying wolf! He was out in town and had killed somebody. Mirabella was the only one who knew it was him, for he returned with blood all over him and there had been news of a wild wolf on the loose. She still loved him anyway as the witch had promised. She tried to help him control his self the next couple of times. But then after things started to get better, her ex husband had found them. He wanted her back and he had been searching for them all that time. His name was named Scott.
He learned of her being married and in love with Philip and he raged. He had now become the lonely despair Philip had once been. But this man had a weaker heart. He let the darkness of his rage and hate consume him and set his heart on ending Philips' life.
One afternoon the first day of the full moon he went to the Carters estate. He broke in and brought his musket with him. He aimed at Philip but Mirabella jumped in front of him. "Don't hurt him. Shoot me instead" She said to him. That's when Scott realized even if he shot Philip he would not get the girl back. So he raised his gun and did what Mirabella said.
Philip was devastated. after all of this curse after killing a man after being alone for years, his love was dead. The full moon shone, rage ran through his blood and he once again turned into a wolf and was no longer aware of the emotional tension or his morals. He of course then tackled Scott and killed him. Philip ran out into the town starting a raging massacre.
However some of the people he attacked didn't die. Some of them only got bit or scratched and that is how the curse would spread. It is said that these wolf mans will only go for fresh meat so they are not scavenger hunters. Be ware."
Granny looked up and at Apple smiling.
"That's horrible" Apple pouted looking at the book.
"Oh well I suppose" Granny shrugged, "But isn't it interesting? It means anyone could be a werewolf." Granny said excitedly petting at the cat.
"How is that a good thing, it seems like they'll kill us all." Apple looked at her.
"Many people have said that about cats before, but Moonshine here hasn't hurt me at all."
"That's 'cause she's a house cat that's supposed to sit at your lap and be pet all day." Apple retorted.
"Well I never!" Granny said pretending to be offended, "Cat's are known to sense the super natural, this here little lap kitty will help me find a supernatural being"
Apple rolled her eyes, "I think you got her just because she was so cute." Apple petted Moonshine and the cat began to purr as it stared at Apple.
"Well anyway I'd love to meet a werewolf. Ya'know I bet Jack is one." Granny laughed. Apple chuckled looking at Granny as if she were crazy.
"Wait til Zev hears about that" Apple said playing along. Suddenly a quiet knock sounded at the door.
"I'll get it." Granny got her can and walked over to the door and opened it. Zevs tall shadow loomed into the room. He looked up from his feet and smiled.
"Hello Granny Smith" Zev looked down at the old woman, for she was much shorter, and saw Apple over Granny's head. He waved and she waved back.
Apple whispered to herself,"speaking of the devil"
"Who are you and what do yuh want?" Granny looked up at him. Apple walked over.
"It's Zev grandma." she gave Granny an odd look.
"Zev? Oh. right. Come on in." Granny moved aside and Zev walked in.
"Hey Apple" Zev said happily.
"Hello, what brings you to the end of the woods?" She smiled.
"I was just bored and meandering around, heh. Decided to come by and say hello. If that's okay with you guys. Nice red cloak by the way Apple."
"Yes of course, I just got here myself, and thank you" She smiled.
"Yeah I know I watched you." Zev nodded, " You didn't see me. I saw you and was about to call to you but then I tripped." He awkwardly smiled realizing his awkward statement.
"Oh." Appled paused. "Did you hurt yourself?"
"No no, I'm fine." he laughed and sat down at the table. Another awkward moment. "So uh. Whats this?" Zev pointed at the book.
"That is my new book I got from the store" Granny chimed in and sat down starting to flip through more pages. "All about mystical being and creatures others believe the don't exist."
"Mystical beings. You mean like witches?" Zev looked up.
"Yes exactly" Granny flipped through more pages as Apple sat down taking a bite out of one of the cookies and offering one to Zev.
"Thanks," Zev took it and looked at it," Alright, I have a question to ask."
"Ask away" Apple said mouthful of chocolate chip cookie.
"Are you guys witches?" He looked at them calmly. Granny started laughing and Apple smiled shaking her head covering her mouth to hold in her laugh and her cookie.
"No of course not." Granny stopped laughing. "Though I wish I was. Maybe then Ben would still be here." Apple put her hand on Granny's.
"Ben?" Zev asked a bit relieved that he had been right and took a bite of cookie. Apple shook her head again but more seriously looking at him. Granny stayed silent. Zev looked at both of them and silently consumed his cookie afraid that he had asked too much.
