So I was thinking that they get forced out of China because they converted to Christianity, which in itself isn't a problem, but they get implicated in an underground church that starts doing some anti-government stuff. They get crackdowned on and
AthenianMoonmost of the church members get arrested. The family goes into hiding in Hong Kong and then hooks up with a smuggler that sneaks them into the cargo hold of a ship bound of America. The smuggler's friends get them to NYC, promising jobs and money and good
AthenianMoonschools and stuff, but once they get there of course the loan sharks pounce and the family has to run again, at which point they think of Cassie, the daughter of their sister who they never met but always knew about.
AthenianMoonAnd they go to her in this not really uncommon situation.
AthenianMoonForced out of China because of religious persecution but then caught up in loan sharks and being threatened with sex slavery, sweat shop work, and even death... but having no where to go because going to authorities will get them sent back to China.
AshleyandStuffWould they be willing to testify against the group who brought them out of China and threatened them and all that in exchange for green cards? >.>
AthenianMoonThey'd need serious convincing. These people have them terrified. Chinese gangs are as powerful and bloody in NYC as Cartel probably is in Texas.
AshleyandStuffBelieve me, I know.
AshleyandStuffBut could they be convinced?
AthenianMoonBy Cassie, doubtful. But Ria's mom works with Immigration and Misha's mom is a social worker. So if Cassie were to go to both of them for their mom's connections, the two women in tandem might be able to do it.
AshleyandStuffMkay and Joey would help too on the cops side with his connections in the NYPD and the FBI. =)
AthenianMoonRight. So how should they initially contact Cassie? They can't all just show up at her apartment or her work, the sharks probably have half of China town on the watch for them...
AshleyandStuffWould it be plausible if one of them went to Hunter and his crew? As deep in the underground world as they have found themselves in, it might be easier to contact him, right? Or would they think that's too dangerous?
AthenianMoonHm... The head man of the family might. They'll probably be hiding out in some abandoned building, but then the question becomes how do they know Hunter will have connections to Cassie?
AthenianMoonHis parents were in the house with Drake, he and Cassie probably at least know OF each other... Is it plausible that Hunter's parents might ask Cassie, being the oldest and most responsible, to check in on him for them?
AshleyandStuffHmm, well...I don't think Joey would but, would Isha maybe?
AthenianMoonQuite possibly, especially if she were to call him once or twice and he doesn't answer her messages.
AthenianMoonWhy wouldn't Joey? Pride issue?
AshleyandStuffNot on his side. More like...he knows Hunter has a major pride issue and he knows if he ever found out his dad was secretly checking up on his it'd make the situation worse between them. Plus he thinks Hunter living on his own, having to actually act like
AshleyandStuffan adult is good for him. lol So he won't want to throw a monkey wrench in that.
AthenianMoonRight. Well Isha won't care xD He's her son and she wants to know what's going on with him. So Isha has Cassie keep tabs on him for her. Cassie'd probably go to his work and apartment with random stuff. Maybe even flirt with him a little.
AthenianMoonAnd the Chinese family, having figured out who she is, sees her and him walking down the street together or something? And a few days later the father of the family, Cassie's uncle, approaches Hunter about it?
AshleyandStuffxD I can totally see him playing along with that and yet in the back of his mind always trying to figure out what her agenda is. lol That little bit of his dad's intuition that he has, you know? xDDD Okay, so yes, that works.
AshleyandStuffWould he approach him at his day job? Or at his...."real" job? lol
AthenianMoonProbably his REAL job lol. The dad of the family may have seen Hunter before in Chinatown, involved in some shady stuff. So he'd follow Hunter from his day job to the garage he does his work at, then rush inside after him and say in very broken English
AthenianMoon"I have question, sir."
AshleyandStuffHunter would turn, freak for a second. "Hey! Gramps, you can't be back here." He'd grab the man's arm and escort him out. "This is private work. Get the hell out." But once they're both out into the "safe" part of the place (still in the building though)
AshleyandStuffhe'd lock the door. "Sorry, old man. Look, you seem like a very nice person I'm sure, but whatever touristy question you've got I don't have time for. I've gotta get back in there. But look, there's a nice family lives two blocks down. I'm sure they'll be
AshleyandStuffhappy to give you whatever gas money or s**t you need. So yeah, just right down there. Follow the track. Have a nice day."
