Hey, hello, I guess you came to know more about me. heart Well, enjoy.
200. My middle name: Ann.
199. I was born in: Pennsylvania.
198. I am really: bored, all the time.
197. My phone is: a hot pink Blackburry.
196. My eye color is: hazel.
194. My ring size is: I have no idea.
193. My height is: 5'4"
192. I am allergic to: feathers, but I’m not even sure on that.
191. I was born on: May 2nd.
190. I am annoyed by: Many people.
189. Last book you’ve read: Great Expectations for school. D:
188. My bed is: comfortable. c;
187. One thing you hate about yourself: My teeth. :[
186. Do you sleep on your side, stomach, or back? Wtf? All.
185. How do you vent anger? Yell, or hold it in until later.
184. How did your day start off? I got up around 6am, and then asked my mom if I could stay home from school for no reason and she said yes. ;D
183. Can you handle the truth? Of course, may as well know.
182. Do you get along with guys or girls better? Depends on who it is, probably guys because they just don't care.
181. How do you think you look right this moment? Bored and tired.
180. Last person you went to the movies with? Now this is a good question...well we didn't go see a movie but Karl, Marisa, Sophie, Matt and I sat at the movie parking lot. Don't ask.
179. My favorite Holiday is: Christmas.
178. The Perfect Kiss is: A soft French kiss. c;
177. The last CD I bought was: Hm, it’s been awhile.
175. Are you living at home? Duh.
174. Do you have any siblings?: One brother.
173. What did you do yesterday? Went to school and had a sucky day.
:::I Do /Do Not Believe In:::
142. Love at first sight?: Maybe.
141. Luck? Kind of iffy on that.
140. Fate?: Naw.
139. Yourself?: Lol, no.
138. Aliens?: Possibly.
137. Heaven?: Yes.
136. Hell?: Yes.
135. Ghosts?: No.
134. Horoscopes?: Sometimes.
133. Soulmates?: Yeah.
:::Which is Better?:::
128. Drunk or High? High all the way.
127. On phone or online?: Online.
126. Red heads or Black heads?: Black heads, lol, that doesn’t sound weird at all.
125. Blonds or Brunettes? Brunettes, even though I'm blond.
124. Hot or cold?: Depends on what we're talking about here.
123. Summer or Winter?: Not sure.
121. Chocolate or vanilla?: Both.
120. Night or Day?: Always depends on my mood.
119. Oranges or Apples?: Apples.
118. Curly or Straight hair: I like both. c;
:::Here's What I Think About:::
116. Abortion: Wrong, and murder!
115. Backstabbers: F**ck them.
114. Parents: They’re alright.
:::Last time I:::
102. Hugged someone?: Wow, it's been awhile.
101. Saw someone: Today?
100. Cried in front of someone?: Last Friday, but it was more of a fake cry, sort of.
90. Who is the ditziest person you know?: Hayley. cx
89. Who makes you laugh? Karl, Marisa, Matt, Sophie, my bro...
88. Last show you watched: That '70's Show. rofl
87. What you don't understand is: why some people think they’re hot, but they’re really not.
80. The most unsatisfying answer I've ever received is: When someone says, idk.
76. Something I will really miss when I leave home is?: The not giving a s**t about anything and losing really good friends.