That day Zev stayed at Granny's house for hours. After the long tense silence they talked about magic, spells, cooking, and books. They finished off the basket of cookies as Granny told stories of her youth.
"There had never been a man as strong." Granny looked off into the distance remembering her past as Zev ate the last cookie. "He was a quiet man and he listened to me. I ended up marrying him." Apple nodded listening sitting back in her chair. She loved listening to love stories especially if they ended well. "Oh boy was he strong. He could last for hours.", Apple sat up. "There are certain thing you never forget. I remember the first time w-"
"Well what a nice story. Yup, happy ending." Apple quickly interrupted and Granny laughed.
"You can be such a child Apple. It's just human nature. I figured that you're finally a woman now don't be afraid."
"I'm not afraid. It's just really awkward." Apple stared Granny down.
"You're acting as if you've never-" Granny paused, "Hold on a second. Have you ever?"
"What are we talking about?" Zev looked at both of them completely lost taking a sip of tea Apple had just made for them.
"We are talking about absolutely nothing." Apple tapped her finger on the table a bit nervously shaking her head at Granny.
"Oh so you haven't?"
"I meant- I shook my head cause-... no" Apple slumped in her chair slightly blushing.
"Don't be so down your still young." Granny chuckled
"I'm not-" Apple attempted to retort but was interrupted.
"What about you Zev?" Granny turned to him.
"What about me what? What are you two talking about?" Zev looked at them.
"Zev it's nothing we were just talking about.. the leap to adult hood." Apple said hoping that was a good enough answer for him.
"Hm. Sounds rough."
"You have no idea." Granny chuckled as Apple rolled her eyes. "Apple I just want you to know. You're only growing older and I want grandkids."
At that moment Zev had taken a big sip of tea and started coughing choking on the tea.
"Oh." he coughed taken by surprise Granny burst out laughing.
"Now he gets it!" She cackled.
Apple was ready to slam her head against the table. Why why Whhhyy Apple thought to herself, Why talk about this stuff especially with a guest here who is a boy. Apple let her head fall and smack on the table.
"Oh uh. You ok?" Zev looked at her. Apple lifted her head.
"Yeah I'm fine what makes you ask?" She smiled at him a red mark on her forehead. Zev shrugged taking another sip of tea.
"So Zev have-" Granny was about to ask her question again.
"Wow is it four already? I gotta get going. I'll see you guys later." He smiled sheepishly and waved walking towards the door.
"I'll only be here today and tomorrow. Just so you know, I visit every week." Apple waved at him.
"Alright, I'll be back next week then." He smiled brightly and walked out of the door.
After a few moments of silence and Apple looking at her grandma scoldingly, Zev ran into the forest. Granny Smith looked back at Apple.
"I bet he's a virgin."
"Grandma!" Apple let her head hit the table again and shook her head, "I don't even know what to say."
"Oh come now, you're being too embarrassed over it. Maybe that's why you're still a virgin, let your hair down meet some boys."
"Usually it's guardians afraid of their little girl growing up, but no you're just telling me to go off and do..whatever. I'm only eighteen you know."
Granny chuckled and stood up. She walked over to the stove and poured some tea for herself. "Are you hungry? I was thinking of making some cookies."
"Grandma we just had cookies." Apple lifted her head tiredly, the red mark bigger.
"Oh we did. Hey, how did you get that red mark on your head?" Granny pointed at Apples forehead. Apple looked at her odd.
"I was embarrassed enough to the point I hit my head on the table." Apple said as if pointing out the obvious.
"What made you so embarrassed?" Granny asked honestly.
"Are you feeling alright?"
"Yes I'm feeling alright why do yo- OUCH!" Apple almost jumped as Granny screamed in pain as she rested her hand on the stove. She quickly ran over to the sink and poured cold water over her hand. Apple stood up.
"What happened?"
"I just burned myself."
"I know but.. M-maybe you should lay down today."
"You're worrying too much. It just surprised me." Granny took her hand away from the water and looked at where it was burned. It was bright red and it hurt like crazy. Granny sighed, "If it'll make you feel better I'll just sit here and read this book." Granny sat back down at the table. She began flipping through pages and looked at them. She started to blink constantly. "I can't see it. I think I might start needing glasses."
"Grandma... we got you glasses about three years ago.. They are around your neck." Apple pointed under Granny's chin.
"Oh." Granny looked down with surprise and put them on looking around as if the first time in a long time. Apple sighed considering how long she should stay over again.
