ToS update, woo~
So check this mess out! Any fan worth their salt knows what happens when you reach the Tower of Salvation. I, being the Kratos fan I am, am very reluctant to go there and allow the game story to progress. 'Course I can't stay in Sylvarant forever...-grumbles- SO, I decided to scrabble my way up to level 60 because I fancy Remiel as being a pretty tough enemy. (And I want to beat Kratos too, so bad...) I went back to the mausoleum to "train" because the battles there usually give me at least 100 exp. points. Somehow I got it onto my head to back to the roof, just to look around y'know?
Well that triggered another cutscene. Did you know you can get the Sylvarant summon spirits before leaving the world for the first time? biggrin (Besides Undine, I know you're supposed to get her before the Tower.) Okay, not the the Aska/Luna pair (at least I don't think I can get the exsphere shard before making it to Tethe'alla and back), but Sylph and maybe even Efreet? (Oooh, I should totally try and get him as well.) But I digress. Sephie, Yutis, and Fairess showed up, my group beat the living snot out of them, and now I have TWO spirits on my team! WOOHOO!!!
I was so excited, everything kept coming out as squeaks. My friend Reven was kinda worried...he kept asking if I was alright. I could only gibber.