••-Katrina or "Katy"-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>>
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<<I've seen 17 years in this Female body of mine<<
xxxxxxxxxx>>I run as a Pokemon and I run for the Guys>>
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx<<I am a Seke [both] with pride<<
Magic/Weapons: can change into a pokemon, knows moves her favorite Charm.
Bio: Have you heard of pokemon? Those little creatures that are captured to battle with? Well they are real or should say were, unlike everything else they can't be created and due to wars they were used in they bacame extinct. All of them except for 1: a female pachirisu. No one knows where this one went and she is constantly searched for but never found, if she can hide out this long she would be a great battle weapon. Now there is a girl with blue hair who lives in the country, very quiet, seems to be scared easily. No one knows but this is the last pokemon, the female pachirisu. No one knew that pokemon can turn human because they had always prefered to stay in their pokemon form and then most pokemon forgot about it. Not this one. She's in constant fear she'll be used as a weapon or tested on to see if they could clone her or worse..she'll be found by slavers and put into a slave market..Despite her fear she wants to get a male slave. She hopes they were wrong and that there might be another pokemon in the world
Personality: sweet, kind, easily hurt, mostly but it just depends..she can also be dominant and if she must use her moves to charm people