Apple stayed only one night agreeing with Granny that she was worrying too much. Once apple got home, all she could do was worry. What if right when I left she hurt herself? But worse this time. Apple sighed her mind a buzz and laid on her bed. Maybe I should listen too her.. Once shes gone... I'll be alone.. Apple shook her head. I shouldn't be thinking like that. Besides I made a new friend... maybe. He loves my cooking, has a great smile, we laugh at the same things- he's still a bit of a mystery... Apple sat up letting her thoughts calm down. She stood up and walked over to her table where she dumped her stuff. She picked up her hooded cloak and put it on.
"Off to work", she sighed and ran out the door. The town was busy as usual, people running to and from their jobs. Apple hurried into the library and clocked in. Her job was to stock the shelves with the new or returning books. Her boss kept her busy always giving her a stack of books. Apple barely had a moment to take a break. The library was huge and had an upstairs with railings that were excellently carved.
Whenever she had the chance, Apple would say hello or try to strike up a conversation with one of the customers. However her boss would always say "Time is money, and you're wasting it." in which made Apple excuse herself and continue putting away books. She lived by herself so whatever money she could find was useful. Granny Smith had always offered Apple to come live with her again if she ever had trouble with money, but Apple didn't want to worry her. Although now Apple constantly worries about Granny. She is only getting older..maybe I should've stayed.
"Back to work!", Apples thoughts were interrupted by the shrill voice of her boss. Apple stood up straight realizing she was leaning on the wooden carvings of the rails and went back to work.
Meanwhile, Jack was walking in town dragging along a small log to the woods work station. Zev was very most likely out and about on his secret escapade and learning about the world around him. He climbed trees, ate the fruit from the tallest branch, and stuck his feet in the cool small stream. He even got close to a dear. Out of curiosity ,of course, he was aiming to pet it but once it noticed him it pounced away. Zev was still amazed by it's serenity, before it ran of course.
Back in town, Jack dropped the log off. His co-workers tell him he needs to go to the black smith to pick up a few axes that needed repairing. Jack walked on down to the black smith picked up the axes and was about to walk back but when he turned around Granny was standing right there smiling at him.
Granny had once again gotten to antsy at home and decided to come out in town.
"Ben!" Granny put her hands on Jack's shoulders.
"Uh.. Ben?" Jack looked around a bit nervously.
"I can't believe it's you! Y-yo-you survived!" Granny was in complete astonishment.
"Look, I'm not Be-"
"Wait til Apple see's you! She's going to cry with happiness." Granny began to tug on Jack's shirt heading towards the bridge leaving town. "Come on son, it's been years."
"Listen Granny, I'm not-" Jack was getting aggravated.
"Now come on Ben, I'll bake you you're favorite cherry pie." Granny kept pulling him with a firm grip.
"I am not Ben! I have no idea who the hell that is so leave me alone ya old hag!" Jack grabbed her wrist and yanked her off. Granny lost her balance turning around and fell back. Granny shrieked in pain and Jack suddenly froze.
"s**t", He whispered under his breath. He backed up and ran to his work place before people turned to see what just happened.
Granny turned out to had fractured her hip. The towns people helped her to the hospital. They gave her the help she needed but she wouldn't be able to walk for quite some time. Even when she did heal, walking would be and even harder thing to do than before.
A letter was sent to Apple, who of course got it two days later. She immediately backed her basket with a bunch of dresses and pajamas and ran out the door cursing herself for ever leaving her grandma's house.
Apple bursted into her grandmothers cottage. She sprinted into Granny's room. The doctor was standing there with his long white coat reminding Granny of what she should eat and turned to Apple. Granny looked over to Apple from her bed. The cat was sitting next to Granny its eyes closed as if it were just relaxing.
"Apple! So glad you came, me and Moonshine here were waiting for you" Granny began petting Moonshine. Apple ran up to Granny and gave her a hug.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, I should've been there to help, I shouldn't have left." Apple hugged Granny tightly.
"Apple, Apple" Granny cupped Apple's cheeks and looked at her," It's alright. I'm going to be just fine. Now we just need to wait until your father gets here."
Apple stood up and looked down at Granny. With a furrowed brow Apple looked at the doctor then back at Granny who was smiling. "Grandma... My dad is-", Apple was interrupted when the doctor put his hand on her shoulder.
"I need to speak with you in the other room." The doctor looked at Apple with a grieving look. Apple nodded and followed him into the other room Granny occupied with Moonshine who was staring at Apple as she walked away.