75. The thing I'm looking forward to the most is?: Getting my license and a car.
73. Tomorrow: I will go to school.
72. Today: I accomplished nothing and I'm gonna go to bed at 10pm.
71. Next Summer: I'm hopefully going to do something fun. Like smoke some weed. xP
70. This Weekend: Imma do nothing cuz I'm basically grounded. Yay!
67. People call me: The Space Cowboy. XD jk They call me Sarah, what else would they call me?
62. The person(s) who knows the most about me is: Marisa and my bro.
60. The most difficult thing to do is: say I’m sorry.
59. I haven't gotten a speeding ticket: Nope, I haven’t because I don't have my license. ):
55. The first person I talked to today was: my ma.
54. First time you had a crush: 1st grade, lol.
53. The one person who I can't hide things from: All of my friends, basically.
52. Last time someone said something you were thinking: “Get out of my room.”
51. Right now I am talking to: you.
50. What is your dream job? Getting paid for doing nothing.
49. First job?: I haven’t had one, yet!
47. I have these pets: Two cats.
46. I wish: I had a car.
45. The worst sound in the world is: Miley Cyrus’ voice!
44. The person who makes me cry the most is: No one does.
43. Best sound in the world?: Dubstep.
42. Who makes you happy? My friends.
38. Cats or dogs?: I like cats more, unless if the dog is a toy pom.
36. Which Golden Girl would you be?: idk Betty White?
35. Myspace or Facebook: Fb.
34. Mexican food or Chinese? Chinese, duh.
33. My favorite piece of clothing? Jeans.
32. My favorite color(s) are: Mediterranean blue, hot pink, and neon purple.
31. Last time I cried: Didn't I already answer this?
30. My friends are: hilarious and always there for me.
29. My computer is: slow and shitty.
27. Last person I got mad at? Cheyenne.
26. Person you secretly crush? Well, I kinda like Joey and Aaron...and maybe Matt. Lol that's a lot, isn't it?
25. Favorite food place? China Buffet.
24. Favorite song: Well right now it's “Turn It Down” by Kaskade.
23. Paper or plastic? Plastic, biotch.
22. The all-time best show is: That '70's Show. xD
21. The all-time best feeling in the world is: Being loved and gettin' high.
20. Favorite scent?: Vanilla and Waterlilly. :]
19. What color is your hairbrush?: Light pink and it says, “You can love me if you want to.”
18. Favorite shoes: Converse and slippers.
17. I lose all respect for people who: Lie, backstab, or tell your secrets.
15. Color of your room: Black and purple. 8D
14. TV channels you watch?: USA, MTV, ABCFAM, TBS, TLC, etc.
13. Best Feature(s) in the opposite sex: Their appearances and their personalities.
11. The worst pain I was ever in was: Emotional or physical? Well, I'll do physical since I haven't been in much emotional pain. I once slid down the stairs of my house and was on top of my ankle the whole way down and I sprained it. Hurt like a mofo.
10. Best Memory? So far there has been two: 1) When Karl, Marisa and I threw tacos at Wayne's car and we found out he thought it was his Indian neighbors so he threw a pizza at their house, 2) Last Friday night when I got high wit my friends. wink
9. Favorite TV show? I feel like I’ve already answer this. neutral
8. My favorite singer: Ronnie Radke.
7. Favorite Stuffed Animal: Idk.
6. Greatest Fear: Rejection.
5. My weakness is: sports. lol
4. Why did you kiss the last person you kissed? It was a dare. stare
3. Who broke your heart? No one has, yet.
2. One thing that makes you feel great is: when someone you like compliments you. ^^
1. One person that you wish you could see right now: My bro.
200 Random Question Survey
1. Have you ever peed your pants after age 8? Nope. lol
2. Who do you have a crush on now? Look in my last survey if you're wondering.
3. Would you date someone you met online? Eh...I have, but I've decided not to anymore. It makes me sound desperate. o:
4. Do you wear deodorant? Hell yeah! I don't want stinky pits.
5. Do you hate yourself? I hate things I've done, but I don't hate myself.
6. Have you ever met a celebrity? Yes, I've met the lead singer of This Beautiful Republic, Ben. <3
7. Do you like tongue twisters? That's a strange question. neutral
8. Do you have a boyfriend? Sadly, no. T-T
9. Do you know how to drive a car? Yes, but I my mom won't let me get my license.
10. Have you ever been camping? In my backyard.
11. How many times a day do you go on myspace? Never.
12. What was the last movie you saw in a theater? Breaking Dawn, rofls.
13. Have you ever cut off a limb? question
14. Where did you get your last email from? idfk and frankly idfc.
15. Favorite website? Youtube all the way.
16. Are you ghetto? Lol, no.
17. Will the world end in fire or ice? Well, we already had an ice age, so fire.
18. Do you believe in the external world? External world? What?!
19. Would you cry if MySpace stopped working? I don't f**king have one! o:
20. Do you have a blog? No.
21. Have you ever been on a roller coaster? Duh.
22. Favorite year so far? This year/next year.
23. Do you consider yourself religious? More religious than others.
24. How do you usually dress? Casually with jeans, shirt, socks...etc.
25. Have you ever been to Six Flags or Cedar Point? Hell yeah, except it's not called Six Flags anymore, it's called Elitch Gardens. lol
26. Would you eat sushi? Monsters Inside Me! D;
27. Would you smoke? I already have, but I'll never smoke tobacco.
28. What is your favorite sport? Tennis.
29. Do you believe that animals have souls? I hope they do.
30. Who did you last talk to? My ma.
31. What is one thing that annoys you? Show-offs.
32. Do you believe in God? Yes, I do. Got a problem with that? Then you've got a problem with Jesus.
33. Have you ever fallen in love with a neighbor? Damn, that'd be awesome, but no.
34. Last time you saw your mom? Like an hour ago? She's just across the hall.
35. Would you be president if you could? NO!
36. Do you like cats? c: Yes.
37. How are you feeling right now? ******** school, and ******** the po-lice!
38. Do you have a soul? Everyone does, that's what I believe.
39. One best friend or many good friends? How about many best friends? lol
40. Do you believe in spontaneous combustion? Which is?
41. Mom or Dad? Gotta have them both, because without my mom, my dad would discipline me and my brother more than enough. Without my dad, my mom would never let us do things. O:
42. Is it Pet's Mart or Pet Smart? Dammit, you've confused me!
43. Do you like the band Radiohead? Who are they?
44. What is your favorite female name? I like the name Camille.
45. Have you ever shoplifted? Yes. rofl
46. Do you think Snoop Dogg sucks? Most definitely.
47. Have you ever driven a Ferrari? No. O:
48. What do you call those little plastic things on the ends of shoelaces? It starts with a u! surprised
49. Have you ever walked more than a mile? Ran is more like it.
50. Do you believe in magic? Lol, no. Magicians just create illusions.
51. Have you ever been suspended from school? No.
52. Have you ever skipped school? ******** yes.
53. Explain what you think about hippies. Why the hell do they wear those sweat headbands? And those disco shoes? And those wide pants? And those aviator sunglasses? And most importantly, why the ******** am I never invited to their weed parties?
54. New York or California? New York.
55. Have you ever been dumped? Yeah.
56. What are you wearing right now? Some pjs.
57. Favorite city? Bethlehem, PA.
58. Collar popped or normal? Popped, makes you look like a pimp. ;D
59. Have you ever asked someone out? I'm a p***y, so no.
60. Do you have any collections? Not unless if you count stuffed animals.
61. Ocean or pool? Pool, that way you don't accidentally swallow salt water or get eaten by a shark. D: But it has to be a damn good pool.
62. Fridays or Ruby Tuesdays? Friday's.
63. Do you want to go to college? Yes.
64. Have you ever gone to a mall? xDDDDD That's the dumbest question ever.
65. Would you be my friend? Hell no!
66. Why do you like the music you do? Why do you like the music you do? Yeah, I went there.
67. Do you read much? Not much anymore, just been too lazy lately.
68. Favorite country? US because I've never been to any other country.
69. What is something you wish you were better at? Science and sports.
70. What's your favorite album/CD? The Drug in Me is You.
71. Hamburgers or cheeseburgers? Cheeseburgers.
72. Planes or boats? I've never been on a boat.
73. One rumor that's been spread about you: That I gave my friend a bj at Twirp last year. ******** lies, bro.
74. Who is your newest friend? Um...Sophie, I've known her awhile but we recently started to become friends.
75. Have you ever sat on a rooftop? Yes. O:
76. Last text? “Lol same.” We were talking about not doing our homowork.
77. Do you drink soda? All the time.
78. Do you like yourself? Didn't I already answer this?
79. Hot or cold? Depends on what we're talking about.
80. Do you play an instrument? Piano and some violin.
81. What's your favorite movie? Pineapple Express.
82. Would you date someone older than you? Yes, I prefer to because it's kind of strange to date a younger guy.
83. Do you believe in love at first sight? Idk, it has to happen to me before I truly believe it.
84. Favorite type of sock? The ankle high ones.
85. Do you drink alcohol? Sometimes.
86. Do you want to talk to anyone right now? Yeah, I'm so ******** bored.
87. Would you dress as the opposite sex? Yeah. xD
88. Do you like to learn? If it's something I want to learn about...yeah you know what I'm talking about. ;D
89. Have you ever been hit on by the same sex? Yes.
90. Where did you last go on vacation? Utah.
91. Yahoo or Google? Google.
92. Explain your religious beliefs. I'm Catholic, look it up.
93. Do you have a bad life? I wouldn't say so.
94. Favorite comic strip? Cyanide and Happiness.
95. Have you ever broken a bone? I've sprained my ankle.
96. Do you have any piercings? Hell yeah...on my ears! lol
97. Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No, but it sound fun. -wink wink-
98. What name brand do you wear the most? neutral I don't know.
99. Last time you were really really mad? When my computer ******** messed up my itunes and all the music I have in it.
100. What is your favorite flavor in general? Depends.
101. Name four things you always have with you: My phone, ipod, money, and glasses.
102. How many ex boyfriends/girlfriends do you have? I've only really had one.
103. Why do you admire people? Either because of what they've done or how they act.
104. Do you like sports? Not at all, though tennis is an exception.
105. Would you have sex before marriage? Why or why not? I know I shouldn't, but it really just depends on the moment.
106. What is your favorite male name? I love the name Destery.
107. Do animals go to Heaven? I would hope so.
108. Last time you saw your dad? 2 weeks ago.
109. What is your favorite hair style? Any as long as it's not a guy hair cut (on girls).
110. Do you like your name? Yes, I do.
111. Would you drop out of school or quit your job? I'd quit my job if necessary, but wouldn't drop out of school.
112. When you wake up, what is the first thing you think? ******** school. And on the weekends, I should probably get up.
