Ashton finds out that Candy is stripper when his friends drag him out to their favorite gentleman's club and he sees her up on stage. He storms out, she goes after him but too late. She gets home and goes straight to bed, he comes home later totally hammered, grabs the pillow from under her head and goes to sleep on the couch. That morning she finds him before she's leaving. They fight, and he blurts out that he has AIDs. He was going to tell her the night before but after seeing her up there like that he was too shocked and couldn't do it. She says she hates him and sprints off, thinking he's making stuff up.
Late on, Candy talks to Becca and Will, finds out it's true, cries about it and everything. Meanwhile Ashton goes to his photoshoot, then to the doctor to see about treatment and support groups and stuff, gets McDonalds for lunch and comes home.
Candy would stop him as soon as she sees him, would go up and wrap her arms around him. Not say anything right away just hug him
AthenianMoonHe'd have his arms out awkwardly, since he's got the mcdonalds bag in one and his drink in the other, and then he'd just go ".... Hi."
AshleyandStuffThen she'd step back and hit his chest. "You're a jerk."
AthenianMoonHe'd blink at her, honestly confused, and then go ".... I'm sorry....?"
AshleyandStuffShe'd continue quietly. "I talked to Becca and Will." then would snap her eyes up to his again, her voice going back to normal "I can't f-ing believe you would f-ing drop something on me like that!" She'd cross her arms and go back to saying quietly. "Did.
AshleyandStuffDid you....see a doctor or something? (then add quickly) Becca doesn't count."
AthenianMoonHe'd nod a little "Thats where I went after my photo shoot. Straight to the hospital. Started looking at counseling services, started AZT and 3TC... The doctor was really good... -looks down, then back up- You'd like him...."
AshleyandStuffShe'd nod "I'd better.. If we have to deal with some f-ing idiot for who knows how long I may have a murder charge to deal with. -looks down at his hands- You should eat."
AthenianMoonHe'd pause, then very seriously but gently go "You should get tested."
AshleyandStuff"I know." she'd turn and start walking towardsthe kitchen
AthenianMoon"I know, like, I really know and I'll do it asap? Or I know, like, I'm saying this to get you off my a** about it?" and he'd follow her, sipping his drink a little.
AshleyandStuffShe'd look over her shoulder at him "I know like, Becca already called one of her friends for me after riding my a** about it all afternoon."
AthenianMoonHe'd nod, then put his food down and start taking it out. "Remind me to thank Becca." then he'd look at the two burgers he got and hold one out to her. "Peace?"
AshleyandStuffShe'd smile and press herself into his arms, pushing his hand with the burger down to the table and moving her lips close to his but not touching. "Yeah, but I'm not going to eat that."
AthenianMoonHe'd look down at her and not react, but then put both hands on her arms, rub them a little, then gently push her away and go "Well I am. I'm hungry." He's not going to sleep with her until they know if she's infected or not. If there's still...
AthenianMoona remote chance she doesn't, he's not going to put her at risk like that.
AshleyandStuffAww He won't even kiss her. xP Poor thing. lol Well, Candy would step away and take a seat at the table with him, to keep him company while he eats, but she'd be silent for a while. Kinda like, still trying to take it all in. She was acting normal but it's
AshleyandStuffall still really weighing on her and she's still super upset about it all.
AthenianMoonHe'd finish one burger quickly, then look at her and go "Do you...want me to come with you when you get tested?"
AshleyandStuffShe'd shrug one shoulder. "I don't want you to have to change your schedule for it or anything."
AshleyandStuff(She does, Candy just likes to pretend she doesn't need anyone lol)
AthenianMoonHe'd shrug in return "I'm not scheduled for a shoot for five days."
AshleyandStuff"Okay." And then she'd go back to just sitting there for a sec, then she'd ask "Does it hurt?"
AthenianMoon"Does what hurt?"
AshleyandStuff"Being sick...and all the meds and...the tests and sh-t."
AthenianMoonHe'd lean back in his chair and eat some fries, then shake his head. "The meds are just oral pills. You have to take them with food usually but aside from that it looks and tastes and feels like you're just taking a vitamin. And when they test you...
AthenianMoonits just a regular blood sample. They take a vial of blood, test it, and if you ask they can give you the results in the same day. We know I didn't have that luxury, but some of the people I've talked to did. And being sick, it... It...
AthenianMoonIt's an emotional pain. Physically you don't feel any different. Some things start to make a lot more sense, but... The pain is just from knowing that you're gonna die. And knowing that you might be a murderer because God knows how many other people hav
AthenianMoonit thanks to you, and... So yeah, I guess it does hurt."
AshleyandStuffShe'd sigh and sink down to fold her arms on the table with her chin resting on her arms. "I'm not going to think about that. Whether I have it or not I'll probably die before I'm 30 anyway."
AthenianMoon"With medication... and a better lifestyle though... I mean, we could live totally normal lifespans..."
AshleyandStuffShe'd half smile "Aren't I lucky I've got you to be optimistic for the both of us."
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For you, my love
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