In the kitchen the doctor motioned for Apple to sit and sat down in the chair opposite of her. "There's something important we need to discuss, your grandmother is very ill. Over time your grandmothers joints and bones have gotten weaker as you know, but now so has her brain. It's deteriorating." He looked at Apple as if waiting for her reaction.
"I understand shes getting older.. Don't all brains eventually deteriorate?" Apple asked cautiously.
"Possibly. The human brain is a very complex thing. We don't have the technology to know."
"Then why are you so sure her brain is deteriorating?" Apple stared at the doctor with a blank face.
"Apple, you heard what she said. She believes that Ben is still alive." The doctor looked at her seriously. Apple broke her gaze away from the doctor and turned her head.
"I'll need to move back in with her." She stared at the floor.
"That would be the best thing to do, in these last few months of her life-"
"Months? She only has months?" Apple tried to swallow away her despair as she stared back at the doctor. He froze and hesitated to speak.
"Y-yes.. we have seen many cases just like this one. It's hard to say how long she has it can range from four to twelve months." The doctor said in a calm voice.
"No no, that's insane. I'm sure she has more time, she must." Apple stood up her eyes worriedly looking about the floor in deep thought.
"Apple, calm down and listen." Apple looked at him her eyes dulled and she frowned.
"Don't tell me to calm down." She glared at him.
"I've been this families doctor ever since you were born, I've fixed every cold, every broken bone, and every ailment this family has had. Don't disregard what I'm telling you now."
"Don't tell me when my family members are going to die." Apple sat back down and stared at the table. "She can't go yet." Apple gulped almost regretting what she just said. The doctor stared at her eyes full of sympathy. What she just said was the same thing she said so many years ago when her parents had died. She shook her head trying to let go of the memory.
She looked up at the doctor her eyes dull again with a fake facade of strength. The doctor spoke up "I understand how terribly difficult this is for you. Right now you need to be there for her."
"I understand." Apple nodded and put her hand out pleading to the ceiling that her hand wasn't shaking too much. The doctor shook her hand. "Thank you." She smiled at him and they both stood up.
They said their goodbyes and he left. Apple walked into Granny's room and asked what she wanted for dinner with a smile on her face.
That night Apple barely got any sleep. She tossed and turned, she stared at the ceiling for, she guessed, three hours. She had gone to bed around nine after tucking Granny in and cleaning up from dinner. When Apple saw the sky beginning to become lighter outside she got up. The clock read four and she sighed.
"Maybe a pie will help calm my nerves." She whispered to herself.
Apple tip toed to the kitchen checking supplies. She was starting to crave blackberry pie. "Figures" she sighed again seeing that there was only three black berries left.
She got her red cloak and pulled it over her head. The blackberry bushes were in the woods not too far away from the house. Apple set off walking over the jutting out over grown root that marked the beginning of the forest. She breathed in the fresh air and closed here eyes listening to the chirps of the early birds. Apple continued to walk taking in the peaceful scene of tall trees with huge leaves that are starting to yellow as the seasons change. The listened to the scampering of small animals in the trees and on the ground. Apple tried to walk as quietly as she could so she wouldn't disturb the peace.
After a while of watching birds and naming the ones she knew, she continued towards the direction of the berry bushes. She could see the small white flowers of the berry bush and ran up to it. Apple knelt and opened her basket, she began picking away.
Once she felt her basket was starting to weigh her down she stopped picking and stood back up. She was about to turn around and head back home but she heard something rattle the leaves of the berry bush.
"Probably a bunny." she knelt back down and looked under the bush. She was right, she could see white cotton ball like fur on the other side of the bush. Apple stood up, "Daw, come here lil' guy" and walked around the bush. And there was the bunny, dried blood patched in its fur its limp body slightly mangled as flies surrounded the open wound around its abdominal area. Apple gasped a bit terrified covering her mouth stepping back. Her heel hit the root of a tree and she lost her balance falling back. When she landed she heard a wheeze and a cough as if someone just got the air knocked out of them. Apple quickly crawled away and turned around to see what she landed on. She kept her hand to her mouth making sure she wouldn't scream, but once she realized what she landed on her hands fell back to her sides.
"Oh my god... Zev?" Apple sat up. The boy lifted his head slowly for he was laying on the ground on his side. Apple slapped her hands to her eyes, for he wasn't wearing any clothes.
"Apple?", Zev said tiredly. He was too exhausted to even realize his current presentation. "Where are we?" He laid his head back down on the ground and rubbed his face starting to wake up. Apple slowly moved her fingers away from her eye just enough to see his face. He looked completely unaware of anything. She put her hands down and pulled off her cloak.