113. Have you ever pulled an all-nighter? Hell yes.
114. What is the perfect day for you? A day where you're never bored!
115. Last time you used the bathroom? Um an hour or two ago?
116. Have you ever failed a grade? Why? Nope. Why? Because I'm smart.
117. Have you met anyone online? Duh.
118. Have you ever smoked? Yep.
119. Do you like celebrities? It's a love, hate situation.
120. Do you like traveling? Yes.
121. Would you go rock climbing? In indoors.
122. Do you believe in love? Yes.
123. Have you ever snuck anyone into your house? No, but I so want to.
124. Do you personally know any bums? Personally? No.
125. Do you believe in aliens? No.
126. Have you ever kissed someone? Yes, but it don't really count cuz I was 7.
127. Would you sell your soul to the Devil? What the f**k? NO
128. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. -_-
129. Hug or kiss? D'aw, both.
130. Bagels or chicken? Raaandom, but bagels all the way.
131. What is your eye color? Hazel.
132. Watching or playing sports? Neither.
133. Would you have plastic surgery? No.
134. Last phone call? That would be Marisa.
135. Do you have a girlfriend? I am a straight girl, so no.
136. How do you align yourself politically? The one that doesn't really care right now.
137. Do you have any pets? Why? Two cats. Why? Well, why the f**k not?
138. Do you believe in soul mates? Yeah. c:
139. Do you stop to smell the roses? Only when they're pretty. lol
140. Do you like taking surveys? I've got nothing better to do.
141. Have you ever stolen something over $20? Not that I know of.
142. Disney or Warner Brothers? Disney.
143. Do you know how to drive stick? I know how, but I suck major balls at it.
144. Do you ever use your full name? For what?
145. Do you get annoyed easily? Yes.
146. Would you eat human flesh for money? Ahahahahah! Maybe.
147. Dogs or cats? Cats.
148. Have you ever been on a road trip? Yeah...and I kind of like them for some reason.
149. What's your favorite drink? Anything soda and Capn Morgan.
150. Favorite food? Shrimp Alfredo.
151. Do you like seafood? Love popcorn shrimp!
152. Have you ever sworn? No s**t, I've been swearing throughout this survey.
153. Would you try to take over the world? With Johnny Depp. o:
154. Would you give me $5? Then strip, b***h!
155. Have you ever been asked out? Like on a date, or to go out and do something? These questions are always so unclear. lol
156. How much cash do you have right now? None, since I still get money from my parents.
157. Weekdays or weekends? Weekends during school, weekdays during summer.
158. Jeans or skirt? How bout both?
159. Do you want to get married? Yes.
160. You're having a bad day. Who do you want to talk to? Someone who doesn't annoy me.
161. Do you study the Bible? Forced.
162. Mints or chewing gum? Chewing gum.
163. Shorts or pants? Depends.
164. Name one person you hate, and why: Sammy, because she's a b***h and can't shaddup.
165. What's your favorite store? Does City Brew count?
166. One goal you'd like to achieve this year: Getting laid. JUST KIDDING! xD
167. Do you like cows? Yeah, they give me my f**king milk!
168. Who is your oldest friend? How long have you known them? Macey, since kindergarten, but idk if that counts since we don't really talk anymore.
169. Do you like photography? YES!
170. Pain or no gain? Pain.
171. Say something annoying. Nananananananananananananana Batman!
172. How often do you visit your myspace/xanga/etc. profile? A lot. lol
173. Do you ever cook? I only cook cake, eggs, ramen and pizza rolls.
174. Have you ever been on a boat? I wish.
175. What do you do most when you're bored? This, youtube or watch tv.
176. What is your favorite musical instrument? Harp.
177. What's your phone ringtone? Big Boss by Doctor P.
178. Have you ever been in a movie? Nope.
179. Cappuccino or coffee? Cappuccino.
180. Have you ever been on a plane? Yes.
181. Have you ever seen Switchfoot in concert? No. T-T
182. Would you run from the police? If necessary.
183. Have you ever been asked for an autograph? I don't think so.
184. Do you wear makeup? Yes.
185. Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend? ): Yeah.
186. Last hug? Don't remember.
187. Have you ever been high... on life? xD Yes.
188. Sneakers or flip-flops? Flip-flops.
189. Do you want to have kids? Kinda.
190. Are you afraid of the dark? Sorta. xD
191. What if you had three wishes - what would you wish for? The most sweetest, loving, hot bf, MONEY MONEY MONEY...MONAY, and peace.
192. Do you feel sad often? *nods*
193. Have you ever been in love? Not exactly sure.
194. Do you shower daily? Yes.
195. Have you ever prank called someone? xD Yes.
196. Boxers or briefs? On guys? Boxers.
197. You are about to die. What do you do with your worldly possessions? Give them to someone I care about.
198. Have you ever bought a car? No.
199. What is your favorite type of music? The good kind.
200. What's your family like? WEIRD!
Did you like this survey? It kept me occupied. :3
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