AthenianMoonHe'd pull a picture from his pocket, of his one daughter after a run-in with the sharks. He took it for evidence but now he's using it in the hopes Hunter will at least be shocked enough to stand still long enough to listen. "This is my daughter,
AthenianMoonSong Lian. Men beat her and say they will rape her. We have no money to give them. She has son, 10 year of age. My family, sir. You -points to him firmly but with tears in his eyes- help."
AshleyandStuffHe'd stare at the pic"Look, I'd love to help but I'm broke." He'd push the guy gently towards the window and point down the street. And he'd say slow and louder as if that'll help the man understand better. "Rich family. Nice church people. They help you."
AthenianMoonHe'd get angry and shout "Church do this to us!!" then lower his voice carefully and go "You help. You take me to Cassie."
AshleyandStuffHunter would frown. "Okay, man, you're freaking me out. You need to leave." and would turn to go back into the garage.
AthenianMoonThe man would stand there and watch for a moment, then sigh heavily, look down and go "I leave, my family will be dead in morning."
AshleyandStuffHunter would clench his fist and shake his head. "Look, dude. I don't know what game your playing here. I don't know how you found me or how you know Cassie. Really, I'd love to help but... -sigh- (mutters several curses) -gets in his face, really close to
AshleyandStuffthe guy and presses his switchblade against the man's stomach, just to let him know his threat is real- I'll help you, but one wrong move, mister, and those men will become the least of your concerns. Got it?"
AshleyandStuffhe wouldn't say mister, he'd say something else, but I can't think of it right now. lol
AshleyandStuffmitser sounds too nice. xP
AthenianMoonThe man wouldn't react to the knife at all and just go "This not work, I beg you, kill my family before they do."
AshleyandStuffHunter would narrow his eyes, then go to the door and push it open. "I'm going out, guys. Tell Carlos I'll be back at midnight for the run." and then he'd grab the man's arm "We do this my way." and take him out to Hunter's car, then they'd start driving
AshleyandStuffbasically in circles while he calls Cassie.
AshleyandStuffWhere would she be? At work? Home? Out with Raoul?
AshleyandStuff"hum hum hum I'll take off my halo if you take off your wings~ hm hum hm"
AthenianMoonThe man would say quietly "She will want proof. Tell her my sister was her mother. Her name was Song Jia. American name, Tang Julia. Cassie will know."
AthenianMoonShe'd be at home probably, watching a movie and eating popcorn, just having a night in lol
AthenianMoonSorry for the wait, my sister wanted to see some stuff on youtube.
AshleyandStuffIt's ok ^^ I was jus making sure the connection was still up. He'd ignore the old man and, once Cassie answers the phone ans says where she is he'd simply sat "Stay there, I'm coming over." and then hang up and make a sharp turn, take the shortest route to
AshleyandStuffher house and then turn to the man. "My way. You keep your mouth shut." then get out
AthenianMoonThe man would nervously obey, his hands in his coat pockets as he follows Hunter wherever he goes.
AshleyandStuffHunter would go up to her door, knock, wait for her to answer, then once she does he'd point behind him with a jerk of his thumb. "Followed me to the garage. Says he knew your mom. Tang something." Then he'd walk past her into the house and collapse into
AshleyandStuffthe couch.
AshleyandStuffActing all chill but he's totally on edge
AthenianMoonShe'd stare at the old man, then turn and go "Hunter. You cannot just drop strange Chinese men on my doorstep at 11 o'clock at night. This, NOT okay."
AshleyandStuff"Just talk to him, Cass."
AthenianMoonShe'd sigh deeply, then look back at the man who'd already have out another picture, this one of her mom when she was a baby sitting in his lap. Taken like just after she was born. "Your mother was my sister. Song Jia. Our parents took her to America
AthenianMoonbecause in China, girls are thought bad luck. They want her to have better life. But they die here, and my sister put into American" and Cassie whisper "Foster care..." for him, totally shell-shocked by what he's saying. He'd nod and then
AthenianMoongo on with "When I grow up, I find her. You were already born. She send me many pictures and promise to come see me, but she die. In terrible--"
AthenianMoon"Car crash." she'd finish, now in tears with both hands over her mouth. He'd nod again, then finally say "Cassie, I am your uncle. I need help. You must... We have no one else..."