"We are in the woods... what happened to you? Why are you n-naked?" Apple helped sit him up looking up at the trees avoiding eye contact of anything and tried to pull the cloak over his head. "You must be freezing, it'll be winter soon."
Zev sat up rubbing his eyes and blinked, "What?" He looked down finally realizing his lack of clothing and quickly pulled down the cloak. "Sorry, sorry" pink starting to splash on his cheeks and he looked up at Apple embarrassed and tired. Her face looked like it was left in the sun for hours without and sunblock.
"It's uh.. ok" she nodded unaware of her bright red face trying to look calm. Zev put his hands to stomach and winced. "Are you alright?"
Zev shook his head, "My stomach..hurts..." He laid back down curling up in pain. Apple sat up looking at him worried and grabbed onto his arm. She put it over her shoulder and tried to help him up.
"No use staying here, I can help you better at home." Apple said as Zev got on his feet and nodded slowly.
"I-I taste blood." Zev stuttered. Apple looked at him as they began to walk. She turned her head over to the dead rabbit.
"What the heck happened." she sighed and the walked the direction she came.
Along the way home, Apple spotted a pair of pants resting over an uprooted root followed by a pair of underwear not to far apart. Zev recognized them as his and held onto them as they walked back. Once reaching the cottage, Zev nearly fainted on Apple but she quickly helped him into the door.
She pulled him to her room and lay Zev on her bed. "You should rest now, and tell me what happened later. I'll go wash these for you." Apple picked up his pants and underwear. Zev reached out and grabbed her arm looking at her. She looked up a bit surprised slightly blushing.
"Thank you, Apple" He let go of her arm.
"N-no problem." Zev turned rolling on his side and quickly fell asleep. Apple grabbed the water basin by the oven and walked outside. "Must be nearly six now." she whispered to herself. She walked around the back of the cottage where there were clothes lines put up. Just a couple yards away was a small stream. The waters current starts at the top of the mountain which is in the middle of the woods and trails downward past Granny Smiths cottage all the way to town. At one time Apple found a gold nugget in the stream. That's how she could afford her house, but all that money is almost out now. Ultimately she knew she'd have to move back in with Granny anyway. She sighed and put the basin in the stream filling it with the cold water.
She hauled it over to the clothes lines, dropped in the soap bar, and began washing Zev's clothes. She pinned her curls out of the way with one of the clothes pins as she put up his clothes to dry. She left the basin for she knew there were other clothes to wash too. Apple went inside and began to make the pie she promised herself.
Apple sat at the kitchen table as the pie was baking in the oven and was picking at the old wood of the table being in too deep of thought to see what she was doing. What if Granny only has weeks? What if we run out of money? What was Zev doing out there? Does jack know? Is everything going to be okay? were all the questions in her mind she was trying to answer herself.
The door to Apples room creeks open slowly and Zev walks into the kitchen.
"Smells good, what are you making?" He asked and Apple lifted her head.
"Hm?" She looked up at Zev who was still only in her red cloak, "Oh uh. I'm making blackberry pie"
"Sounds good" Zev looked towards the oven. "Do you usually bake pies so early in the morning?"
"Nah. Only when I'm in a good mood..or confused mood." she looked back at the table and noticed her scratches that messed up the paint on the table and quickly covered it with her hand sighing.
"Oh. Then are you in a good mood or confused mood?" Zev sat at the table. Apple slightly shook her head.
"I'm fine. So how was your nap?" Apple beamed a smile at him.
"Refreshing, you're bed is comfortable." Zev smiled.
"Thanks. Uhm, so.. what happened? Why were you in the middle of the forest naked?" Apple asked trying to not act embarrassed.
"I.. really don't know. I was walking around yesterday afternoon then suddenly waking up next to you."
"What about the blood you tasted?" Apple looked at him blankly but the seriousness could be seen in her eyes. She remembered back to the dead rabbit.
"I'm not too sure about that either but, waking up I remember my head being against a root. I think I may have fallen on it hurting my mouth. Not sure." Zev put his hand to his cheek.
"Oh. I would say maybe you were attacked by some thugs, got punched, knocked out and lost memory because of it but.. no one else really lives around here." Apple shrugged then chuckled. "For a moment i thought you ate that rabbit that was back there."
"Hah. I'd never do that." Zev laughed. The timer rang and Apple stood up.
"The pie's ready." She got her oven mitt and took the pie tin out. She placed it near the window to let it cool. "There we go, now we just need to wait until it cools down." Apple smiled putting the oven mitt away. Zev sat at the table and looked around. "Oh hold on." Apple rushed outside grabbed his clothes then scurried back in, "Here you go." Apple handed him his pants and underwear.
