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Dark Lords
Sith Datapad
Chapter 4
Chapter 4

Terra calmed down and relaxed her mind and body. She reached down making sure she had her lightsaber with her. It felt down the left side of her hip and felt her weapon attached to her. She sighed in relief and walked out her room door. She had an idea of where she was going. She just didn’t know if the ship was on auto? Or was someone in control. She kept her hand down on her lightsaber. “What ifs?” ran through her mind, she tried to block it out of her constant thoughts. Could she handle what could come if she found what she was looking for? Her mind still hadn’t fully recovered from the events. She did her best to control her anger and use it to her power.

Room by room Terra search for anyone aboard the ship, using the Force to guide her in the midst of the ships darkness. She came across a room that was like a living quarter. Containing a bed, table, food scraps of what look like a home cooked meal. The holonet was on and running. She continued her search and came up towards a locker that was partially open, using the Force to fully open it and took a look around inside of it. Uniforms was neatly pressed and hung in the locker. “Why are there uniforms here?” A question ran through her mind.

Taking a closer look at the uniforms, she noticed they were Mandalorian, three pairs. Maybe she wasn’t alone all this time or maybe she was? She continued her search of the ship with the Force, making her way around the rest of the ship. As she made her way towards what she thought was the cockpit of the ship. She felt something alive through the Force. She unequipped her lightsaber from her belt and held tightly in her hand. She rested her thumb on the activation button. She used the Force to open the door. As the door open, a blaster shot fired at her, she barely ignited her lightsaber in time blocking the shot and redirected the blaster blot towards the gun, knocking it out of the stranger’s hand.

The stranger stood up with his hands in the air. Terra looked at him carefully. He stood roughly 1.8 meters, long light brown hair. He looked like he had a more of athletic build to him. He had a steady look on his face. Showing off two scars across his face; one right above his left eye and another below his right eye across his cheek.

“So you’re better than he had said.” He spoke with a semi deep voice.

“Did he now? Raven.” Terra spoke catching glimpse of his mind with the Force.

“Point being what? You know my name and yes he did.” Raven said walking closer to her.

Terra stepped back a bit as Raven tried to breathe her in. As he reached for her, Terra reacted using the Force to through him back against the chair. She walked back a bit grabbing her lightsaber, keeping it at the ready. Raven grinned and chuckled a bit.

“You’re lucky he wants you unharmed and alive.” Raven spoke firmly as his faced turned into a serious one.

“You should be the one that’s lucky. I’m not easy as your other prey.” Terra said walking out of the cockpit and closing the door behind her.

Raven grinned a bit, thinking about what she had said to him. “Lucky? Screw luck.”

Terra continued her search of the ship, studying the layout carefully. Now she met Raven and read his mind the best she could with the Force. She tried to make sense of what she got from it. She made it back to her room and walked to her bed. She laid down on her bed and began sorting through her mind and thoughts. She glance at the desk and looked at the last datapad. One of them was on a Jedi and the other one was locked with a voice passcode. She took a deep breath and calmed herself down a bit. She began drifting off in to a sleepless dream. Clouds roamed her dream, dark clouds with lightning forming around her.

“Your mind is clouded child.” A voice spoke out to her.

“Who are you? What do you want with me?” Terra spoke with questions.

“That doesn’t matter at the moment. Your mind must be cleared for what is to come. Now hurry child.” The voice spoke as it faded away from her.

“What do you mean!?!?!?” She screamed into the emptiness of her dream.

Terra woke up in a cold sweat. Breathing heavily, she got up and sat at the edge of her bed. She thought the voice to be familiar. But she couldn’t place it at the moment. Was it him? Was he speaking to her through the Force? Questions kept coming to her mind and flooding her thoughts like a plague. She screamed out in anger, everything flew all over the room. As she stopped screaming, her mind began to clear. She stood up and brought her lightsaber to her from the chair. The room wasn’t big enough for her to practice her sequences. She walked over the training room and started. As she finished her last sequence, she felt better and more relaxed. She had everything to prove, to herself and to her new master, Lord Irys. She was ready, but she knew she had to prove it to him and to the Triad.

Terra began developing different combos for her Force powers. Her dreams have guided her to something. She began sorting them out as she continues using her Force powers. But what did she have to do? She glanced at the time and headed back to her room and her bed. She climbed into the bed and stretched out, relaxing her body, she began to slowly drift back into sleep again.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Irys sat on the ground crossing her legs. He took a deep breath and began to meditate, concentrating on the Dark Side of the Force. Letting his anger fuel his rage and his power within grew. His mind filled with images of the future. Irys continued with a grin. He slowly opened his eyes and stood up stretching his body.
“Soon everything will fall into place and the real game will begin.” Irys spoke to the emptiness of his chambers.

A knock came upon his chamber door. He took a deep breath and turned. “Enter.”