AshleyandStuffHunter would add in his little two cents there "You should shut the door, Cassie. The whole floor can hear you." (His way of being concerned for her because she's crying)
AthenianMoonAt that point she'd slowly turn around to look at Hunter, look back at her uncle, then gesture him inside, close and lock the door, then grab Hunter's jacket and rush both men into her kitchen. "Did he tell you what's going on, Hunter???"
AshleyandStuffHunter would stuff his hands in his pockets. "Sounds like mob guys. Kidnap, rape, theft and battery. Their MO. Probably over money, -looks over his shoulder at the man- Am I right?" (Oh I love Hunter! <333 He'd make such a good cop!)
AthenianMoonThe man would nod "They promise us jobs to come here. We get here.... no jobs. Only more promises, that they will kill me and my grandson and turn my daughters into prostitutes... We not know they want money. We HAVE no money..." and Cassie would be on
AthenianMoonthe verge of hypvenalating, she's breathing so shallow and fast, and she'd quickly get a glass of cold water, down the entire thing, and then go back to breathing like that. But she'd manage to get out "What do you think I can do?"
AthenianMoonAnd the man would give her a defeated look and shake his head "I do not know. But surely... there must be something...?"
AshleyandStuffHunter would quickly pull her aside. "Cassie, you don't know this man. Nice sob story but he could be anyone. You have no real proof. Are you actually going to trust him?"
AthenianMoonShe'd look up at him and shake her head, "I don't know, I don't know.... -looks back over at the man who is looking down at his feet with his shoulders hunched- Hunter, you... you can't fake that look on his face..."
AshleyandStuffHe'd look at the man, then frown deeply and say in a low voice "I'm not saying he doesn't need help. But why should YOU help him?"
AthenianMoonShe'd give him this very sad, very old look and go "Because he's my family. He's part of me, Hunter. You can't tell me you wouldn't do the same if it was Misha in trouble like this..."
AshleyandStuff"I know Misha is part of my family. I've seen the pictures, I've met the parents, I was in her wedding. He -points- SAYS he's in your family, but you've never met him. You barely even knew your mother!" He'd stop, take a breath "I'm sorry, Cass. I don't
AshleyandStuffwant you to get played. You're a good person. I don't want you to get hurt."
AshleyandStuffThen he'd very carefully ask again "Are you real sure you wanna trust this guy?"
AthenianMoonShe'd go on quickly "We have the same eyes, Hunter. Look at him, again.... now look at me. We have the same eyes. I trust him. You don't have to get involved if you don't want to, I'll understand..."
AshleyandStuffHe'd clench his jaw, then nod. "If you want to do this, no way in frozen hell I'll let you do it by yourself."
AthenianMoonShe'd smile, then quickly hug him and kiss his cheek. She'd probably ask to be taken to meet the rest of the family, the two women and the little boy, and after seeing them all cold, hungry, battered, and terrified, the first words out of her mouth would
AthenianMoonbe "Hey Hunter.... your dad.... He still with law enforcement? >_> "
AshleyandStuffHunter would mutter a curse then ignore the question. "I can call Aunt Jenna. She does stuff like this sometimes."
AthenianMoonShe'd nod..... then push one more time "They'll need POLICE protection though...."
AshleyandStuff"Ah, s**t, Cass...-looks up at her- Damn it, fine. I'll call my dad."
AthenianMoonShe'd kiss his cheek again, then start muttering "So you call your dad and Jenna, and... and Ria's mom works with Immigration... Hunter, we might actually be able to pull this off!"
AshleyandStuffHe'd sigh "Yeah, yeah, don't get too excited. It still might not work." But he'd smile a little when she's not looking, because he's secretly starting to hope it works too. lol
Awww -huggles- First, quick and save all this so we don't forget it!! And.... So Hunter has agreed to call his dad. He'll actually do it right?
AshleyandStuffYes. But it'd be short and sweet. "Hello?" "Joseph, Cassie needs your help. -quick explanation- Can you do anything?" "I'll call in a few favors." "Good." "How are you doing, son?" -click as hunter hangs up-
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