"Thanks." Apple nodded and motioned for him to user her room as the changing room. She sat back down at the table waiting for Zev and for the pie to cool down. I suppose Grandma would like a slice too.
Apple walked over to the window sill and took out the pie cutter. Zev walked back into the kitchen wearing his pants and still wearing her cloak.
"I'm guessing you want this back." He began lifting off the cloak, of course he didn't have a shirt of his own, as Apple turned around and began flailing her arms in front of herself.
"No no, yo-you can keep it for now. It's ok." She laughed nervously pink in the face. Apple
"Alright." Zev blinked keeping the cloak on and walked up to her. He looked at the pie then back at her and looked at her. Apple did a double take and looked back at him blankly. He leaned forward she leaned back face becoming more pink now showing a confused look.
"You're face is always pink." Zev said matter of fact.
"O-oh" Apple put her hands to her cheeks getting embarrassed.
"It's actually kinda cute" Zev patted her head then looked at the pie ,"Is it almost ready?" Apple stood there for a moment replaying what had just happened in her head.
"In about five minutes." Apple looked up from her daze face still pink hands on her face.
"Nice, not too long then." After a few moments of awkward silence and of Zev looking around the room and Apple putting her hands down, he asked, "So how's Granny Smith doing?"
"She's.. ill." Apple turned and faced the pie starting to cut it.
"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Zev looked at her. Apple nodded half smiling a thanks for his consideration smile and cut the slices. "I thought you said five minutes."
"Mhm, sorry yes. Until it's cool. Grandma likes the slices warm."
"I see." Zev nodded. He noticed she was concentrating on the pie, but her eyes looked as if she were looking else where. Apple lifted up a slice and put it on the plate. Her mind obviously somewhere else. She almost tripped the pie slice sliding on the plate. Zev quickly grabbed Apples shoulder and the plate. "I'll take it to her if you want."
"Sure.. thanks."
"No problem." Zev smiled a bit at her. Then walked into the room he assumed to be Granny's room. I wonder whats up with Apple He thought to himself. When he saw Granny she was staring at an old book with her glasses on. She looked up.
"Oh hello Ap-" She took off her glasses and squinted at Zev.
"Hello Granny." He waved and offered the pie to her "Apple is-"
"Apple you seem taller and more masculine than usual." Granny stared at Zev taking the pie.
"Haha No no, I'm not Apple. She's in the other room." Zev laughed.
Granny looked at him suspiciously and lifted her chin. "Apple! Who is this strange man, and why is he wearing your clothes?"
Apple sat up snapping out of her deep thought. "Oh uh.." She quickly ran into Granny's room her curls bouncing. " Sorry, Granny this is Zev, remember? A-and he's wearing my clothes because, he lost his."
"Oh yes now I remember him. The one you let into our house that one day. He lost his clothes?" Granny's eyebrow rose, " That sounds rather peculiar...Did you two have sex?"
Apple flailed her arms in front of her again, "No no no we didn't do anything."
Zev laughed surprised at Granny Smith's bluntness, "Nothing happened."
Apple slammed her hand to her face in embarrassment. "Grandma it really isn't what you think."
Granny started laughing and nodded, "Well whatever you kids did, not in my house , alright?" Apple sighed realizing this was a lost cause.
"Heh, well uh. I'm gunna go.. get a piece of pie." Zev walked out of the room not knowing what to say in a moment like that. Apple sat at the foot of Granny's bed and sighed.
"Are you alright? You don't seem yourself today." Granny said worried.
"I'm fine." Apple smiled at Granny. "What do you have there?" She pointed at the book Granny was holding.
"Oh I just found this book on my side table. It's called 'The Tale of The Titans'. I never knew I had this book"
"You've had that book since I was a little kid... You read it to me a lot before going to bed remember? Ben gave it to you now that I remember." Apple looked away going back down memory lane.
"I did? Hm.. Who's Ben?" Granny put her glasses back on and looked at the book as if trying to remember it. Apple stood up.
"I'm going to go have some pie with Zev." She slowly walked out of the room. Got herself a slice then sat down at the table and jabbed at her piece of pie. Zev swallowed the pie he had in his mouth and looked up at Apple with pie all over his face.
"Are you alright?" He reached his hand over and poked her wrist snapping her out of it. She looked up at him blankly, then smiled brightly.
