Nine day Gaia Online Marathon!!!
Though, there is a downfall. When I come back, I have to take the WASL. (Washington Assessment of Student Learning.) At least it is the reading, science, and maybe math WASL. No language arts. (W007!) No essay. blaugh I should have no trouble with the math one. I am one of three students who got 100% on today's math test.
Also, a girl in my class said that, on the Monday after break, she is going to bring a CD for when we do relays in P.E. Though, this isn't going to be a pop, rock, or rap CD. It's all going to be country music. rofl Few people I know like country. I wonder what will be the responces of most of the other students. But she doesn't have much Keith Urban or Emerson Drive. She only has two Urban, "Better Life" and "Tonight I Wanna Cry." gonk Oh well, at least "Better Life" is good, but where's "Somebody Like You" and "You're my Better Half"? xp