A cloaked figure stood in front of the entrance as the door opened. “My Jen’ari.”
“Yes? What is it?” Irys spoke in a commanding voice.

“This arrived for you my Lord.” The figured spoke putting his hand out with the object.

“Place it on the desk and leave.” Irys spoke turning away from the figure.

“Yes, Jen’ari.” The figure spoke placing it on the desk. Then it turned and left the room. The door closed behind him.

Irys walked over to his desk and look to see it was a datapad. He sat down in his chair and turned on the datapad and began to read.

It’s been a long time my old friend. I was wondering when and if I would ever hear from you. It’s been far too long Irys. But I do have to information you asked me to find for you. But I don’t know why you need it. Ai’zen Lenna has been dead and missing for over a month now. But I’m sure you have something in mind. But regardless, May the Force be with you Irys.

Plo-tus Snatch, Jedi Master

Datapad- Ai’zen Lenna

How do I start this? She had always proved to be a quick and avid learner. During her years as a orphan, she study and did her best to be helpful to others whenever it came up. Other orphans resented her for it and never cared to like her. Ai’zen was very passionate Zabrak with a lot of compassion in her heart. She always did her best to do the right thing for her fellow orphans and other people in need that she met. She was a natural when her curiosity and automatic trust to other people had always often got her in trouble.

If I recall, I found Ai’zen Lenna at the age of ten. She was lurking about and around my ship. I felt a powerful presence. Just as powerful as Master Skywalker before he passed away and became one with the Force. I followed his Force sensitive and found a young girl. Her appearance was unmistakable for a Zabrak breed. But also I sense another race in her, Mandalorian. By her clothing alone, I knew that she belong to an orphanage need the outskirts of the city.

I approached her with caution, not knowing if she knew what she had been gifted with. As I approached, she turned and saw me walking towards her. Smiling with suck innocence in her eyes, I knelt down to one knee and told who I was. She came with me as I took her to a diner to get her some food. We finally came to a calm mind and I explained to her what I felt and told her what she could be. She agreed, telling me almost everything about her and her time in the orphanage. How she felt her need to help everyone who was in need of help. I notice she had a lot of compassion, but if I was able to get her to come with me, maybe in time we could get her to control that.

I took a blood sample, like we always do for possible new recruits, and sent her back to the orphanage. I told her to wait for me there at the orphanage. I sent the sample to the council and asked permission to train her to be Jedi. With surprised, they granted me the permission and told me to be cautious when I started her training. They would observe her more when she came to the Jedi Temple on Yavin 4. They told stories of Master Skywalker’s father from the records that Master Luke found and kept. I used this knowledge and headed for the orphanage to get her. I adopted Ai’zen as my daughter. The council tries to follow our ancient ways of the Jedi. But I requested that I train her when she finished her main training in the temple. Something about her that capture my attention. She took to her teachings with ease and quickly took to the fighting forms quickly as well. She learned to control her powers with good control and balance with the Force.

As she climbed in her skills, the more she began to show signs that no one really saw coming. She was always willing to help those who struggle with the understanding of things. As I began to watch Ai’zen grow into a beautiful young lady and as a powerful Jedi. In her mind she felt ready for the trials, but the council held her back from the trials and being a Jedi Knight. They had their reasons and I had to agree with the council on the decision. She grew angry and I did my best to calm her down. I told her that she needed to be patience and her time will come soon.

Later in the week we got news that we lost an inside Jedi on Korriban. The Jedi Council had gotten reports on the Jedi who crossed to the Dark Side. But the reports had been incomplete. Jedi Knight Iyl Ley left to hunt this Jedi. But now the Council hasn’t received any new information or has heard from Iyl. I lead a group of Jedi’s, including Ai’zen to travel to Korriban for this mission and search for the missing Jedi’s.

When we arrived to Korriban and landed to bodies everywhere. Upon the search, a group of Tuk’atas has been destroying everything in their path. We followed a trail that led to a small village on the outskirts of the Sith Temple. A woman came running and crying that someone had killed her companion and her child. Ai’zen felt her compassion kick in and wanted to help the young woman. I told her it would be possible and would have to be done later; we had a mission to complete. I knew it was only revenge she searched for. I told her she was unfit to be a Jedi. My last words I regret saying to my daughter.

Ai’zen was shocked and angry at what I said to her. She used a power Force-push and through us back and ran off. I followed her into a cave, but I was too late in saving her. She lay on the ground coughing badly; blood came running out of her side. Upon a further search of the area, I notice a man lay dead with the young woman who asked us for help. Ai’zen laid there motionless, staring at me, her eyes begging me to help her. Crying out for her father, then she fell into an everlasting sleep. I couldn’t shed a tear for her and I gather everyone and we left Korriban with a failed mission. It was the hardest thing I had ever done, to leave my daughter’s body on the ground on Korriban.

End of data log. Pryus Gidon, Jedi Master.

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