"Yes of course I'm alright." She laughed a bit picking up a napkin and helped clean his face of the pie. "You've got a bit of pie there."
"Oh whoops" He laughed a bit embarrassed and she laughed with him.
The day went by quickly with Apple telling stories from the books on the shelves that she was told when she was younger.
"The knight drew his sword then plunged it into the dragons belly. It wailed in pain as it collapsed to the floor and the knight knew he would be known as a hero from then on." Apple said making dramatic gestures. Zev watched in awe, both of them glad to be feeling like little kids again. Once Apple was done she made a bold pose kneeling with her fist in the air as if holding a sword Zev laughed a bit.
"Poor dragon though. It was just protecting her eggs."
"I said the same exact thing when I first heard it." Apple pointed her imaginary sword at him.
They continued to tell stories, Zev told of the books he had back at his home. Apple told him all about the mystical creatures that other people have claimed to see. She made Zev and Granny dinner a bit early because she knew Granny would fall asleep earlier and needed her rest. It was about four when they all ate dinner.
Once Apple was done, she remembered she still had a lot of laundry to finish up and that she left the soapy water outside. "You can go ahead and read some of the other books, I have some chores to do" Apple said to Zev pulling out a bag of dirty laundry.
"Alright. Did you want any help?" He said noticing she was struggling to tug the bag out of the doorway.
"No it's alright, I'm fine." The bag finally popped through she almost fell back but regained her balance in time. She ran over to the basin filled with water and dumped the clothes in.
She began scrubbing away as her thoughts sunk in again. She frowned, Even if Grandma does live for a full year she might not even remember me in a few months... I'll be alone a lot quicker than I thought.. Apple thought to herself sadly. After going through one third of the amount of laundry she began to cry. Frustrated with herself, Apple cleared her throat and wiped away her tears continuing her chore. A couple of shirts later she cried a bit more, she decided to try to ignore it.
Zev looked around the book shelf when suddenly it felt like the room was tilting. He stood up and put his hand on his forehead feeling dizzy. The room stopped moving and he wiped the beading sweat off his forehead when he heard a loud thud and a groan of frustration coming from outside. He looked out the window and Apple was sitting on the ground holding her foot as if she stubbed her toe. She immediately went back to washing. Zev decided he'd at least go sit be her if not help her.
He walked outside and sat across the basin from Apple, she didn't notice. Zev put his hands in the water beginning to help her and she looked up her face stained in tears.
"W-what happened?" Zev said suddenly confused. Apple shook her head.
"It's ok you don't need to help." She kept washing and wiping her face. Zev scooted over and sat next to her.
"What's wrong?" He put his arm around her. She shook her head again then pulled her hands out of the water which were starting to prune.
"Everything. I'm going to lose Granny soon she's sick and old and losing her memory."
"Yeah she's getting old, but she'll feel better. She still has some life in her." He said reassuringly. Apple shook her head more.
"No, the doctor.. He said she has less than a year to live. Her brain is deteriorating. She doesn't even remember Ben, Zev. Ben is my father, her only son." Apples voice grew more shaky as she talked.
"Hm... I can see how that's tough. It's the circle of life. You go on about it then you leave."
"I-I know... My parents died when I was young. So I'll have no where to go once she's gone." Apple quivered under his arm. "I'm going to be all alone. Once Grandma forgets I exist, which p-probably won't be too long from now. Ugh I shouldn't be crying. They've been gone for years now and I need to face the fact Granny is only getting older." She leaned against Zev glaring at the ground.
"Hey, hey. It's alright to cry. I lost my parents too.. I get really sad when I think about it too. I was only seven but I remember it all. Well most of it. Apparently, what Jack told me was, someone broke into our house intending to rob them for money and killed them, they only left me knocked out." He frowned holding her close.
"I'm so sorry. I'm really sorry someone would do that. No one should ever kill someone over something so pointless." She hugged him tight crying harder. "M-mine died in a fire when I was five. My mom died instantly but my dad was severely burned. He was taken to the hospital. I was at Granny's house at the time and we went as soon as we could. I stayed with him throught that day. When he left I couldn't believe it. A-all those times of telling stories and helping me through school." Apple buried her face into his side crying out, "I'm just so alone."
She regretted throwing this all on Zev, He has enough to worry about I'm just dragging him into my own problems she thought to herself. Zev hugged her tighter.
"You've got me." Zev put his chin on top of her head. She sniffed and wiped off her face and hugged him.
"A-...Are you sure? You don't need to help. I'm just being a big baby."
"Of course I'm sure." He patted her head and looked at her in the eyes, "You aren't being a baby. I'm here because I want to help you. You're my first real friend and I want to be there for you."
Apple smiled a bit tears streaming down her face. "I probably look gross right now." She looked to the side laughing at herself a bit. Zev tilted her head up and wiped away a tear.
"No" He laughed, "You look fine."
Apple looked back at him smiling a bit, "Thanks Zev."
"No problem" He smiled back. She looked up at him her tears starting to slow down smiling more. Zev held her tight peering into her eyes. He leaned in a bit. Apple's puffy face turned a hue pinker. She lifted her head sitting up gently tilting her head. Apple closed her eyes and pressed her lips to his. Zev surprised at first, closed his eyes and kissed back leaning into holding her tight breathing in her scent, of course a scent fresh apples.
Apple hugged him tightly hoping this moment would never end. Suddenly Zev let go of Apple and his hand gripped onto his stomach. She still red in the face.
"Ar-are you alright?" putting her hands on his shoulders. He coughed writhing in pain. He didn't notice Apples question. Zev leaned over away from the basin and winced.
"I.. Need to go." He slowly got up using the basin as support.
"Whats wrong?" She held onto his arm. Zev looked at her, she stared back at him face full of worry. "I'm sorry." He clenched his teeth holding his stomach. He ran back into the woods and was quickly gone. Apple sat down and stared into the basin filled with water eyes swimming with confusion sitting by herself as the sunset glowed.
A few weeks go by. Apple spent her time keeping the cottage in top shape while tending to Granny. Granny Smith's memory was indeed slowly fading, but she still remembered Apple. The things she mainly forgot were the books she has read, which wasn't too bad for she could read them all over again without getting bored.
Apple smiled every time she saw Granny. She was still troubled. Whenever she thought back to that night, Apple would remember her lips against his and what he had said. But now she wonders, Where is he now? forgetting all about the fact he still had her crimson cloak.
It's been a couple months, it's been snowing harshly for the past week making it hard to go outside. She kept the chicken coop covered in blankets and constantly checked up on them. Apple bundled Granny up in blankets making sure she wouldn't catch a cold. The freezing weather certainly wasn't good for Granny Smith's joints so being able to walk might have to wait til spring. Christmas passed and all Apple could think about was Zev. He was her only hope of keeping the sanity, of not being alone. Every time she'd bake an apple or blackberry pie, or see Granny reading one of the stories she'd told Zev, Apple would smile.
Eventually, the snow stopped and the sun came out. This was Apple's chance to go out and get food, or maybe find someone. Apple rolled her eyes at herself at even thinking of the chance of seeing Zev out there. That didn't stop her from looking everywhere when she walked. Every branch shake or rustle of a shrub she turned.
She shook her head at the crazy idea of finding him again, then hit her head against a tree remembering the first time finding him in the woods. Apple tried to focus on the reason she was out here in the first place. To get food or wood for the fire place. There has been some where around here where the beets or yams grew in the woods. She found the spot, Apple had marked a tree before hand to remind herself, and started to dig away at the snow. She pulled out her basket took out the small shovel she brought and began digging into the ground. After finding a couple of Yams she looked up.
Apple's heart skipped a beat, Zev was leaning against the tree holding his arm out to her. In his hand was her red cloak his other hand on his stomach, but the cloak looked like it had been through a bull fight. It was torn and covered in dirt, and also the only clothing he had with him. Zev was standing naked in the snow, not shivering and breathing slow and raspy.
"Zev? What are you-" Apple put her hand up reaching for the cloak, but Zev staggered and fell. He landed on his side into the snow. "Zev!", as quickly as she could Apple got over to him and slipped the red cloak over him. Of course she immediately looks at his lips, which were now blue. "Th-this isn't good."
Apple grabbed her basket helped his arm around her shoulders and went home as quickly as she could. Thankfully it wasn't too far away from where she was this time. It started snowing again as she went into the cottage. Zev was still knocked out when she laid him on her bed. Apple covered him in blankets, threw an extra log into the fire, and sat by him at the side of the bed. "Please be ok." she pleaded. Apple sat up and kissed him on the cheek.
She heard him breathing and sighed with relief. Apple hugged him in his cocoon of blankets lovingly but also in hopes of helping him heat up faster. After a couple moments she got up and went to go make a giant pot of soup for when he wakes up, and for Granny too. This was no time for anyone to be getting sick.
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Worlds Together
I write things here. Maybe I'm writing out an idea, a dream, or even just venting out my feelings, Don't judge. Thank you.
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